
The Boys - And the Avatar

Teen with the powers of the avatar becomes a supe

LastStreetBender · TV
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


I was sent into the office after some blonde chick had walked out with a joyful look on her face i walked in scared out of my mind i walked in front of the representatives desk and introduced myself

"Hello, I'm Mark Harris. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm here for an interview to join one of the teenager teams and hopefully work for Vought industries." i tell the lady reaching my hand out

"Uh, oh. Hello there , My name is Amy I will be conducting the interview for your application." she shakes my hand she directed me to look into the camera on the desk "first let's start on why should work here at Vought."

"Well, ever since i was a kid, I've always had the example of my grandfather to look up to. He was a doctor, and he always devoted his life to helping people. For example he gave surgeries to people that couldn't afford them. Seeing him help so many people has inspired me to help me to want to help other people in turn, and with the ability to control the elements, i figured, what better way is there to help peoples lives than being a superhero."

"Ok, next I'd like to ask you...

The interview continued for another 30 minutes with her asking me many more questions about my life, Powers, and why i wanted to work for vought. After the interview we both stood up and Amy gave me a handshake and said they would call me back for their response

A day later, I meditating waiting for a response from Vought when i received a call. i quickly answered it

" Yes hello there this Amy Williams am I speaking to Mark Harris."

"Yes hello there, this is Mark. What can i do for you? "

"Hi Mark, this is about the interview I had with you yesterday. I'm calling to inform you that you have been accepted to be a new member for the team Young Americans at Vought industries."

I was stunned i was just accepted to be on a team. I stammered a response

"That's great, when and where should i go."

"I'd like to meet you here at Vought industries headquarters tomorrow at 8:00am, where we talked yesterday. Could you meet me there then."

"Of course, I'm looking forward to be working for Vought."

"We'll be glad to have you here. See you soon."


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