
The Boy Who Left

“I only left so I wouldn’t hurt you.” “Yeah well, you leaving hurt me so l guess that plan backfired!” Kian bloom went her whole life with her head in some book being aware that she was unseen and unheard by nearly everyone. That’s how she liked it, until her boyfriend well ex-boyfriend Ethan Gaytes left two year ago to god knows where breaking Kians heart and trust. Leaving Kian with no one to be alone with anymore. Now she’s a new person. She’s the head cheerleaders right hand man ruling the school with her wits and sarcasm, enjoying her senior year to the fullest, but what happens when Ethan returns.

Reviewly · Adolescente
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7 Chs

THE Start

Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Ugh." That alarm Clock never ceases to fuck up my life. I reached over to shut the damn thing off and just lay there taking in the moments before I had to leave the coolness of my bed.

"WAKE UP KIAN!" My mom yells through my door and here starts my day. I swung my legs over to feel the very soft carpet on my feet. After a few seconds of daydreaming about getting the sleep I didn't get last night I finally moved on to my bathroom that was connected to my room. Lucky me. My brothers can have a fight over the hallway bathroom and I can just chill.

Walking into my bathroom I immediately turned on the shower and once I turned around to get my towel but was distracted by my ugly appearance. I had puffy eyes and dark circles which stems from my lack of sleep here lately. Luckily they made Tarte Shape-Tape concealer.

"Can't think of the past Kian, it'll ruin you," I said to myself. Today is going to be a good day... I hope. My shower was quick and fast considering I had to time manage. Doing my makeup takes 45 minutes. Don't judge me 20 of those minutes are solely in eyebrows and those need to be perfect. Finding an outfit probably would have made me late for school, but luckily today marked the first football game of the school year. Meaning cute cheer leading outfit for today.

I find time to go past my brothers rooms and yell at them to hurry up so we can pick up Jax. They tell me to go away and leave them alone like usuals and I just laugh.

I make my way downstairs to find my mom making breakfast which is unusual for sure but I'm in no position to question it. But then I look over and see made my favorites. French toast with Nutella.

"Awe, thanks, mom." I lean over kiss her on the cheek with simultaneously Grabbing pieces of french toast and Nutella I took one bite and I was already in heaven.

"No problem sweetie. Where are your brothers?" I rolled my eyes and shrugged my shoulders. They take forever, and they're only in middle school so what could they possibly be doing.

"I don't know, but if they are not down here by the time I finish my breakfast, they are walking to school." my mom went on to make her tea while I ate my breakfast waiting for the boys and got lost in this rabbit hole of my own thoughts. Like the fact that My mom never cooks breakfast only on big days or bad news days. The last time she cooked was the first day of school and the time before that my brother's guinea pig died when he was at school so what was this all about. I mean she could just be being nice but my mother isn't the type do all of this without a general reason.

"Mom is there anything you want to tell me." she looks me in the eye and looked away immediately. What the hell is this? That's an obvious yes so anything after this is just pointless for her to Deny

"Mom?" She began to shake her head and here I was thinking today was going to be a good day. Actually a piece of me just knew like in my gut that I was going to have a bad day but annoyingly I pushed that aside.

"Can't I just cook for my daughter?" She's avoiding my question. Just like me when Loral ask me something dumb or just outright something that just doesn't matter or apply to me.

"No mom because you hate washing dishes." I answered. We do a stare down for a few minutes , but she cracked first looking away, ashamed that she had lost to her daughter. Haha. I'll never lose a stare down if it's the last thing on do in this world.

"Fine Kian I just don't want to upset you." I rolled my eyes knowing there was no avoiding that. I'm always upset just different levels of that feeling.

"Mom nothing can be that bad." Other than well a lot of things but I won't be upset with you. That's kind of all that matter.

"Well, Kian-."

"Come on Kian we are running late." My thirteen-year-old brother Mickey says, interrupting mom and tanner not too far behind. Ugh brats.

"Who's fault is that?" I asked looking away from mom to the litter bastards tugging me out the door.

"Okay, okay just let go of me." I say, grabbing my keys off of the hook unlocking the car from here so they can leave me alone.

"Bye mother text me that bad news and love you." she nods her head, handing me my backpack and credit card. That I almost forgot. I'm an Idiot.

"Love you guys too." While I was leaving the house all I saw was a worried mother face. I hope she's okay.