
The Boy Next DOOR.

When fate decides to bring you back to your past, you have no choice but to comply.

Debby_Sabitue · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

The Upside Down.

Rumble Rumble.

Deafening sounds of thunder could be heard in a kingdom named 'The Upside Down'. Red thunder striking in the dark cloudy clouds

A kingdom with thunder striking continuously. Different realms for different species, deadly boundaries, crazy rules, Mysterious leaders. Each realms with different deadly atmosphere.

A mystical realm shrouded in darkness and mystery. The constant rumble of thunder adds a dramatic and ominous atmosphere to the kingdom. The landscape is dominated by towering, jagged peaks, with eerie, swirling mists that cloak the kingdom in an otherworldly haze.

Sinister-looking castles, adorned with mystical symbols, could stand as a testament to the magical power that rules the land. The thunder strikes could coincide with the use of powerful spells, creating a sense of both danger and awe in this enchanting yet foreboding kingdom.

" Hahaha" A malicious laughter that could be described as hauntingly cackling, echoing through the air with a spine-chilling and mystical resonance. It possess a sinister quality, punctuated by wicked cackles that send shivers down the spine, revealing the supernatural essence and arcane nature of the laughter.

" He has found himself another!, What a surprise. I never knew it would be so soon, he wants to be freed so bad, he wants to be freed from my curse. Hahahaha" she snickered amusingly laughing so eerily like before.

" What should we do now Lord Linda" Her personal assistant asked.

" We kill him too, No we won't!, We'll make him kill him with his own hands, just like the way he has always done, he doesn't know he's bringing me more sacrifice with those lover he's searching for, the one who would free him, the one he can never find and will never see" Her voice thunder.

Let's introduce Kelvin:

In a world where the ancient enmity between vampires and werewolves has persisted for centuries, the very notion of their coexistence seemed impossible. Werewolves, with their unmatched speed, endurance, and ferocity, were the apex predators of their realm. Their sharp claws could shred bone and metal alike, and their ability to heal from wounds made them formidable survivors. Vampires, on the other hand, wielded their own set of powers—superhuman strength, agility, and longevity. With their sharp fangs and claws, they were equally fearsome, possessing abilities such as hypnotism and transformation.

Yet, in a twist of fate that defied the natural order. A vampire and a werewolf, found love amidst a war that should have kept them apart. Their forbidden romance defied all odds, leading to the birth of Kelvin—a being unlike any other.

For as long as Kelvin could remember, his existence had been shadowed by fear and loneliness. Born from the forbidden union of a vampire and a werewolf, he was the product of a love that never should have been. He was a Vaewolf, a creature of both worlds, yet belonging to neither. His kind wasn't just rare—it was feared, hunted, and hated. And now, he was cursed.

The weight of his promise to his mother pressed heavy on his chest, a silent reminder of the devastating consequences of his rage. He still remembered the day he lost control. His power had surged like an unchained beast, untamed and wild, leading to the death of his closest friend. That day, his mother had made him swear never to use his powers again, never to unleash the darkness that lurked within him. He had agreed, not just for her sake, but because he knew the truth—his power was as much a curse as the one placed upon him.

His family had been his only anchor, his sister, in particular, the light in his otherwise dark world. She believed in him when no one else did, offering words of wisdom that seemed far beyond her years. But her faith in him wasn't enough to save her from the hunters who came for his power. The moment she fell, shot dead in front of his eyes, something inside Kelvin broke. The rage he had suppressed for so long erupted like a storm, drowning him in sorrow and vengeance.

He unleashed everything—his claws, his fangs, and the unimaginable force he had locked away for years. He didn't just kill his enemies; he decimated them. Flesh and blood flew through the air as his enemies fell, one by one, until there were none left standing. But among the dead was the child of the ruler of The Upside Down, a realm filled with beings far older and more dangerous than Kelvin had ever known. In her grief, the ruler cursed him with a punishment worse than death.

"You will never know love," she spat as she cursed him. "For every heart you grow close to, you will destroy with your own hands. Love will be your downfall, and you will walk this world alone, forever tormented by the blood of those you cherish."

That curse had come true, time and time again. Friends, lovers, even strangers who showed him kindness—whenever Kelvin allowed his heart to feel anything for them, the monster within him emerged. The transformation was always the same: his bones would snap, his skin would tear, and his human form would give way to the monstrous beast of rage and death. In the blink of an eye, those he cared for were reduced to lifeless bodies at his feet.

The curse isolated him from everything and everyone. His once vibrant heart was now closed off, frozen with fear of hurting others. The night always held the same terror for him: the possibility that he might love, and in loving, destroy. And so, he kept his distance, locking himself away from the world, allowing no one to come close.

Yet, through it all, his parents survived, though the reason why remained a mystery. Perhaps the curse knew it would be too cruel to take them from him. Perhaps it wanted him to live with the agony of knowing he could never love anyone else the way he loved his family. Or perhaps, deep down, his parents were stronger than even the curse itself.

Kelvin stood now in the ruins of his childhood home, the memories of his sister's laughter echoing in the silence. His heart ached for the life he could never have. But as much as he yearned to break free from the chains of his curse, he knew that path would not come without sacrifice. He would have to confront the one who had cursed him, face the ruler of The Upside Down, and demand that the curse be lifted.

But there was a cost to everything.

The question lingered in his mind: Could he risk using his powers again? Would confronting the ruler mean unleashing the beast within, once more succumbing to the very darkness he had sworn to suppress?

Kelvin took a deep breath, his eyes narrowing as he looked into the distance. The time for hiding was over. He would find a way to control the monster within him. And if he couldn't... then he would burn the world down trying.

In the end, he had nothing left to lose—except the faint hope that maybe, just maybe, he could find peace.

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