


/"You thought she was going to leave like Levy did, didn't you?/"

Harry walked straight past Matt, pretending his words were alien to his ears and memories. /"Don't know what you're talkin' about, Matt,/" he responded cooly. Harry pulled off his shorts and walked to the showers. A bottle of his shampoo was on the shelf due to his frequent practice, so he turned the nob and. as water flowed out, so did words from his coach's mouth.

/"Harry, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Why don't you admit you actually care for once, huh?/" he challenged, unaffected by Harry's current nudity as he washed himself off and rinsed in under five minutes. Matt waited for an answer.

/"Because I don't,/" the younger boy answered, slapping the taps off and drying himself. He didn't know why everyone was so up his ass about all this crap. It's never been a problem before, so why is it now?

/"Yes, you do./"