


Later, when my mum called for dinner, my prediction that the night could only get progressively worse became true. No one really spoke. The night was just filled with awkward glances and harsh glares. Fifteen minutes in my dad had already made a scene about how I was choosing Harry over my own family now. Truth be told this was the first Christmas I was spending here since graduating from high school, and it was all because of Harry we were here. My mother and father were just as hot tempered as Harry and I only this time instead of them fighting it was me and my dad. I was never one to really fight with them but apparently boundaries in this house didn't exist anymore.

After my father's comment on my irresponsibility, again, I threw down my napkin over my food and b-lined for my bedroom. All of this was really tempting me to just go back home. And by home I mean with Harry back in London.