


The music seemed louder than usual, the bass making a deep thumping in the center of his chest. At least, that was what Harry was telling himself. He knew it was really the beating of his heart, but refused to admit it, amongst other things lately. He didn't know why but he felt nervous and anxious. What if she didn't show up? What if he was already too much of a dick to her? What if-

He stopped himself. He'd spent years not caring what other people thought and he would continue to do so, no matter what the cost.

Cryssy spotted Harry easily as soon as he arrived. The girls would whisper about 'Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome' the moment he stepped foot into the club. His eyes passing right over them as if they were nothing, which was actually slightly amusing to Cryssy. Knowing Harry didn't care to give them the time of day gave her some satisfaction. She didn't know why, but she was too lazy to begin questioning it. She was too busy denying Harry was anything other than a rotten, self-centered jerk, even though part of her mind knew that was a lie. He had to be something more . . . he had to be. He did save her, after all.

Harry practically stalked over to the table, Louis, as per usual, greeting him with great enthusiasm. Considering Harry had such a temper, Cryssy was amused he could stand someone as out-going and childish as Louis.

/"Hey bud, glad you made it!/" Harry slid into the booth, right across from Cryssy and began to fiddle with the bendy straw placed in a currently empty drink.

/"I did promise,/" he answered lowly, glancing up at Cryssy through the thick lashes surrounding his light green eyes. Cryssy tried to act uninterested, her eyes panning towards the crowd of dancing bodies as if she wanted to join them.

She didn't. Nor did Harry promise anything at all.

/"So . . ./" Lou began, glancing between the two of them. He looked to the couple he had brought with them sitting next to Cryssy, who were currently swallowing each other's tongues.

' Nice pick Lou. Way to go, he thought. Perfect people to bring tot he club, he sighed. /"Drinks?/" Louis asked awkwardly. Harry nodded.

/"I'll get them,/" and with that, he was gone. Louis looked to Cryssy pleadingly.

/"At least talk to him!/"

/"I have nothing to say,/" she answered plainly

/"He likes you,/" Lou blurted

/"You'll say just about anything, won't you?/" she huffed.

/"Cryssy, look, I need your help,/" she rolled her eyes and stared blankly at Louis. /"I know you think Harry is a self-centered prick, but it's because it's all he's shown you./"


/"The only reason he shows you that is because he thinks you don't care to know any other part of him. He's been this way his whole life and I just need someone for him to love and to love him. Cryssy, he needs someone to care. He dosen't have that./"

/"He has you,/" she reasoned.

/"I'm afraid I'm not enough anymore,/" he sighed.

/"Look, I'm not about to try and get on the good side of someone who changes emotions faster than the wind changes direction, okay?/" Louis sighed.

/"Please Cryssy? For me?/" She rolled her eyes.

/"I don't see what me caring would do, Louis./"

/"It would do a lot,/" he answered. /"You just gotta wait and see./"

/"Yeah, we'll see, alright,/" she muttered just as Harry returned with the drinks. He placed all three on the table, not bothering with the couples because they obviously had enough saliva to swap to keep their mouths from drying.

/"Thank you, Harry,/" Lou smiled, then shot a look Cryssy.

/"Yeah . . . thanks,/" she muttered sourly. Harry smirked.

/"What's got your panties in a twist, babe? Upset you didn't get laid by me last night?/" She grit her teeth, squeezing the glass in her hand as Louis stared, wide eyed.

/"You're such a fucking prick,/" she spat.

/"A prick that you want to fuck./" Cryssy let out a shriek of disgust.

/"I don't know how people deal with you! You're such a bloody ass-hole!/"

/"Better than the ass-hole you were with before,/" Harry shrugged, unfazed by the words being shouted at him.

/"Still want me to care, Lou?/" Louis still stood, shocked.

/"I- uh . . ./"

/"Exactly,/" she huffed, grabbing her coat and making her way out the door. She dodged the drunks around her and pulled on her coat just before the night air hit. Cryssy thought about calling a cab but then remembered she'd forgotten her phone inside. Since going back in and facing Harry was out of the question, she decided to walk. It wasn't too far from home anyway and she could always get her phone back from Louis tomorrow. Most people would think it's crazy to walk home alone at night in London, but Cryssy didn't really care. She just wanted to get home and sleep. She'd had enough with ass-hole men and caring when she shouldn't.

The sound of light footsteps behind her made Cryssy slightly worried. That was always the sound you would hear in horror movies right before you get killed. Cryssy turned slightly and noticed the figure of a tall, bulky man. She blinked, surprised all though she shouldn't be. She was in the wrong side of town in too less of clothing, in the dark and alone. She wasn't the smartest right now.

Picking up the pace, she tucked her hands in her jacket pockets and listened. His pace quickened too, and so she changed to a slight jog. Over her own heavy breathing, she could hear the steps getting closer. Looking back, she saw he was running. She began to run too, her own heavy breathing slightly masking the man's footsteps, but she still heard him loud and clear. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps stopped, so she did, too. Without warning, she was grabbed and hauled into the ally.

Cryssy screamed, flailing her arms and legs sporadically hoping to some-how hit her killer, or rapist, or whatever he was right now. She had no idea what she should expect from this, but when he slammed her against the wall and ripped open her jacket, it all made sense.

/"Don't scream,/" he threatened, but Cryssy was too frightened to even move, let alone yell for help.


Louis snapped out of his trance when Cryssy left, leaving him to turn and glare at his friend. /"Harry what the hell?! I thought you were going to be nice!?/" he shrugged.

/"She was being moody./"

/"BECAUSE YOU WERE A DICK,/" he shouted. /"Go and talk to her!/" Harry rolled his eyes. He did promise Louis, and, although he really didn't want to put up with an emotional woman right now, he went after her anyway, walking out the door and searching for her tiny figure. When he spotted her, she was already halfway down the road . . . and she wasn't alone.

Harry squinted, trying to find out what was going on, when he realized Cryssy was being followed. On impulse, he followed. Maybe it just so happened that they were going the same way, but Harry followed anyway. He noticed Cryssy began to jog . . . so did the man . . .and so did he. She began to run and, again, he followed until they disappeared into an ally. Cryssy's scream startled him, something within him making his feet move faster and his punch harder when he finally made it to her.

Harry swung hard and fast, connecting his fist with the stranger's face in an instant. The worst damage the man had done was rip Cryssy's shirt before he was on the ground. /"Get out of here!/" Harry barked angrily. The stranger stood up.

/"Yeah, right!/" Harry was surprised to say the least; he didn't expect for this guy to even get up, let alone try and fight back. So, Harry took another swing, and another and another, yet the guy fought back, making low blows and even decking Harry once in the face before Harry got so fed up he hit him hard right int he gut. The stranger heaved, holding his stomach and dropping to his knees before passing out in a lump in the gutter. Harry huffed in annoyance, wiping his bloody, busted lip with the back of his hand before approaching Cryssy

/"You okay?/" Cryssy only stared back in utter shock before nodding yes quickly. She pulled her jacket closed, feeling the breeze hit her bare breasts, and was surprised Harry had looked away.

/"Thank you,/" she whispered quietly. /"Is your lip okay?/" Harry shrugged in response.

/"We should get you back to Louis so he could take you home,/" was all he said, then walked out of the ally, assuming Cryssy would follow.

She did.

/"What would even posess you to walk home at this hour alone?/" Harry asked. Cryssy shrugged.

/"I dunno, but I won't be doing it again,/" she answered, shakily. Harry looked back at her, contemplating what to do with her. She was obviously shaken and cold; her shirt was ripped, so all she had was her bloody jacket. He thought for a momet, then took off his and placed it on her shoulders. Cryssy didn't know what to say other than thank you. Her chattering teeth calmed after a few minutes, and they came to the club. Through the glass, they could see Louis taking shot and Harry huffed in annoyance.

/"Looks like I'll be taking you home/", he sighed. Cryssy followed him silently to the car, getting in the passenger side and waiting patiently as he closed her door and went around to his side. She was silent for most of the ride until she blurted out the question that wouldn't stop bouncing around in her mind.

/"Why did you follow me?/" she asked, suddenly.

/"Louis told me to,/" he answered. It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth, either. Louis said to talk to her, not follow her down the street and stop her from getting raped.

/"Is that why you saved me, too?' she asked, Harry shifted in his seat but kept his eyes on the road.

/"Sure./" It was silent again, until Harry pulled up to Cryssy's house. She pulled off Harry's coat and handed it back to him before getting out of the car. She turned towoards him before she closed the car door, Harry still sat in the driver's seat, waiting.

/"Thank you,/" she said.

/"No problem,/" he responded.

/"See you soon?/" Harry thought about it for a moment, then nodded. Cryssy smiled, and then she left.

Once again, Harry didn't know why he saved her He honestly couldn't care less what happened to her. She was just another person, like anybody else. Right?