
Change of heart

Ok. So far, I've only fallen and made me boss want to fire me. Great!

You know how cute I thought my boss was three minutes ago? Well that's changed. Immediately after I told him that I'm his new assistant, forget kindness, I had to face the door... and like a punished child I went to my assistant's desk.

I must have done something wrong, but for the life of me I couldn't figure out what went wrong. And there I was thinking about a good old tumble while working... stupid me.

After checking the computer and the notes from his previous assistant, I felt confident enough for someone who didn't have any prior experience as an assistant.

I quickly arranged his schedule for the week and just as I made up my mind to greet him, I got a message from my best friend, Xixi.

TheRadiantXi: You got a job and don't care about me anymore? Hold on, I'll go steal all your games and you'll have no choice but to look for me!!!!!

CoCo: You know how much I love you but don't you dare touch my phone. Gossip subject for tonight: My boss is so freaking hot.

Her reply came a second later.

TheRadientXi: How hot? Like melt your panties hot or I'll totally do you right now hot? Either way, I don't even trust what you say these days. Remember that guy you said was cute? He looked like dog poop.

That was one time!! Xi would never let me live that down. I didn't bother replying and took a deep breathe before I opened the door to Alex Wang's office.

So I've not uploaded for some time and I'm so sorry... will try my best to provide longer updateeees

Blessingprocreators' thoughts