
The Bosky Invasion (Completed)

Jean Evans is just an ordinary working girl. Or so she strives to be. As a criminal in hiding, she has to keep her head down and be prepared to go on the run at any moment. When the neighbouring nation invades her city, suddenly her dreams of an ordinary, relatively unnoticed life goes awry. She doesn't want to be noticed, but someone has. And now that she's been noticed, she has become bait, a tool used by both sides of the war in an effort to control the man she once thought could be a dream boyfriend. The man who had turned into an enemy in the midst of her daydream. Can Jean rise to the occasion and show the strength of her abilities or will she be crushed when events set her back over and over again? How many times can a girl be crushed before she gives up? --- Author's note: This story is relatively depressing and many of the themes are for more mature audiences. I wouldn't call it a romance story. More a slippery slope of distasteful greys sliding into darkness. This is a work of fiction based upon a dream. No characters, settings or events are based on any real life people, environments or events. In the event anything resembles something in real life, it is an accident.

Tonukurio · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
137 Chs

Nineteen: Reasoning

He'd been here. Either he'd been here or he had sent someone in to deliver these things back to me. What was he trying to do? Was he trying to get me shot and killed? Was he the one who searched my room? Surely the person who put these here had been caught on the security camera.

My improved mood took a dive and I buried myself under my blanket for a moment, before I realised that I could smell myself and got up to have a shower. I was glad that the military nurse had put a waterproof dressing over the gauze on my feet so that I wouldn't have to worry about it getting wet.

I had been cleared to go to work but I suddenly realised something was wrong there. If I was free to come and go from the Compound, what about the Bosky soldier? He obviously had eyes and ears in the Compound as well. He would be able to follow me to and from work. He could potentially kidnap me. Was I going to be safe out there?

Let's think about this more rationally.

The Bosky soldier had shown interest in knowing about my whereabouts and well being. I had told the army officer that the Bosky soldier had followed, no, chased me back from the hospital. This meant that the army knew that I appeared to be a person of interest to the Bosky soldier, although why, I hadn't the foggiest clue. That was a question to ponder another time.

Right now, the problem was that despite knowing the Bosky soldier was interested in me, I was allowed to wander about in public as if there was nothing wrong. Despite the danger. Despite the very possible risk of me getting kidnapped - although I had to admit, if the Bosky soldier had wanted to kidnap me, he could have easily done so earlier today.

Then, the real question was why the army was allowing me out despite the danger without telling me anything. Yes. That was the question I should be asking. That. Right there.

The answer came to me with a dawning understanding.

Bait. I was bait. They were using me as bait to draw the Boskies out. They wanted to find out why the Boskies were interested in me and then see if they could use me to catch the Boskies. If that was the case, that meant there would be people keeping an eye on me. If there were going to be people keeping an eye on me, that would mean that there would potentially be people around to keep me safe.



In that case, I didn't need to be worried about anything much. It's just that with so many eyes on me, was I ever going to be able to relax properly? I was going to be watched twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. A mountain of stress fell on my shoulders. I hated being watched.

Granted, I'd been watched in this little cell around the clock the last few days as well. You'd think I'd be used to it by now. I had to admit. I had gotten a little bit used to it and more sensitive to where the cameras in the Compound might be located. I'd noticed a few just standing outside of my room earlier without specifically looking for them.

With all these eyes and cameras watching, I was going to be allowed to go to work. There were almost certainly going to be less cameras at work. I would almost definitely be able to relax in the toilets at work. Yes. Going to work would be a good thing. I'd go to work tomorrow. Perhaps I'd meet Katja and my other workmates while they were on their way there in the morning. That would be nice. I hadn't seen them for a while.

Yes. Me, myself and I would do that.

Since there was no one else around, I had to keep myself company.

With my thoughts sorted, I lay down to sleep. My work clothes were kind of ruined from the rain and storm and stained by the rusty curtain rod when I'd had nothing else to hang them from but that was a problem for another day. I didn't think anyone would make too much of a fuss about them. Since I'd passed the initial check at least, I should be able to access my bank account again tomorrow. I could draw some money and buy some clothes at least.

A growling rumble came from my stomach.

Forget it. I was eating. Even if that roll had come from the enemy. I doubted he'd poison it.