
The Book of Truths and Its Lies

Lukas Evans, lived an unforgettable, disgusting life, due to trusting people a bit too much. He offs himself on the roof of his apartment complex, but he gains a second life and he is reincarnated 1 year after his death, in a new body and his new name is Alan Axel. He now has major trust issues and he relies on lying, even to his family members. Suddenly, at the beginning of his second year in high school, he found a book, titled “Book of Truths” while rummaging through stuff in the attic. When he reads this book, however, the pages start to go blank, and poor boy Alan starts to have a severe headache and he passes out in the attic. He wakes up in his bed and he suddenly gains the power to see through people's words, while at school and he has to do daily tasks for him to upgrade his powers. He isn't the only one with these abilities, there are actually multiple people with different powers. Now Alan has to level up, in order to find the truth behind all the books and reveal there secrets and he also questions why he has such a book in his attic?What is Alan’s family history with the book? Will we uncover the secrets behind the mysterious books?

crownedspirit · Fantasia
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2 Chs

Ch. 1: Tell me a Story

"*Step* *Step*"

Stepping sounds are heard as a man with a white T-shirt, walks towards two metal doors. He seems to be extremely tired from running up the steps.


A loud bang sound was heard as he kicked open the door and he smiled as he did that.

"Life is unfair, life is hopeless, life is unfortunate," he mutters to himself, as he walks along a rooftop.

He suddenly looks at the edge of the rooftop and stands on it, while laughing a bit.

"Freedom from treachery, freedom from misery, freedom from BELIEVING." He says while smiling and he jumps off the edge of the rooftop.

He free falls and, well he goes bye-bye.


He has died…

I open my eyes to see two people. A man and a woman.

I looked around, but I couldn't see much. Just a regular modern house, right? Nothing, but a house with two other people that I don't recognize, right?

'Was I dreaming I could've sworn I jumped off that rooftop.'

I tried to speak, but my voice sounded a bit…off.


I was shocked, I had realized that I might have been reborn.

"Look how cute he is." The woman said as she stroked my cheek.

"He could be a fine man when he grows up." The man says while smiling at me.

This is too much for me. I have read about these in mangas and anime, but I never thought it could happen. What was it called again, Isekai, right?

Well, I didn't seem to be transported to another world, but maybe it would change once I took a look-see outside. Maybe dragons are gonna fly around us.

"Ow-out" I tried to say outside, but it seems that my call didn't get answered.

"Are you hungry my little babydoll?" The woman says as she tickles my belly.

She then gives me a sippy cup, full of milk. It was disgusting, it seems I still have my taste buds in me, but I need the nutrients, so I drink away.

I try to get a good visual of my parents with my baby-level eyesight. My mother seems to be blonde with dark hazel-brown eyes and my dad has black hair with dark hazel-brown eyes as well.

"Drink up, buttercup," My mother says as she pushes the cup deeper into my mouth.

I felt like I was gonna choke under her force. Even though I don't know them they seem trustworthy so far.

'I could open up to them more in the future…'

'Actually on second thought maybe being hidden wouldn't be so bad.'

After a couple of hours, of being caressed and stroked, I finally got to take a look outside.

"Alright, my baby butter, it is time to see the sun." my mother says and she walks toward a door.

I couldn't stop thinking of magic and mythical creatures around the world. Maybe, I gain lots of magically overpowered abilities.

"Alright, buttercup here is your new world." She says that while carrying me outside and well, it isn't what I would expect it to be.

I open my eyes and see a normal neighborhood.

'Umm…. Maybe there isn't any magic here. I think I know this place

It looked extremely familiar, like dëja vu. I traveled around the neighborhood with my eyes and saw nothing, but a everyday neighborhood.

'I guess it is just a normal neighborhood, DAMN IT

"How is your new world?" My mother asked, with a wide smile.

"Wa-ah…ass" I tried, but I could barely say anything.

"I will take that as a yes." My mother says while she carries me back inside.

'If I use my 20 year old brain, I mean 1 month old brain'

It was quite funny how I didn't see a hospital ceiling instead, but I guess I couldn't see after my birth.

(15 years later, you might be thinking, "Oh when did he get named." Well after his mother carried him back home.)

The school could get good or terrible. Just take it from me, I used to be called Lukas Evans, but now I am a new me and a new body, I am now called Alan Axel. My father is Alfred Axel and my mother is Jazmine Axel.

I died about 16 years ago from suicide because of believing, funny right? That is why I keep secrets close and always tell lies. Pretty weird I know, but who am I supposed to open up to? How do I know that my parents won't snitch behind my back?

I have lovely dark hazel-brown eyes, from my lovely parents. I have black hair as well, and my personality is somewhat cold I have to agree, but there is nothing wrong with that.

"Alan, come down for breakfast." My mother shouts as she gets things ready for work.

"Coming," I shouted back at her.

I pack up all my belongings and head out for school. School is quite a youthful event in everyone's life, but in my past life, it was treacherous. This year is gonna be amazing.

I rushed downstairs while shoving my notebook in my backpack.

I arrived downstairs and I quickly ate my breakfast. I went outside and said my goodbyes to my mother.

You might be wondering where is my dad, well he is at his job and he gets up early.

I quickly ride my bike to school and I am feeling a bit energetic today. "New Year new me" is what they say and I feel like the second year won't be as boring as my first year.

I arrive at school, with sweat dripping down my face. I park my bike and I walk into the auditorium.

We waited for a few minutes before the president of the student council showed up and the spotlight found her.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our lovely, magical school called Brook Valley High, in Brooklyn, New York City." The president says.

Brooklyn's roads during rush hours are the definition of treacherous. I swear I could hear everything from 20 miles away.

"To the new students here in this auditorium, we have high expectations so please work hard and be on your best behavior," she says with a proud and loud voice.

She says a couple of more things before introducing the student council.

"Alright, here are your lovely members of the council!" she says while 7 people walk upstage.

There were 4 boys and 3 girls and adding the president, that is a total of 8 people in the council.

She talks for a few more minutes before walking off stage and the bell rings dismissing the huge amount of people in the auditorium.

I got pushed around quite hard, when leaving and the chatter makes my head spin in circles. I dashed into the bathroom for a quick break and well, I didn't come at the right time.

"Bitch, what do you mean you can't give it to us?"

A guy with blonde hair had slammed his hand on the wall next to a boy with blue hair and glasses. There were 3 other guys around him, they are seemingly bullying the glasses guy.

Luckily, they didn't realize my presence ye-

"Excuse, could you help me?"

I turned around and all the attention seems to be on me next.

"Hey, this guys looks like a fucking idiot."

The lead bully member, also known as blonde hair guy, glares at me with a evil smirk. He looked real cocky and it made extremely pissed to know that the victim of the bullying is now me.

"What are fucking looking, RETARD" the guy next to blonde guy says as the original victim of the bullying ran away.

That bitch made me the victim instead. This is getting really annoying.

I was getting really pissed by the second. First, getting pushed around when leaving and now I am getting unwanted attention.

"Listen to me bitch, you better have some money before we give you a life of absolute hell." The blonde guy says as he grabs my collar.

"Listen I do have some money on me so would you please let go?"

"Pfff, of course little princess anything you want."

His grip actually got rider instead, well I would be lying if I said that I wouldn't know this would happen.

"Hey bitch, giving me the money and I won't do any harm."

Well this isn't gonna go my way…