
The Book of Arcana: Black blade

Even in the modern world, there are monsters that lurk in the dark, monsters that walk among us, and monsters that even control us. Only the knights and paladins protect us against such monsters. This is the story of Theo and his journey of becoming one of such protectors.

Judas_Xavier · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 9

Cadeucio was really worried, because of one of two reasons, his master's plan was still unknown to him, and the mandrakes were getting antsy about the whole not knowing the plan thing.

Ever since his last summon, his master has holed himself in his room, not coming out for any reason, not even to feed.

"Caddy baby, why the long face?" a female voice came from behind. walking out of the shadows was a beautiful brunette, wearing a pink sundress. Her most noticable feature was her size.

If not for the fact that everyone knew who she was, they could have sworn she was a kid.

"Lady Charlotte, I'm sorry forgive my ugly expression, but I'm worried about the master. He's been doing this ritual for the past week"

Charlotte folded her hands and sighed, "It's true, but we need him to be ready if we want this plan to be a success. The champion of old has chosen his successor, so master's part is a crucial part"

She crouched down, and patted the demon on the head, and said "Have faith in my brother Caddy, he's kept us this long. I'm pretty sure he won't let us down now" She gave him a kiss on his scaly forehead.


Theo stood in front of mansion in Manhattan. What can only described as the most beautiful girl Theo has ever seen, stood by his side. She had a large black case by her side. She was smaller than him, but was just as dangerous.

She looked at him, her gunmetal eyes stunning him t__ "Hey baby, your legs must be tired cause you've been running through my mind all day!"

The loud familiar voice only belonged to one person. Bo strutted towards the steps with such 'swag', it was embarrassing. Turning around, the pretty lady gave him a sarcastic smile "You're the dumbest person I know Bo, and that's saying something, cause I've met a lot of really fucking stupid people."

'An accent, she had a fucking British accent!' Theo thought.

Bo's hair had grown shoulder length, and he still rocked his piercings. Matt was behind him, all prim and proper. You'd think he was a diplomat, not a killer.

The door opened, and the figure that stood behind it was Luna.

She has on black denim jeans, and a black tank top.

"What's up granny, I see it's a funeral as usual!" Bo remarked.

"True, I wear black everyday in order to commemorate the death of your brain you stupid stupid boy." Luna gave a quick reply, that got a giggle from the British beauty.

Luna gave a disappointed look in Theo's direction before speaking "My brother wants to see you. He's in the training room downstairs. You know, the same room you took one of his eyes."

Noticing the malice in her voice, Theo bent his head low and walked past her.

She quickly turned around and added, "For some reason he wants to train you himself.

Bo definitely didn't like the way she looked or sounded. Luna looked back at their direction, only to find the three of them glaring at her.

"What!, he's a monster and that's how they deserve to be treated" Luna said.

With all three of them frowning, they walked past her and closely followed behind Theo.

Walking through the halls, Theo was confused as to why Arthur had vouched for his life, considering he's the reason he would have to wear an eyepatch for the rest of his life.

Theo couldn't help but feel a mixture of apprehension and curiosity as he made his way through the halls of the mansion. The previous encounter with Luna had left him uneasy, knowing that Arthur, Luna's brother and probably one of the most powerful paladins, wanted to personally train him. The weight of responsibility for causing Arthur's injury hung heavily on Theo's mind.

As he approached the training room, Theo took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. He pushed open the door and entered, finding himself in a spacious, well-equipped space. Arthur stood in the center of the room, his presence commanding and formidable.

Arthur's remaining eye bore a scar that served as a constant reminder of their previous encounter. He looked at Theo with a mix of intensity and determination. "You," Arthur said, his voice carrying a sense of authority, "are here to prove yourself. I could have had Counsel dispose of you, but something tells me there's more to you than meets the eye."

Theo swallowed hard, feeling a renewed sense of determination. "I understand, Arthur. I never intended for things to escalate the way they did. I'm ready to learn, to prove myself."

Arthur's expression softened slightly, though his eyes still held a hint of skepticism. "We'll see," he replied, motioning for Theo to join him in the center of the room. "Training starts now."

For the next several hours, Theo found himself pushed to his limits as Arthur guided him through a grueling training session. From hand-to-hand combat techniques to weapon proficiency, Arthur's training was rigorous and relentless. Despite the physical and mental exhaustion, Theo was determined to prove himself worthy.

As the training session neared its end, Arthur finally spoke, his voice filled with a mixture of gruffness and respect. "You've shown resilience and a willingness to learn," he said. "But remember, strength alone is not enough. Control, strategy, and discipline are what separate the monsters from the heroes."

Theo nodded, feeling a newfound sense of purpose. "I won't let you down, Arthur. I'll do whatever it takes to earn your trust and make amends for what happened."

Arthur's remaining eye studied Theo for a moment before a hint of a smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "We shall see," he said cryptically, leaving Theo uncertain of what lay ahead.

As Theo left the training room, he couldn't shake the weight of responsibility that still lingered. But he was determined to prove himself, to grow stronger both physically and mentally. With each step he took, he knew that his journey towards redemption and acceptance within the paladins had only just begun.

Theo emerged from the training room, his muscles aching and his mind filled with a mix of exhaustion and determination. As he walked back through the halls of the mansion, he couldn't help but reflect on the significance of the training session with Arthur. It was a chance for redemption, an opportunity to prove himself worthy of being part of the group.

His thoughts were interrupted when he caught a glimpse of Luna standing at the end of the corridor. She wore a contemplative expression, her arms crossed over her chest. Luna had always been fiercely protective of her brother, and Theo knew that gaining her trust would be a difficult task.

Approaching Luna cautiously, Theo took a deep breath and mustered the courage to speak. "Luna, I know you have every reason to despise me for what happened to Arthur. But I want you to know that I never intended for things to turn out that way. I regret my actions, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make it right."

Luna regarded him with a mixture of skepticism and a hint of surprise. "You expect me to believe that?" she replied, her voice tinged with bitterness. "You're basically a curse, and not only that, you took away my brother's eye, and you think a few words will make up for it?"

Theo lowered his gaze, feeling the weight of guilt. "I know words alone won't be enough, Luna. But I'm committed to earning your trust. I'm ready to prove myself, not just through training, but through actions."

Luna's expression softened slightly, her eyes searching his face for sincerity. After a moment of silence, she sighed. "Fine. I'll give you a chance, but don't think for a second that I'll go easy on you. You have a long way to go to earn my respect."

A flicker of gratitude crossed Theo's face as he nodded in acknowledgment. He understood that winning Luna's trust wouldn't be easy, but he was willing to put in the effort.

In the following days, Theo threw himself into his training with renewed determination. Arthur continued to push him to his limits, guiding him through various combat techniques and honing his skills. Luna, although still wary, observed Theo's progress from a distance, occasionally offering him pointers or engaging him in brief sparring sessions.

Gradually, Theo began to notice small shifts in the dynamics within the group. Bo, who had initially been skeptical of the whole thing, started to acknowledge Theo's progress with the remaining paladins, and even offered words of encouragement. Matt, the reserved and diplomatic member of the group, quietly observed Theo's efforts, a hint of respect evident in his eyes.

As the weeks passed, Theo's relationship with Arthur began to transform. Their training sessions became less intense and more focused on refining technique and strategy. Theo's skill and determination were earning him a newfound respect from Arthur, who recognized the potential for growth within him.

Theo knew he still had a long way to go to fully redeem himself in the eyes of the group, particularly Luna. But he remained committed to the path of self-improvement, determined to prove that he could be a valuable asset and earn his place among them.

With each passing day, Theo's physical and mental strength grew, as did his resolve to become not just a better fighter, but a better person. The journey towards acceptance and redemption had only just begun, and he was prepared to face the challenges ahead with unwavering determination