
The Book of Arcana: Black blade

Even in the modern world, there are monsters that lurk in the dark, monsters that walk among us, and monsters that even control us. Only the knights and paladins protect us against such monsters. This is the story of Theo and his journey of becoming one of such protectors.

Judas_Xavier · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 4

Staring down at Bo, Jakob was honestly…very impressed. He had never ever been called out for any of these by anyone.

So seeing this kid grinning at him with a lot of confidence really impressed him, and for some reason sent a shiver up his spine. Stepping back, and squaring up his stance, Bo was ready for literally anything. His will was that of steel, and his mind was sharper than any blade. That was until a fist came smashing into his face.

Jakob was showing no mercy for the cocky brat, in fact he decided he was gonna take this fight seriously from the get go.

On his ass, Bo wiped a sliver of blood, trailing down the side of his mouth, he grinned and tried to get up.

Jakob wasn't gonna let that happen. Dashing to his side, He intended to deliver a mean hammer strike, but something amazing happened that left everyone in awe.

Seeing Jakob's fist approaching his head, Bo decided to approach it head on. Slightly avoiding his strike by a hairsbreadth, Bo grabbed Jakob's wrist with his left hand, lifted him by his torso with his other, then proceeded to throw him a few meters away.

All while on the floor

That left everyone confused and in disbelief.

Getting up from the floor he dusted himself and stared in the direction of Jakob. Jakob was smiling, blood pumping everywhere, his heart racing.

'I have a feeling this isn't gonna be a regular fight'.

Also getting up from his ass, Jakob stared at Bo, and reconsidered a lot of things.

"Let's start for real this time", Bo shouted.

It was at that point Bo flashed stepped. The whole place was in an uproar. Flash stepping was a skill only a handful could do. It required so much focus, skill, and practice that not a lot of people fancied it.

Flash stepping towards Bo, Jakob was not going to be caught unawares.

Meeting in the middle, they both threw out an attack. Bo using his cleavers for a fatal slice towards the middle of Jakob's skull, and Jakob throwing a blow to the center of Bo's chest.

Both being blocked simultaneously.

Bo's attack was blocked by Jakob's signature brass knuckles which appeared out of nowhere, and Jakob's attack was blocked by the flat of his blade.


Forty miles north in a cave, a certain darkness awoke from its slumber, with a hunger, fueled by hate for the species that took away its once radiant glory.

Twas a beast whose path was one that filled with the tears of the innocent and the blood of the righteous. Its wings spanned over the horizon with great power and authority.

On its body, an armor so thick it couldn't be penetrated by the strongest of arrows or the sharpest of blades.

Its breath alone caused calamities that shook the world and its inhabitants to the core.

The mere mention of its name was equivalent to speaking the language of death.


With a large roar it announced its awakening, and a new era of death and destruction may begin.


In the woods somewhere with no real location, a fortress running deep underground took hold. In said fortress a shadowy figure sat on a stone throne.

"Cadeucio, where is Igor and the human I asked for!!". A deep coarse voice screamed.

Just then, a small creature waddled it's way to the figure.

"We lost contact with Igor about a week ago sir. He must have been popped by one of those human scum sir.

Squinting at the creature, the figure seemed to have relaxed. It's tone going softer, it said.

"Cadeucio, You seem to forget that I can't accept failures at this point. The master has a goal for us, and if we don't accomplish it, you know what he would do to each and every one of us".

Bowing down, Cadeucio waddled away in the direction he came, leaving the mysterious figure on its own.

Strolling towards the only light source in the room, the figure contemplated it's master's coming. With a malicious grin, it started laughing manically.


Vampire colony. Location, unknown.

The Chapel.

Walking through the Large double doors of the chapel's upper room, the king of the vampires, a large male with long black hair and a large build, was allegedly the last one to arrive. Whether it be tradition, or just an attitude problem, no one really knew.

He sat down at the chair at the head of the table, with a serious expression, he was so focused on the task on his hands, he completely disregarded the twelve elders that surrounded the table.

The elders stared at him in shock and with wide eyes, his focus was unwavering and moving. Yet they were all pissed off about somethi_ he was playing a fucking video game.

"Your highness w_"

The person speaking, an ancient looking man, with an apparent scowl was shushed by the index finger of the king in the air.

"Your high_"

"Shhhhhhhh. I'm almost done"

With a cringe tune and a crashing sound coming from the phone, he switched off the phone.

"You were saying?"

Elder one cleared his throat, stroked his beard, and began.

"Your highn_"


The elder turned red with anger. The veins on his head were about to pop.

Picking up the phone, the king read the text he just received.

Staring at the phone, he went dead silent. The atmosphere in the room turning thick and tense.

He texted back, dropped the phone, and urged the elder to go on.

The elder, whose anger was replaced with fear, and with a shaky voice he started speaking. " Your highness, the Hex have started their counter attack on our outposts near Caldwell.

"Your highness, they've already hit New Jersey. But I called in reinforcements." another one added.

We suggested this meeting to discuss your view on the subject, and how you think we can tackle it.

The king got up, and said, " Cancel the reinforcements, I'll handle everything."

With that, he upped, and vanished into shadows.

He left the elders in a state of shock

'So childish'

'He's not gonna fight alone, is he?'

'I think I saw a boner'

Travelling through the air in smoke , the king was heading to New Jersey, and fast.

He rematerialized in front of an old gate with a code box next to an empty security post.

It was currently mid day, but he had no problem with the sun. After inputting the code, the gates opened with a loud screech.

Walking through the gates, he headed towards the only building in the area. It was a barn house with no signs of life around, but the king knew better.

The barn looked to be empty, as it should be. He walked over to the center of the barn.

His phone went off, picking it up, he checked the text. Another text from the same person.

'Your meal is getting cold my bloodsucker'

He licked his lips and replied. 'On my way bby'.

He adjusted his pants, and lifted up the trapdoor under the rug. A stairwell led down towards the bottom.

'Why not have a little appetizer before my main course'

Walking down the creepy steps, he went a few steps before extending his right hand lightening fast into the darkness.

Immediately, a loud screech tore through the air. With a flick of his wrist, the monster in his hands stopped moving. He let the body flop to the floor, before continuing down the steps.

Immediately he stepped into the basement, loud screeches filled the room.

"Let's get this party going".


Walking out of the barn, he was covered in black goo, which was blood, I guess. He palmed his phone.

'Half past twelve, it's been thirty minutes already. I took way too long.'

Shrugging, he waved his hand a little bit and all the blood on his body gathered to a single blob in front of his face, and dropped to the floor. Not a spec on him. He took to smoke and flew all the way to Queens.

He took form on the terrace of a luxurious looking penthouse. Sliding open the glass door, he was greeted with the smell of jasmine and... 'ooo is that lavender'.

By the side of the door was a bar, and manning it was a beautiful young lady with tanned skin and curly brown hair.

"I thought you'd never come your highness."

She came out from behind the counter. Damn. She wore a loose fitting shirt, 'probably naked under there.' She moved in the most seductive way.

She arrived in front of him and gripped his groin. She then said, "You're gonna have to make up for lost time won'tcha."

He groaned as she squeezed harder.

"Definitely babe"