
The Blue Moon (His rare mate)

Being a young Alpha Dean had to dig deep finding his mate His mate appears to be a human, but was she really a human, Learn more about Crystal in the novel❤️

Sharon_Raj · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Chapter 4

Crystal felt thirsty so she woke up, but it was in the middle of the night, it's been past three days now, she had really trusted Dean alot

Yes he was too good to be true, but he was true, call her crazy! but she's who she is and she finally accepts her place being his mate and Luna of the park

"Dean..." she whispered and he slowly woke up, he didn't look like who had been sleeping but he had been asleep, he's indeed a light sleeper

"Tell me" He said as he pushed her down the bed

"I'm thirsty and a bit hungry" She said with a pout, he nodded and stood up to leave, but he couldn't leave her all alone he was scared if loosing her

"I'll come along" She said as she noticed his reluctance to leave her alone

"Are you sure?"

She nodded twice "I can tag along Don't worry okay? it's late who would possibly be up?"

She was brave in front of him, but he still knew she was uncomfortable, especially when they slept together in same bed, but what? they were mates right?

"Alright come" He said as he helped her up, she was still thin and so he lifted her with so much ease before walking with her to the sitting room

She gasped, this house.... it wasn't as odd as his room, it was filled with life, his room wan just in color of white and black, no other colors

But here, different! she loved it, she kept staring around the house and soon they got to the kitchen

"What would you like?"

Does she really have to choose food everyday of her life and every time? even at night! of course she was the Luna

"It's late I shouldn't eat much!" Dean nodded as he picked up some groceries, they were three in numbers and different types

She was confused, why three? she would be fine with one, it was the first time she'll be having it afterall, she's never even seen something like this..

"Which would you like?" Crystal stared at the three, they would look lovely together, Milk flavored, chocolate flavored, and even Vanilla flavored, she didn't and had never tasted any

She pored little from the three and Dean was surprised, he had never seen such a combination it was a bit weird but this was his mate, she could do anything

"Sorry,... I..." she tried to explain seeing the look he had on his face

"It's fine, it would look nice together" Dean said before pouring milk on the groceries in front of her

He stared it and packed a spoon ful before feeding it to her, she found it weird but also heart warming as she started eating

"Won't you have some!? I'll look like a greedy person if you don't have any"

Dean smiled and gave her the spoon slowly, she immediately understand and a blush creepily crept to her face

She did what he had done and started feeding him slowly

He ate from her and also fed her since he also picked up another spoon

"Brother?!" It was the twin, Crystal's spoon fell from her hand as she hugged Dean fearfully with her eyes closed


"It's Blake!" the twin said angrily, as they both came out from the Shadow

"Why are you here?" Dean asked as he staired at his younger brothers with a friend on his face

"We do come here every night! to get food of course, oh Luna sorry to scare you, it was weird seeing him here, but not anymore since you're here!"

Crystal finally turned to look at the twin, Laura had talked so much about them so she wasn't surprised seeing them this noisy and nosey

"I'm Blake, meet Blair!" one of them said and she nodded with a smile as they both bowed slowly

"Blake... Blair, sure! I'm Crystal" She said slowly as she then turned to Dean, she wanted to go back now, it was awkward here

"Next time don't show your face to her!" Dean said as he slowly led his mate out of the kitchen

The twin were shocked as they laughed their ass out when Dean was gone, forgetting that he was a warewolve with great sense of hearing


"Can I... can I eat downstairs today?"

Crystal was always having her food upstairs with Dean, he abandoned his family for her, to gain her trust

"Will you be not be shy and uncomfortable!?"

Crystal was indeed nervous but she had to do it, he had abandoned his family for so long for her, what would they think? the Luna is a weakling

"Will you not be with me?"

Dean's heart was warm that moment, of course he would not leave her alone, not now not ever!!

"No, of course not! come we'll go downstairs now!"

He said as he staired at her, he almost chuckled but he held it in, she was looking really frail

She out on his white T-shirt and even his shorts, so her smell mixed of him, he was glad that she felt comfortable with him, but she indeed needed to also trust his family

Reaching the dinning hall she was shocked to see it was really full of people, he had all mind linked them so two chairs were already empty near each other

She breath out and followed Dean down to the table, a maid opened her chair and she sat nervously, all eyes were in her

Dean cleared his voice slowly, no one was eating anything, everyone was quiet..

Crystal stared at his mother then Rita and before her was Blair and Blake, she smiled at them slowly, they were the lively twin, it was the only people she could recognize, the rest people here were more than 20 but she can't recognize any, and his father was indeed the one seating at the head of the table

"I would like you all to meet my mate!" Dean said with pride "I want you all to treat her well with respect because she is your new Luna! Her yes is my yes and vice versa! Even if u say no and she says yes, you should know what it is supposed to be! an insult on her is that on me, it shouldn't happen!!"

Crystal was surprised at the way he spoke up, it was of a different tune, he was much more serious, she had never seen this side of him

"Welcome ...



So many welcomes then glass clicking together, Crystal was happy they indeed all like her, they welcomed her pretty much well

"Dean... thank you, I... I can't repay you but ...

"Who said you can't repay me?"

She looked around, the dinning room was full with people, they were dining and talking to themselves engrossingly, they all laughed and even disagree

"How do I pay you? must I pay back?" She asked slowly, he chuckled before nodding twice, of course she must pay back

"Of course! just like and trust me, nothing else! if you do that then you've paid back, and it's a must to pay me"

He said and she soon blushed while serving him food

Blake quickly started serving and served the meat from the plate too as well, he was just being naughty

"Blair! Blake whichever you are what is wrong with you?"

Dean's voice was cold and the twin immediately laughed...

"You don't even know which one of us did it!"

"Blake did it!" Crystal said and even the twin were shocked, she knew? how could she differentiate such identical twin, even Rita who was a witch couldn't

"How do you know?" It was Laura who asked... even she couldn't have ever call them right except for a guess

"Yes how?" Blair asked and Crystal shrugged slowly

"I just... I just know, it's not like they are really identical, their face is but not their voice, Blair's voice is deeper!"

The twin frowned slowly, so they was someone who finally could differentiate them, a bit if happiness came but they weren't really satisfied by this


Written by Sharon Raj
