
The Blue Flame / A Kakashi Story

~ A Kakashi Love Story~ She knew him before the mask, before the sharingan, before the pain of death. They were inseparable. But when death took Obito, he changed. He pushed her away, throwing her out like trash. What will happen when after many years the Copy Ninja and the Blue Flame of the Hidden leaf finally reunite? *Takes place during Shippuden* A/N: This is my first time writing a fanfic based on an anime so please tell me what y'all think :)

KidaJ_ · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


War. She had not known a world without it. For as long as she could remember her beloved home had been at war. Growing up the only daughter of the Third Hokage didn't help her chances in avoiding bloodshed. Unfortunately, being a member of the Sarutobi clan meant that she had no choice but to participate in this war. She had trained countless hours of countless days trying to prove herself to her father, trying to prove she was capable to defend herself in a time of war. Finally she had done it. Or so she thought. She was the youngest in her class to pass the ninja exam, the youngest to pass the chunin exams, and the youngest to ever make Jonin. Now, finally she had become the youngest known ANBU member. Maybe now her father wouldn't look at her in disgust.

"Nikono!" she heard from behind her as she walked down her village's streets. She turned to see one of her brother's best friends, Kurenai Yuhi.

"I just heard the good news," she smiled, throwing her arms around Nikono.

Kurenai, like her older brother, was just a year older than her. They had gone to school together, and since Kurenai was on the same ninja team as her brother, hung out with her a lot. Most of that, Nikono suspected, was due to the fact that Kurenai was hopelessly in love with her brother and always looked for ways to run into him. She laughed at the thought of someone finding her brother attractive, but realized how lucky he was. She knew he felt the same about Kurenai but she wouldn't tell either one. They had to do this on their own, Plus she didn't mind the extra attention, Kurenai had become like a sister. She was a good friend to have.

"Who told you?" Nikono responded hugging her back.

"Who didn't," she said, pulling away. "Everyone knows, you're the youngest in history to ever become an ANBU."

"I take it that Asuma knows already." Nikono sighed, throwing her hands up in defeat.

"About that..." Kurenai shrugged her shoulders.

"He's furious with me, I know," Nikono said, turning away, dropping her hands to the sides of her skirt.

"Mad, no, worried, yes." Kurenai responded keeping step with Nikono. "C'mon he's just worried about you."

"He doesn't need to be," Nikono said.

"He just loves you," she responded.

"I love him too but that doesn't mean I'm going to be up his ass about everything." Nikono said.

"You're his baby sister, he's always going to try to protect you. Even when you think you don't need it." Kurenai tried to reason.

Nikono didn't respond knowing there was no point in arguing.

"When do you start your training?" Kurenai asked.

"Tomorrow," Nikono answered.

"Well how about a celebratory lunch? Sweet dumplings on me?" Kurenai asked, knowing Nikono's weak spot.

Nikono smiled. "Sure why not,"

They two walked side by side through the village. Many eyes turned and stared. Her brother would get defensive saying too many men stared at just a child, but everyone in the village knew of her beauty. Boys chased her, and girls wanted to be her, but she didn't care. Nor did she pay them any attention. Emotions only got in the way. She learned that a long time ago. The only boy she had ever cared for had darkened his heart and shut her out.

Not much later did they reach one of the more popular dumpling shops in the village: Totaru Dumplings. It was a small shop, but it was one of the many popular hang outs for her and her friends. As they approached the wooden structure, she could see the familiar shiny black hair and green leotard of her brother's other team mate, Might Guy. As she approached further, she realized someone was sitting in front of Guy. It was her brother. It's not like she was scared of him, she wasn't. But she wasn't happy to see the look of anger across his face as soon as he laid eyes on her. She watched as her brother jumped to his feet and came at her like she was a rogue ninja. She looked at Kurenai who just shrugged her shoulders then sat next to Guy.

"Nikono! What the hell are you thinking?!" Asuma grabbed her shoulders with so much strength she thought he was going to crush her.

"Ow Asuma you're hurting me!" she exclaimed.

"Good! Because this is a stupid idea!"

They were so close in age it felt as if they were twins. Asuma and Nikono did everything together. They had the same friends, and Nikono had done so well in her studies that they were in all the same classes. Hell, they looked like twins too. They both shared the same jet black hair, olive skin, and deep dark eyes. Both had high cheekbones and looked as if they came out in the Shinobi weekly magazine.

"You're going to get yourself killed!"

"Thousands of brave shinobi have given their lives for our home, and I would gladly do the same." She spoke quickly but softly so no one else would hear. Sadly she was a part of the majority that watched her team members die before her eyes. She tried to hide it, but in the end war was war.

"Pease, Nikono," he said, sadness in his eyes.

She let the darkness pass over her and painted a smile on her face putting her hands on her brother's cheeks.

"I'll be fine Asuma," she said. "If Lord Fourth believes in me, you should too."

He didn't say anything after that. Instead she stepped out of his grasp and joined Guy and Kurenai at the table. Dumplings had already been served. Asuma stood for a minute watching his sister. The smile she wore wasn't real. It had not been for a while. Sometimes he had to remind himself how capable she was. She was still so young, but had already seen so much death. Far more than he had unfortunately. He wished he could take that weight off of her shoulders. To him, she was still his baby sister. He wasn't okay with this decision, but he had to support her. He knew their father didn't so someone had to. She had been in so much pain, but yet, she chose to smile. He joined them at the table. Guy had stuffed four whole dumplings in his mouth and was trying to fit a fifth. They laughed as its insides spilled all over his face.

"Your turn Nikono!" he exclaimed.

"Nice try but no thank you," she laughed.

"Fine then, if you don't accept my challenge, I will find someone that will!" Guy declared jumping out of his seat. He turned frantically to the road approaching random villagers who all declined his proposition. Finally, the familiar white hair of his rival Kakashi Hitake came into view.

"Kakashi!" Nikono heard Guy exclaim. A feeling of dread immediately filled her stomach. Kakashi... Someone she had once called her best friend. She looked up to see his uncombed spiky white hair, slumped shoulders and tired eye. He looked like a wreck and her heart ached. She watched in embarrassment as Guy grabbed Kikashi's arm pulling him to the table. The sickening feeling in her stomach worsened. As kids, they had been inseparable. They trained together, played together, went on pretend missions together. But now... he had made it clear he wanted nothing to do with her. He didn't know of all the things she did for him. How she constantly defended his name against slander in the village, how she begged and begged her father to let Kakashi live in his dad's apartment rent free. How she snuck into his small apartment once a week to make sure he had food. She was there for him when his dad died and for all the harassment he faced. She was there when no one believed in him and treated him like dirt. She was there when everyone cast him aside and refused to take care of him. She tried to be there after the death of their comrades. Even now, when he acted like she didn't exist. Even when he chose another girl over her, she wanted to take care of him.

As usual, as soon as his eye landed on Nikono, Kakashi stopped in his tracks. She didn't look at him, Nikono knew he was giving the same look of despair and pain that he always did. Nothing had been the same between them after Obito's death. He chose to shut her out, allowing Rin in instead. Then eventually, she died as well. Nikono's heart ached for him, but he had made it clear how he felt about her. However, she didn't know that Kakashi was doing everything he could to not break down in front of her. He knew what Nikono meant to him. He knew that if there was anyone in the village that knew what he was going through, it was her. She had been the only one to care for him despite the rumors. She had been his friend once. But now, he was convinced she hated him. Hell, he hated himself. He sat by and let her go through all that pain alone all because of his own stupidity. All because he let himself believe he was cursed..

Nikono didn't look up until she heard his fading footsteps and Guy chasing after him complaining about Kakashi's coldness.

"Poor Kakashi," Kurenai breathed.

"I'm going to go get some training in before tomorrow." Nikono stood up.

"What, you haven't even had one dumpling," Kurenai protested.

"Bring some home for me Asuma?" she asked after placing a kiss on his cheek.

He nodded and waved her off.

"Nikono!" Kurenai pleaded. She could hear Asuma quieting her as Nikono took off in the opposite direction of Kakashi.