
A Father's Dilemma

King Zachaeus sat by the study desk of his grand chambers. A book was open on the table and he flicked through its pages. His mind was in deep thought. A knock on the door of his chambers zapped him back into the present. He quickly closed the book and adjusted his clothes and said,

“Come in!”

His secretary entered and bowed.

“Your Majesty!”

Zachaeus said, “Ulfred, Tell me.”

Secretary Ulfred, humbly replied, “Your Highness, the princess has been officially declared as the most wanted in the four kingdoms. Will you really not do anything to help her?”

Zachaeus, “My hands are tied Ulfred. I cannot go against the monarchs. And also, many of our cabinet members are against it as well.”

Ulfred, concerned asked, “But Your Highness……she is your daughter. You, might not share the same blood but the bond between you two is no less than a real…...”

Zachaeus, raised his hands cutting Ulfred mid-way.