

Celestina:the new mission

Celestina's P.O.V

As I slowly opened my eyes,I came into contact with the great forest of Arondrāël. I was greeted by the familiar coldness in the atmosphere, the evil chilling effect and the same old darkness which clouded Arondrāël,my homeland,for decades. I looked at my thin platinum ring embedded with a dark forest-green stone resting on my forefinger.

I'm Celestina Frost,a fifteen year old, member of the Demon Wielders Company,also a mystique.

Who are the mystiques,you may ask. We are a separate species, sort of magicians. Our abilities are limited to certain magic yet we have a special ability.  A hidden power which differed from person to person.

Walking towards the Demon Wielders Company located in the centre of the forest, I surveyed my surroundings.  There were sharp pebbles of hard surface that covered the soil here and there, countless amount of dark delos trees intimidating its surroundings, thorny bushes and thick canopy providing a good hiding area for the numerous predators that haunted the forest.

Something about this forest made me guarded, self-conscious.  Twisting my ring, I wqited for my bow, Katropis to appear. Even now,the craftsmanship of Katropis never ceased to marvel me. It was silver in its shade covered with a word of unknown meaning,shining in gold,a language long forgotten. It was sharp at the edges,its string as white as snow and as smooth as silk yet it was sturdy and strong.

Furthermore, it was enchanted, its arrows never depleted, and appeared out of thin air by a pull of the string. The weapon,Shapeshiftin of the Demon Wielders Company was perfection, to say the least. I walked forward,with deafening silence which broke as I quickened my pace slowly,yet steadily. In a matter of minutes, I reached the walls of my destination. The walls were armed graciously with cannons and were plated with the finest strong metal over the bricked wall. It stood tall, taller than two trees combined.

The entrance was a double doored tall gates with large wolf-headed knobs which was larger than a swan and was near the height of a tree. I dangled my silver bracelet in front of an eagle symbol that was at my eye level,it was small yet very clear and noticeable. Soon, a small door opened and out came a guard who supploed me with a "In the watch tower". I nodded, turning Katropis into my ring and strolled forward straight to the watch tower without much heed to my surroundings.

There were the occasional commands being barked out,a few laughter and other noises from the builfings that surrounded me on either side. Their heights increased uniformly as I moved forward.  I finally reached my destination- the watch tower which resembled a citadel in few aspects.

The hallway was swarmed with people,members of the Company and was filled with chatter,discussions and full of chaos.

"Celestina!!" I heard someone call out my name. I turned towards the direction of that voice. It was Commander Aria who came strolling towards me. She was a 20 year old with tanned skin, brown hair which reached her waist and red fiery eyes. She wore on her dark blue uniform ,her pose never wavering.

"Yes?" I questioned. "Did you finish the kill?" She questioned. "Of course" I replied with a miniscule smile which turned. "I would like to know the way of the execution " she asked smiling.

"I decapitated him during a brutal fight  when he strolled in the woods." I answered. "Very well, the enquiry?" She questioned. "Done" I replied. "Report that to Lieutenant Ryan, Celestina. There are a few things that need to be discussed " she said. "What of?" I enquired to which she replied with a "you will find out soon". She cast a smile to me. "Bye assassin" she said walking away with a wink.

I soon spotted the one person I needed to converse with- Lieutenant Ryan, my senior official. "Sir" I greeted as I neared him. Lieutenant Ryan was a middle aged man,quite tall and lean with blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Your back,huh? Any news?" He asked. I shook my head and answered,"the scouted area only spoke of the Riders,sir. The know nothing of the issue" I replied grimacing slightly on the word 'Riders'. "What of the Riders?" He questioned. "They said that the Riderd are more likely to know about..the issue,Sir" I replied curtly.

"I suppose I heard that you contain a strong....hatred for the Riders?" He enquired. "Yes sir. But it doesn't matter" I answered quickly. He raised an eyebrow. "Well then,follow me" he commanded walking towards his office. I followed him, a few seconds later .

His office was of a medieval maroon in colour,furnished with a large desk,a set of four chairs,a couch and a row of three bookshelves, all made out of dark wood which were neatly polished. The carpet was soft and coffee-brown in colour.

He stalked over to his desk, rummaging through his draw. "You can sit down" he said after glancing at me. "Ok sir" I replied walking over. Pulling out a chair,I sat down. I was wondering about what he had to say. He sat down with a file in his hand and gently pushed it towards me to take a look at. There were quite a few images. The first one was of the centre of Arondrāël, Marvõs. The strange thing was the dark fumes emerging from its ruins. Marvõs had always been the centre of mystery in Arondrāël.  No one knew its history nor did anyone know about the old ruins or the buildings or the carved out words that seemed to be meaningless when read.

The next were of large spikes emerging from the land in few areas. The next one....was of murdered groups living in Arondrāël.  It was quite brutal,the spikes had pierced a few. The others were covered in blood, there lifeless eyes gazing at the dark sky ,or in this case ,me. It angered me to see their helpless state but the time of Arondrāël was quite dangerous. Nothing can be trusted. Shocked , I waited to know about what he would be saying. As I waited, my mind went on overdrive....something about this killing.... Vishelms couldn't have done it. They have a way with it. But vishelms were the only monsters that plagued Arondrāël .But one thing was clear: it would be my next mission....