
The Blood Codex

What is it like to hate, to truly hate till the only thoughts that consume you are vengeance. Dexter had always felt a strong hate for the world, just as his father felt a strong hate for him. He comes across a book in the library called The Codex and right as he is dying he reaches out to it. [Awakening Blood Codex] [10% complete] [50% complete] [99% complete]

IMoney · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter 4: Hunting

Dexter was scrounging around the rocky dirt for it, and then he found it.

He dug his hands deeper and started digging. After a while Dexter stopped and right where he was digging was a hole full of miscellaneous items.

'A pocket knife, metal slap on bracelets that fold, A lighter, a wooden bowl, and a bunch of acorns'

Dexter had often feed the squirrels nearby since he did not know how to eat acorns. He decided to see it this way, he had fed the squirrels now it was time for them to feed him.

He got the wooden bowl that he carved so that he could scoop up some of the water in the creek nearby. Dexter knew that it was probably wise to boil it, since the bowl was wooden though he would always have to place it a lot higher than the fire.

[New Skill added: Basic Survival Skills Lv.2]

'Why would a new skill be added?'

[S.A.I can look at host's memories to see what skills host has, but host has to say yes otherwise S.A.I will only be able to document skills that host does or thinks of having done.]



[It will take S.A.I an hour to process all of host's skills]

Dexter was startled by the abruptness of the previous skill notification but now it made sense to him.

He quickly got up and grabbed the bowl and acorns, Dexter had thought about it and he had another idea.

He grabbed the pocket knife and he went back for the pills. Dexter grabbed one bottle and twisted it open. His thin hands reached in to grab 3 pills.

He twisted the cap back to its original state.

Dexter reburied the pills once again.

He placed the pills in a bowl with the acorns and then with the hilt of his knife, he started grinding them up.

Dexter continued until there were occasional chunks of acorn, to the point where it would be almost impossible to take an acorn without taking even a little bit of the sleeping pill dust.

He walked over to where the squirrels usually were when he tried to feed them, they would usually stay awhile as if trying to convince him to feed them more.

Dexter placed the bowl there and backed up waiting for his food to come to him.

He waited about five minutes before he saw it, a squirrel, it's tail twitched as it went closer to the bowl.

It reached its tiny hands into the drugged acorn mash and pulled out a chunk before stuffing it in its mouth.

It continued eating but it didn't even get halfway through before it stiffened and then relaxed.

Dexter slowly inched his way towards the slumped down squirrel, his pocket knife still in hand.

Once he saw that the squirrel wasn't getting back up he grabbed it by its neck and then slit its throat.

Dexter tried to do his best to get the blood down his throat. The metallic tang of it hitting him straight away.

He just tried his best to not spit it out as it wasn't at all appetizing.

The squirrels small body seemed to be releasing less and less blood.

Dexter grabbed his pocket knife once again and wrenched out more blood.

[+5 Lv exp]


Name: Dexter

Blood type: O

Gender: Male

Age: 14

State: Malnourished]


Lv1: 5/10

Physique: 1.5

Soul: 2.7

Strength: 0.4

Agility: 0.3

Vitality: 0.3

Defense: 0.5

Intelligence: 2.6

Mana: 0.1

Active skills: Block Lv3. Basic Survival Skills Lv2.

Passive skills: Hatred Lv1. Selfish LvMax.

P points:0

S points:0}