
New Class

[The next day.]

Time to go, I guess. The class probably starts the same time as the first class does.

I leave my dorm-room, a solo one. Royalty is still useful. After searching for the classroom a bit, I find the class outside, training with swords. Isn't that a bit too perfectly fit?

Teacher Class 3:" You must be the new one. Sorry, we should've made us easier to find"

C:" No problem, I'd rather just start training if I'm too late."

TC3:" Sure, take a sword from over there and just spar with me."

He wants to evaluate my skill first, then give me a suitable partner I guess. Sorry Mister Teacher, but I will not go easy on you at all.

I take a two hander and carry it to the sparring place. The other students stop their training and look at me. Does my disguise look weak or something?

TC3:" You sure with that sword? It is pretty heavy."

I nod, already focussing on the fight. The teacher gives the starting signal and attacks first. I dodge his atttack barely and try to counter. My swing gets immediately blocked and the collsion drives my sword up. I have zero guard on my body - but that is what I waited for after all.

The teacher lunges in to attack my stomach, but I jump and try to hit his back. I'm sure it looked beatiful. The problem is, that the teacher already turned and my back is completely open to him. Still fine, because I calculated that could happen aswell. I tried to turn myself and use the monmentum to thrust.

That has to be my win, I thought. My sword almost reached his open throat after all. Until I slipped. I fell right on my butt. I couldn't resist the urge to laugh.

The shocked face of the teacher, first because I was so close to defeat him and then because I slipped. The weight of the sword was too much for me to carry around with that energy.

TC3:" Not bad. I think you can just stay as my sparring partner, I doubt the others want to fight with you."

Student:" I want to try."

I look at her. She is quite courageous, to just challenge me. White hair and blue eyes, such as pale skin makes her look pretty, pretty fragile that is. Does she even have the strength to lift a sword?

I take a longsword this time, confident not to lose. She took... The greatsword I just had?!

Okay then. Can she challange me more open?

The fight starts with me just standing still. I wait, my sword laying on my shoulders.

Suddenly she sprints, her greatsword significantly dragged behind her. Does she want to go for a sweep right after?

Just as expected she does. I dodge it below and grab her wrist. I squeeze and she releases her sword. Right after catching it I swing it, but stop it at her neck. She might be strong enough to carry it, but in terms of technique I beat her to the moon and back.

TC3:" Guess you lost for once Viola"

V:" Damn it, but it did have to happen one day."

She looks in no way disappointed in her loss. She actually looks pretty happy, which makes her look even more like an evil ghost.

The other students seem to think of her as cute, according to the muttering I hear.

V:" My name is Viola, yours?"

C:" Uhhh... Cecil?"

V:" Wha- I was sure you were a girl."


The muttering gets even louder. Apparently, that cute was not only for her.

What did that old god damn principle give me as a disguise?!

I decide to play along for the day and look into a mirror later. I end up losing to the teacher another two times, this time just because of strength. I cannot block his attacks at all. He just swings the greatsword thorugh my defenses.

After a few trainings for strength I go home. A look in the mirror shows... Me, but in female. As I would describe it. The same golden haricolor, green and blue eyes and a bit softer version of my face. My voice is also higher, I notice.

That old guy will get his piece of me being female! After I'm done with training he'll see what he gets!

But instead of overreacting, I choose to keep my face up. It might me my female face, but I will display it with grace and keep on training with it. There is no way this principal will get his way to tease me this easily!