

The next few days were very similar to the previous ones. Sparring against the teacher and then training muscles. I ended up winning more often though.

Today is the fifth day of training with the third class and I feel a bit off today. Somehow it just felt... weird. Like something was out of place.

The teacher acts normally, but half of the class are missing. Half. How doesn't he notice? I ask him, but his eyes go unclear and he mutters something about them going to a camp. Was he manipulated by magic? There was no way a teacher didn't know about it!

All camps were cancelled, from the king himself. For three years. So that is bullshit. And even if it wasn't, half a class going without the other is idiotic aswell. Who would believe that?! Apparently, the teacher did.

Whoever did this didn't give much thought to it, meaning that he is either skilled enough to do this without thinking or preparation, or he could be dumb, but what high-grade magician is dumb?

In a hurry I search for the missing students in the halls of the school. A few minutes later I see a potential source for the problems:

A few man of the royal guard are standing in the main hall. But their problem is, that I know they cannot actually be real ones.

Royal Guards are all bound to a division, displayed on their shields, or their armor. The number thirty on their shields proves that they are either traitors or fakes. The squad was wiped out from a hydra far in the south, around one year ago. The report didn't get public, so they probably don't know. Or they think no one else around here knows. Which would be true, normally.

The decision I had to make now was absolutely crucial. If they were fakes, it could be that their strength isn't too high, but it was more likely that they are rather strong. Keeping that in mind I try to move around them. My options were clear : Using a different path – which could be guarded aswell, or climb up and find a way back down later.

I decide on the second option, if I ran into one of them the plan was doomed. Using the vines in the garden to climb to a window, I end up with a few scratches, but it was more itchy than painful. As I reached the window I notice that it was closed. Inside was my old class. Damn, who was more unlikely to help me then those guys? Still filled with a bit of hope I knock on the window.

One of the main bullies was the one to open the window, but it was hard to recognize him. His kind of muscular body switched to a fat, sweaty one. It seems that my disguise still works, as he doesn't recognize me either. Yes, I forgot about the talisman for a second. After greeting the class, then I walk fast to get out of the door.

Considerably cautious I open it, looking around to seek for other fakes. Well, it doesn't seem like anyone was up here. With this I continue in my quest to find the other students. At this point, I notice another advantage of coming up here. Windows! Because of my higher point I was able to see most of the school grounds easily, more of it by looking through another window.

Whilst looking, I start to hear a bit of commotion coming from behind the sword shed for the second class. As I couldn't see through the shed, I make my way down. There was a high chance that the others were there. A nearby tree was my staircase, its branches were set like it was supposed to be an exit. Maybe even a bit too perfect for the circumstance - but why bother with that now.

And just like I thought, I spot the other half of my class behind the shed. The situation looked bad, I was severely outnumbered. It was twelve guards, plus one guy giving commands. In my head I already plan out a way to win this, but I would need a calm mind to do that.

The leader bothers me. I have no information about him, but that isn't what makes me uncomfortable. No clue what it is, but his appearance gives me chills. I cannot fight like that, so I keep watching him to find out what bothers me.