
Fairy King: Awakening

During my fall, I had some time to talk with the fairy king. It was only a few seconds, but enough to trade with him. I would get the fairies a bigger spot in society, in exchange he allows me to use my full potential.

For a short time only, so my body won't get completely obliterated. Hastily I agree, I had no reason to deny fairies a good place. They helped us out for quite some time.

That thought apparently was a confirmation for the fairy king, because my wings, which have been invisible for months, now start appearing again. They get more and more solid, manifesting a beautiful two meter long symphony of feathers and muscles.

Out of pure reflex, they start to flap. My fall becomes slower, the pain the wings muscles feel make my mind go blank. The time I wake up I was already back on the ground, thef fairy king overtook me for the rest of the way. My wings already disappeared.

Crucible of pain was already waiting in my hand, the pain of my wings called it. I utter an exhausted laugh, then strike it into the wall of flesh on my right. Tremors come up, the entire basilisk is shaking. I quickly cut its side open to flee.

I leave it on time, the pure muscle construct collapsed. My leg got caught up by a falling tooth and got ripped apart. After a long time I scream again. The last five minutes were filled of several times I could die and the moment I feel safe again I get hit. I faint.

After quite a few good and long nights of sleeping the coma felt like unrefeshing. I wake up exhausted, I feel like even sleeping again would only make me more exhausted. Not like the gathering around my bed would allow me too.

Not only Rhage, Servve, Lyght and Christian were there, but also Laurin and a few of the higher rankeds. I greet them, my eyes still half closed.

Ce:" Hey guys, you are not yet free of me"

R:" God, you scared us and this is what you come up with to apologize?!" This is the first time I ever saw Rhage on the verge of tears. The first time he showed lots of emotion in general.

L:" Even rocks don't remain untouched little king, but don't try to move mountains alone"

Ce:" Yeah, I won't. Nearly dying is overrated, I tried" The language I only used towards Gus slipped out

The others were just silently smiling. No idea how long I was knocked out, but they seem exhausted aswell.

L:" Oh, talking of moving - the soldiers outside refused to leave before they knew of your recovery. You saved quite some lives there."

Ce:" That was my intention, after all."

I ask them to call them in, my energy was too low to shout or move. Just more sleep please.

Not yet, I thought as a few of the soldiers of the frontline entered. I recognize them, they were the ones dodging the attacks earlier. So they survived, huh?

" Thank you for saving us. We never really wanted to fight for a cause, but now we felt how important a fight can feel. Because of you we can think back to it, we owe you our lives"

Ce:" You don't owe me anything. You risked your lives, so did I. An army should be a big boulder of mutal support, just try to save someone else next time"

They nod, it was the last thing I saw. Last thing I heard was Rhage sending them out. Sleep overwhelmed me.

My dream was unusual. The fact I was having a dream for one itself was rare, but standing in the fairies castle was a bit far away...

A familiar voice started talking behind me. I turned around, but needed a few seconds to recognize how this was.

Fairy King:" Hey, little king. I chose the version of this castle you are familiar with, I hope you don't mind. If you'd follow me please"

I had the weird feeling of being unable to talk, so I didn't try and just followed him. He was leading me to the dining room, I already saw it a few times. It was a bit cleaner this time. The wooden table was smoother, the windows less overgrown by the trees.

FK:" There is not much I can do about that, sorry. This is the version I last saw, the version I built."

So this was something he built? I guess he was the fairy king...

FK:" Not me. We. And not only we two, but also the ones before us. Every king chooses his descendant, they all enter this space."

Was this some kind of elders hall then? Weren't the others supposed to be here then too?

FK:" Quite literally. This is a space between death and living, only available to us. And yes, the others are usually here too. You aren't succeeding our legacy yet, so they aren't showing themselves. There is a task for everyone of us to do. A name for everyone of us to be achieved."

So my heritage was bound to a task. Apparently there is more than one task, or the kings before me would've shared the same name. Or did they?

FK:" Not really. Just naming the last two should suffice, mine was Athen, the one before was Ares. We have no idea how those names reach our minds, but they just appear, if we master a thing of our own. But not all things are elligible, more - I cannot say."

So I had to go my own way after all. I doubt faking to master something doesn't suffice.

FK:" Truly, faking anything is of any use. But, it is time for you to find out yourself. Go back to your world now."

He touches my forehead, my exhaustion leaves me and I leave this place. My mind was back to the bedroom again. Back to the ones that need me.