
A Story and A Dream

Ce:" You agreed to never tell anybody, to remember you."

Cia:" I know."

She raises one eyebrow, challenging me to question her. As tempting as it wasto do so, the explanation was more important.

Ce:" First I need to tell you a bit about the one I was talking to."

Cia:" Go ahead."

Ce:" He is... God this sounds weird. He is in my head only, I call him Fairy King - I never got to know his name, he was guiding me for some time now."

Cia:" I can't talk to him?"

Ce:" I-"

F-K:" She could, if she follows a ritual. Ask her if she wants to"

Can I like, speak to her alone please? F-K:" Hey! I'll be stuck in your leg soon enough, sacrifice a bit of your time alone to me!" I sigh, then ask her if she wants to.

Cia:" Of course!"

Ce:" So, Fairy King. Explain the ritual."

The explanation was long, so long ritual short: A really complicated emblem, drawn with dirt on a piece of paper. Three holes, one full of water, one empty and the other one with my and her blood. Obviously the last one was smaller than the others. We put the paper into the empty one, then burned it. Then we both charged our magic into the water.

The waters color began to change, such as the bloods color did. The blood became darker, the water started to glow. A few seconds later, we had one dark pit and one glowing one. We sat down at the two different sides of the holes, then put our hands into the pits. One hand for one pit.

The substances in those pits were nothing phyisical for sure. They didn't budge a bit with two hands in it, I didn't feel anything from them either. The last step, to fold our hands together - then lift a bit of the substances up. Yes, I said it didn't budge before.

With our hands connected it did, there was still no weight though. Then we released both substances into the middle again. A little pearl appeared, with pulsating warm light. The ritual was completed, she only had to eat that pearl now.

She looked into my eyes, while holding the pearl to her mouth and ate it after I nodded. Somehow we forgot to release the other hand of each other, or we just didn't want to.

F-K:" Hello? Do both of you hear me?"

Cia:" I can hear someone!"

Ce:" He can be annoying at times, just bear with it."

F-K:" Sarcastic before I even introduce myself, wow. But well, even though it might be late: My name is Arcana, I was the last Fairy King of alchemy."

Cia:" Nice to meet you, I am Cecilia... Not really anyone..."

Arcana:" Not yet, I foresee something or rather someone changing that!"

Cia:" I see what you mean now Cecil, he is annoying. Can't he just say what he means?"

I laugh severely, Arcanas surprised " What" was just too good!

Ce:" I don't know, I figured he had some kind of injury before he died. Maybe he hit his head or something..."

This time Cecilia was laughing, but Kings revenge was sudden. Exhaustion hit me.

Ce:" He entered my leg again, so I am really exhausted now. He couldn't bear it anymore it seems, but the day is taking a toll on me aswell. I'll go to sleep early today."

Cia:" Sure, how was the bread today by the way?"

She suspicously looked away asking that last thing, but as there was nothing wrong with it I answered normally.

Ce:" It was really good, why?"

Cia:" Nothing! I'll bring more tomorrow, good night!"

Ce:" Good" Yawn " Night..."

With that I slept. Like a rock. Well, more like alloy but it is the same principle. My dreams weren't stuck to the castle or Gus anymore either. Usually my sleep was filled with pain, which is why I preferred to be in exhaustion-coma most of the time.

But now, it was the village all of this started. The villagers from back then, the elves and the leprechauns accepting me as one of them. It was built like a path leading me to a goal, I couldn't see the end at all. Doors left and right showed persons I helped, that I bonded with. The soldiers I trained, Tohrin and the others of the hunting and gathering squad, over to people from the capital, guests in the bears paw and even Viola and the whole class had a door. It was so many doors that I stopped counting soon.

All of them waved at me as I passed, unstopped - to new doors. I stopped looking into the doors as I saw three familiar faces in the corridor I was in. I instinctively knew who they were and what they wanted to tell me. Klaus, Gus and Marina were standing there, smiling at me - telling me to go further. Gus was standing arm in arm with Marina again, even death couldn't stop them, their smiles finally back to the place they belonged to. Next to Klaus was an empty place, open for Claudia to join later. My heart wavered a bit as they disappeared, but I noticed their feelings within me even after.

Behind them appeared four people, reaching their hand out for me to take. The villages elder, Wert, Cecilia and someone that just had to be Arcana looked ready to go forward as soon as I took their hands. Just as I grabbed them, I woke up. I noticed that I was sitting up, my face flooded with tears - and my hand grabbing Cecilia's, who just happened to see me crying and tried to wake me.

I would want to go back, but the warm feeling didn't leave me anyway and I think it might never will. Thats what I hope for my part.