Over the time, the bullying got even harder as the lessons proceeded. Students learned, their spells get stronger, they have no idea how to hold back. They also start to ignore the teachers presence. After they heard that he was a commoner from their parents, they lost every ounce of respect for him. After all, they were able to execute him, without questions asked.
But why didn't the parents get them into other classes then? It was obvious that they wouldn't follow his instructions!
With a teacher that has no respect on his side, there was no one to prevent the bullying aswell. The offensive students began to openly throw their stuff at me, ignoring the teachers bidding to stop.
I didn't state my real name anyway, if I did - it was too easy for my family to find out where I was.
Such as history repeats itself, humans minds are only partially able to learn. That is my impression, after seeing the same students that helped me before stand in front of me again, just to be hit and injured again. This time, much more severe, two of them maybe even deadly.
The teacher tries to step in, but the main bully stands up to him and tells him off. He retreats like the coward he is, angering me beyond believe. Klaus stepped up to the king, risked his life and died honorably, just to protect a stranger. A teacher unable to protect his own students was unsuitable for his job. Entirely unsuitable.
Anger begins to flow through me. It was weaker than the time that Gus died, but still high enough to forget moral and the fact that I wanted to stay hidden. My anger-twisted mind tells me: They are just the training for what your brother will suffer through!
My sight got red, but I was still able to notice a sword appearing next to me. The marks on my arm begin to glow. This seems to be my magic.
Not able to contain my furiosity any longer, I take the sword and look at it closer for the first time.
I remember now, the sword back then was smooth and sharp. It also appeared like this back then. I already used this magic once, so why is the sword I summoned now barbed? They were entirely different from each other! This one was bigger and heavier aswell, the runes glowed brighter.
Runes? I try to read them with the knowledge I have from my mother, but I only understood one word. Vengeance.
Just as I proceeded to swing it in front of me, the desire to walk up to them and do the same with them rised. Out of fear of the sudden appearance of a sword, they throw their spells. Some of them miss, others get deflected by my sword. Firebolts able to melt metal disperse, as the sword doesn't even heat up. The despair in their faces was priceless.
The visitor chose a pretty bad time to enter the classroom, because I just thrusted the sword into the main bullies guts. Well.. I also lifted him with it... And ripped it up, crushing his ribs and piercing his lungs. The despaired face he made is close to the one Gus made back then, but the suffering he had to go through was much less. Even though he desevered it much more.
An elf with long, blond hair walks up to me, concentrating his blue and green eyes onto my face. He stops right in front of me, scratches his chin - then pats my shoulder. My feelings of anger were immediately gone. The sudden change made me gasp, as the teachers face changed to a small grin.
His following sentence is something I will probably never forget. His voice was decisive, warm and clear, just like fathers was in the good times. Through the muttering of the teacher behind him, something about me being a monster and so on, he went:
"I have decided. This will be my student. If he wants to, that is"
The other teacher began to talk faster, louder and more excitedly, telling something about his teaching skills being to precious to be wasted on someone without magic. Visitors reply was a little cold this time.
" If you cannot even magic if you see it, what makes you fit to be a teacher here? His sword is made out of pure mana, you can even feel the feelings it was made with. It even suddenly disappeared, after I cleared his mind. I highly suggest for you to leave the stand of a teacher, you are not even able to understand what you teach."
This time, the teacher seems to have lost his voice. He stands there, mouth wide opened, then nods slightly and goes away.
" So? You want to be my student?"
Ce:" Uh, sure!"
" Very well, my name is Wert - feel free to adress me with it. I have no need for formalities, it only takes time without giving a benefit. Oh and, if you disguise yourself you should really change your eye color."
Rewritten. Do I really have to say this again? I'll just leave it at that this time.