
The Blade Of The Marines

The swordsman at the cusp of the world, the anti-hero of the marines, the Lord of hell, Asura's reincarnation, demon souled monster.

SMMCLIPS · Anime e quadrinhos
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57 Chs

Chapter 29- Croc's live in swamps

The Fleet Carrier Marine ship cut through the waves, leaving Sabaody Archipelago in the moonlit distance. The sea, vast and unpredictable, stretched out before us as we embarked on a new mission, assigned by Fleet Admiral Sengoku himself. Our target: Crocodile, the former Warlord who had managed to escape the confines of Impel Down.

On the deck of the ship, I stood alongside my crew—Smoker, Tashigi, and the others who had become my steadfast companions in this turbulent journey. The air was thick with the weight of our new mission, and the moonlight cast shadows on the faces of those who had chosen to navigate the treacherous waters of the Grand Line by my side.

"We're going after Crocodile," I announced, my voice carrying over the sound of the ship's engine. "Sengoku has entrusted us with this task. Our mission is to apprehend him and bring him back to face justice."

Smoker, his jitte at his side, nodded in agreement. "Crocodile's escape poses a threat to the balance of power. We can't afford to let him roam freely."

Tashigi, her gaze focused on the horizon, spoke up. "We need to be vigilant. Crocodile is cunning, and his ability to manipulate sand makes him a formidable adversary. We can't underestimate him."

The crew murmured in acknowledgment, the gravity of the mission settling over us like a heavy shroud. As the ship sailed further into the night, the topic shifted to the challenges we faced as the Marine rapid response team.

"I never signed up for this rapid response stuff," one Marine grumbled. "It's like we're constantly chasing after trouble instead of maintaining order."

Another crew member added, "It's stressful, always being on the edge. You never know what's coming next. One moment, you're dealing with pirates, the next, it's a Warlord on the loose."

Smoker, leaning against the ship's railing, shared a knowing look with Tashigi. The burden of command weighed heavily on our shoulders, and the camaraderie forged in the crucible of battle was a solace in the face of the unpredictable seas.

"I get it," I said, addressing the crew. "The Grand Line is relentless, and our duty demands constant adaptation. But remember, we chose this path because we believe in upholding justice, even in the face of chaos. Our resolve is what sets us apart."

The crew fell into a contemplative silence, each reflecting on the unique challenges we faced. The moon, a watchful companion in the night sky, illuminated the faces of those who had become more than just fellow Marines—they were a family navigating the uncharted waters together.

As the ship sailed on, the conversation shifted to lighter topics, anecdotes from past missions, and shared moments of camaraderie. Laughter echoed on the deck, a testament to the resilience that bound us as we faced the unknown.

In the midst of the camaraderie, Tashigi, her eyes fixed on the horizon, broke the lighthearted atmosphere. "Crocodile won't be an easy catch. We need to strategize and be prepared for anything. He's escaped Impel Down once; he won't hesitate to do it again."

The crew nodded in agreement, the seriousness of the mission hanging in the air. The sea, as if responding to the weight of our conversation, grew calm, reflecting the moon's glow like a mirror.

As the night wore on, we continued our journey, sailing toward an uncertain destination. The stress of rapid response weighed on our minds but so did the shared determination to uphold justice in the face of adversity.

The ship cut through the waves, leaving ripples in its wake. The shadows on the horizon, symbolizing the challenges ahead, were met with a crew ready to confront whatever the Grand Line had in store. The sea, unpredictable and unforgiving, carried us forward, and the moonlit night became a canvas upon which the Marine rapid response team would paint its next chapter.

As the ship sailed through the moonlit night, the atmosphere shifted from the weight of the mission to a more contemplative mood. The sea, now calmer, seemed to mirror the introspection that settled over the crew. Amidst the camaraderie and shared laughter, my thoughts lingered on a new and unexpected aspect of our journey—a growing awareness of the bond between Tashigi and me.

Tashigi, focused on the horizon, seemed lost in her own thoughts. The moonlight accentuated the contours of her face, and I found myself stealing glances at her. The camaraderie we had developed as comrades now took on a different hue—an unspoken connection that transcended the shared mission.

As the night deepened, I walked to the ship's railing where Tashigi stood, her eyes fixed on the vast expanse of the sea. The gentle sway of the ship beneath our feet mirrored the subtle shifts in the dynamics between us.

"Quite a night, isn't it?" I remarked, breaking the silence that had settled between us.

Tashigi turned to face me, her eyes reflecting the moon's glow. "Indeed, Rear Admiral. The calm after the storm."

The mention of the storm, both literal and metaphorical, lingered in the air. The moonlight illuminated the strands of white hair that framed Tashigi's face, and I found myself drawn to the strength and determination she exuded.

"The Grand Line has a way of testing us," I said, my gaze meeting hers. "But in the midst of it all, there's a sense of camaraderie that binds us together."

Tashigi nodded, a subtle smile playing on her lips. "It's true. We're a team, facing the unknown together."

As the ship sailed through the night, the crew continued their activities, leaving Tashigi and me in a momentary cocoon of quietude. The moonlit sea, a vast canvas of reflections, created an intimate backdrop for the unspoken emotions that lingered.

"I never expected to find myself leading a rapid response team," I confessed, the moonlight casting a soft glow on our faces. "But in the midst of it all, I've come to appreciate the strength of those who stand beside me."

Tashigi's eyes held a depth that resonated with my sentiments. "We all have our roles to play, and sometimes, it leads us to places we never imagined."

The ship's gentle sway seemed to echo the rhythm of our conversation. As the night progressed, I felt a subtle connection that extended beyond the professional camaraderie we had developed. Tashigi, with her unwavering dedication to justice, embodied the spirit of the Marines, and I found myself drawn to the authenticity that defined her.

"Rear Admiral," Tashigi began, her voice carrying a warmth that transcended the cool night breeze. "I appreciate the trust you place in us and the way you lead the team. It's not an easy task, but you handle it with strength and grace."

I met her gaze, a flicker of acknowledgment passing between us. The unspoken connection deepened, and I found myself grateful for the understanding that existed between Tashigi and me.

"The Grand Line is full of surprises," I replied, my voice taking on a more personal note. "And sometimes, those surprises come in unexpected forms."

Tashigi's gaze held mine, a shared understanding passing between us. The moon, now reaching its zenith in the night sky, cast a luminous glow on the sea, accentuating the intimacy of the moment.

As the ship sailed onward, the uncharted waters of the Grand Line held both challenges and revelations. The camaraderie among the crew, forged in the crucible of the seas, now extended to a connection that went beyond the boundaries of duty. The moonlit night became a silent witness to the subtle currents of emotions that flowed between Tashigi and me, a new chapter unfolding in the midst of the unpredictable journey that was the Grand Line.