
The author vs grim reaper

The author approaches, grim reaper saw it in a mile and welcomed the author.

"Greetings the author!!..", The author wasn't contented about the results, "This is beyond my expectations, too much destruction happened."

Yamagod was enraged and immediately attack the author, but the author felt nothing.

The author: you were trying to attack me, *laughs* I am beyond ur jurisdiction.

Yamagod was astounded, *His aura is too powerful his durability is too powerful, I can't see his face I can only see his hands, but that aura of his is above the giant octopus*.

The author confronted the grim reaper of how enormous destruction was led into the world.

The grim reaper lies and showed invalid evidence to blame yamagod, although the writer already knew what happened, the author attack grim reaper out of nowhere.

"Why did you hit me purposely".

"Those evidence of yours is a total farce, I am not some human being who is gullible to believe such a false information."

"Fine then I shall ruin your creation."

Grim reaper stroked his scythe at the ground and a whole shockwave was summoned, the author snapped his fingers and the entire shockwave ceases to exist, yamagod saw the astonishing power and went on a full force.

Grim reaper was blocking the punches perfectly, but grim reaper were starting to feel incredible damage grim reaper teleported into a different vicinity, the author snaps his fingers again and grim reaper was back, grim reaper tried multiple times of escape although he is repetitively coming back.

Grim reaper didn't give up, he tried to summoned demons but yamagod already stopped him by punching him through the face multiple times, grim reaper couldn't react to the punches that was being throwed..

Yamagod saw through grim reaper face that grim reaper has no strength to fight he stopped, and when grim reaper was about to kill him he got the scythe perfectly and pulled it."

"I finally got your scythe, now I shall kill u with all my might."

Yamagod approaches to him very fast, "What kind of speed is that, *terrified*, it's beyond mach 10".

Yamagod slaughtered grim reaper at his own scythe, the author removed death immortality, and the scythe began to ceases to exist along with the black lightning.

"Thank god, it's finally over.", yamagod looked at the author and began to confront him, "Thank you for the help without you this battle would be an endless one.".

"Sorry for creating this huge catastrophe."

"It's okay I can forgive."

Yamagod and the author began to know each other, after the conversation the author healed the people and the 2 mysterious man.

Yamagod was happy that he saw the 2 mysterious man, the 2 mysterious gave a farewell before they left."

But the real question is, is it over?