
The black-wolf

I am being followed by a monster, putting everyone's lives in danger everywhere I go. A rogue in hiding. I don't want to be killed so I live every day on the run. When will this nightmare end?

cobalt_blue · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
167 Chs


He opened the door wide. Some of the children withdrew farther into their corners, wary of his presence.

"Time to eat you rascals" he held a tray of stale bread and watery soup kept in a large bowl. He dropped it in the centre of the room. They didn't move towards the tray. He then turned to me and I unconsciously drew away from him.

"And you're coming with me " he walked towards me. I struggled with my bound hand and feet, wriggling like a worm as inched away from him. He picked me up effortlessly and carried me away.

I fought tirelessly on his arm. "Stay still dammit" he grunted annoyed. I looked at the children hanging from his shoulder.

"I'll come back for you" I mouthed at them. The door closed behind him shut.

He hadn't walked far away from the room we were kept in. He dropped me on a high table fixed in chains to bind me to it.

I punched his face hard in a struggle to get away but he had me in place, locking my wrist and feet in the chain attached to the table.

He held his jaw massaging it softly, then gripping his fist as he seethed with rage.

"You can throw a punch, but why don't I show you how to do it better?" He raised his hands at me, making me shrink back away in fear.

"Now, now, Hector, control your anger" from the shadows he cut in just in time. A sinister smile on his lips. He came to my side. "At long last, we finally meet again"

My eyes widened in surprise before turning into a deep frown "You're the one that sent that letter" I said

"Of course it was I "

"What do you want with me? " I asked.

His smile faltered a bit, " I like the formal expression you used to give me."

I tried to break free from the chains, "I'm not afraid of you" I said with anger

"You don't need to be by the time I am done with you you'll be cowering in fear like the first time we met." He said in a dark tone.

" you crazy bastard," I shouted at him while he laughed.

I got tired from shouting and my wrist was starting to hurt. "Since it's me you want to let the children go, they have nothing to do with this."

"Why do I have to let them go? They are all valuable pawns for my next concoction."

"I can be a test rat for you, just let them go"

"How admirable of you to try to be the hero, however that's never going to happen." I spat at him in the face. "How vulgar" he cleaned his face with a towel.

"They will notice I am gone and when they do, they will track you down and kill you," I said to them.

"Hector, Gag her up I am tired of hearing her pathetic wails," he said over in a corner without turning back.

He stuffed some cloth in my mouth forcefully and I made sure to bite him. However, he reacted fast and I missed.

"You dang mutt," Hector cursed, and his boss came back with a needle.

"Hold her still for me," he ordered in a calm tone. Then looked at me. " After that day we met, I couldn't seem to forget about you. A rare gem for my concoctions. You fought against it till the very end. Who knows how much you can take before you completely break down" the smile on his face gave me shivers down my spine.

"This isn't going to hurt much." He stuck the needle into my body, injecting the fluid into me. I groaned through my stuffed mouth shouting out muffled screams. It hurts badly. My whole body was writhing in pain, making a small tear slip down my eyes. An image of Lucien's kind smile was directed at me. 'Please help me' I muttered slowly as I was plunged into darkness.

Back at the pack house

"Where haven't we searched in the territory?" Lucien barked at Trevor.

"We have searched everywhere above the ground in this territory when looking for the children. I don't know where else to look unless you want to go digging holes in the ground looking for them, then fine be my guest.." He said in a frustrated tone.

Lucien snapped, making Trevor jolt "that's it, above the surface" Lucien's eyes sparkled with excitement. Trevor waited for the idea his friend had unfolded ecstatically.

He placed a firm hand on Trevor's shoulder, "we haven't checked underground. Are there any old rundown sites with old tunnels underneath?

Trevor's eyes brightened in realization, "yes, there are two places" he said spreading out the map of the territory.

He pointed at a red spot. "One side used to be an old dungeon house for high rogue criminals. Then the other is an underground escape route at the entrance of a waterfall." Then facing his alpha, "my guess is that to trick us they would go to the dungeon and use it as a hideout."

"However the waterfall route is leading out of the borders and it is an easy escape plan. " the alpha added.

"It could be both ways" Trevor shrugged

Lucien picked up his jacket heading to the door leading out of his office.

"Wherever he has her he may have the children too."

"And where are you heading off all alone?" he raised an eyebrow at him.

"I will head to the waterfall route while you gather some of the enforcers to the abandoned dungeon."

Trevor packed up some paper, " wait you can't go alone I will send some-and he is gone." he sighed going to gather some enforcers.


I opened my eyes slowly looking at the bright light shining down on me. My whole body felt numb from pain. Was I dying?

"Oh, you're awake earlier than I imagined. Your resistance is very remarkable. I am starting to question your real identity." He said in an amazed tone.

"However we finally had a breakthrough, with you my plans may finally come to pass and I will be able to kill that wretched Lucien" he frowned then looked at me with a twisted smile, "and it will be all thanks to you"

I didn't know what he was talking about. But I could hear the same loud ringing from the first time he gave me something. And that little voice in my head.

I'm scared they want to hurt me.

I heard the actual screams of a child being dragged to the room. My hand came loose and I realised they let me go. Sitting up straight, I held my head in my hands feeling a throbbing ache in my head.

A small knife was used to cut the wrist of the child who screamed for help.

I gulped, hearing the fast heartbeat of the child and watching closely as the blood dropped simultaneously onto the floor. They exit the room leaving only me and the child.

Kill her.