
Chapter 3 The New Breed

Jason walk's through the school he's been asked to monitor the lower level's all light's have been turned off Jason has his flashlight in hand as he scan's the hall's. He hears heavy boot's smack on the hard floor and another flashlight shines in his eye's Samantha lowers her flashlight and stand's beside Jason.

She now wears spare glasses that are blue her hair is tied up into a pony tail and she wear's a long sleeved black jacket black camo pants and military boot's Samantha is about to say something when a loud crash is heard. That came up stair's Jason and Samantha go up stair's and as they do a loud explosion happens blasting Jason and Samantha into the wall the fire alarm ring's.

Jason gets up and help's Samantha up they go up stair's and sees fire everywhere Jason turn's back but the roof comes down blocking the path Jason see's Samantha take his hand and pull him towards an exit. Jason and Samantha are about go when another explosion make's them hit a window and go through it Jason fall's on a dumpster his lung's have no air in them and Samantha land's on him.

She has a cut going down her cheek and another on her palm of her hand she look's at Jason in the eye's "you okay" Jason nods she gets off him and. Jason feels something in his arm a giant shard of glass stick's out Samantha look's at it and grabs it and pulls it out Jason sits up and look's at the broken window fire us starting to climb out of the school.

Jason hears gun fire and yelling Jason see's a group of men round up everyone and fire's Samantha tries to run at the men but Jason grabs her "no let me go Jason" she tries as hard as she can to get out of Jason's grip she gives up. She sobs into Jason's shoulder Jason hold's her in his arm's as she calms down.

Jason move's across the field with Samantha they get to the wood's they wonder the wood's for a few minutes when they come across a small lake Jason find's some stick's and wood and starts a fire. Samantha hasn't said anything her nose is red and her eye's are bloodshot from crying Jason take's off his jacket showing a nasty gash going across his arm.

Jason pulls some off the fabric of his shirt and ties it around his arm Samantha then speaks "why didn't we save them" Jason sigh's "I know you wanted to but taking on a whole bandit group is worse than a. Zombie horde killing the undead is easy but killing a human it's something I can never do anymore even if they are horrible people."

Samantha tilt's her head she looks angry "so what you just fine killing undead but not people" Jason shakes his head "it's not as simple when you kill undead there's no fear no sadness in their eye's but a. Human I watched people die by my hand's I've seen what it does to someone" Jason look's into the fire "nothing is more harder than taking a life."

Jason lays down and closes his eye's he hears Samantha get up and run back Jason gets up and sigh's and goes after Samantha he only carriers his M16 with 3 magazine's and combat knife. He see's Samantha up ahead she he see's something dart to her Jason run's at the figure and tackles it they both roll down a small hill Jason knows his holding a stalker they are nimble and very dangerous undead.

Jason dropped his M16 and he has his knife in hand he stabs the stalker multiple times but does nothing in a few moments he feel's long needle teeth clam down on his neck. Everything goes quiet he can't hear anything but see the stalker about to rip out his throat when it gets shot multiple times it fall's beside him with a giant hole in it head.

Jason feels warm hand's hold his neck wound's he look's up to see Samantha there panicking he tries to speak but nothing comes out he's eye's start to close and then darkness.

"Come on Jason don't die" Samantha hold's him in her arm's blood is everywhere she should of just not left now she's alone tears go down her cheek she look's at Jason's M16 that she shot it lays next to her. She grabs it and aims it at Jason's head but she can't do it her knees buckle from under her she see's black line's start to form under Jason's skin.

Samantha stand's up and hears Jason gasp for air and sits up he cough's up black liquid and look's around he stand's up and see's Samantha she hold's the M16 tightly Jason walk's over to her slowly "hey you okay Samantha." She see's Jason's wound heal she aims the M16 up "don't come any closer" Jason put's his hand's up and stop's "okay okay just don't shoot."

Samantha feel's her body start to grow tired blood trickles down from her wound in her leg she fall's and see's Jason run up to her and that's all she remembers. Samantha wakes up in a room she sleep's on a giant couch with her wrapped in bandage's she see's a fire place with a fire lit a small lantern sits beside her.

Bloody bandages are on a table with a first aid kit beside her she sits up and see's Jason's M16 is pulled apart with Jason cleaning it he look's up he smile's "finally awake you've been out for the last 3 day's" Jason gets up and gives Samantha a bag of food. "So what are you exactly" Jason bites his lip "I'm a hybrid part human part zombie I'm patient 0 I was the first but instead of turning me it cured me of many diseases hunger tiredness I don't have the urge to feed on human flesh anymore."

"I was the cause of all of this the government found out I had some type of DNA that could cure anything they took me away from my family and ran test." "They found a "cure" but it wasn't one when they injected it well someone people got what I got when other's they turned only a few of us who are hybrids stayed alive we formed the red crow's and we have kept our secret for everyone."

Samantha lays back down and cough's violently she feel's a warm hand touch her forehead Jason kneels beside her "you're freezing" Samantha feel's warmth wrap around her she opens her eyes to see. Jason has his body pressed up against her she doesn't say anything but move's as close as she can to him. "We need to move on soon before this snow gets worse"

They both lay there and they fall asleep in each other's arm's.