
The best day

Today is the day.

Kate was so excited that today Sophia is finally dating Matt.

"Sophia, you look absolutely gorgeous. Matt will be totally falling for you." Kate helped Sophia fixing up her make up and did some last touchups.

Sophia thanked Kate as she looked in the mirror.

Then the doorbell rang.

"Matt! Come on in. Sophia is almost ready." Kate yelled at Sophia to get out fast.

Sophia grabbed her purse, wallet, and phone and quickly ran out of the room.

"Sorry for letting you wait, Matt." Matt was stunned on how beautiful Sophia was.

"No, it's fine. Are you ready to go?" Sophia nodded.

Kate was happy and quickly told us to go before it was too late.

"Have fun guys!!" Kate told us as she waved goodbye.

As they drove away to their first destination, Sophia was glad Matt was taking the lead.

"It's going to be a long drive. I'll buy some drink and some food for us. Do you want any particular food and drink?" Sophia told Matt and he smiled, "I'll be back in a jiffy."

After few minutes, Matt came back with food and drinks.

"Wow, that's a lot. I guess we don't have to eat dinner now." Sophia jokingly said. They laughed and Matt said, "Dinner is still few hours away, the food will be digested really quickly. It's fast food anyways." Matt drove as Sophia ate her share.

"Here you go. A fry." Sophia gave Matt a fry and he enjoyed it.

"It tastes awesome. I love fast food." Matt laughed.

"For sure." Sophia laughed.

"Let's go for a break. You should rest for a while, Matt." They drove for 2 hours now.

"We are almost there. No need. You see the lake over there? There's a park there and it's super pretty during summer time." Matt said.

"I see it. Did you bring your camera?" Sophia asked.

"It's in the back seat. I'll find a parking spot now."

As they parked the car, Matt carried the camera and his backpack. Sophia was thankful for Kate's running shoes since her own running shoe was old.

"Do you need any help, Matt?" Sophia asked.

"No need. I will carry them. Men should do the heavy works." Matt smiled.

As they walked for a while, Sophia saw an old couple. The old couple approached them and said, "You guys look perfect together. Don't lose good chances. You are still young. There's a wishing bridge for couples right down there. Couples who go there and make a wish will stay together." They thanked the old couple and went their way.

"Sophia, do you want to go to the wishing bridge?" Matt asked. Sophia looked curious.

"Let's go since there isn't any other people there." Sophia said.

As they head there, a lady in a kimono stopped them and said, "Welcome to the wishing bridge. This bridge was given by the Japanese as a gift. According to the legend, couples who went to the bridge and wrote down a wish got their wishes within days. This red bracelet is not ordinary. It contains energy that will let you guys stay together no matter what happens. If each of you wore this bracelet, energy will be stronger. You will feel a wave of energy coming through you but don't be afraid. It won't harm you. It will protect you guys." The lady explained it to us. Matt and Sophia were curious so they each got a bracelet. They went to the bridge and made a wish.

After a while, they thanked the lady and she told them, "No matter what happens, this bracelet will protect you two. The more you guys are together, the more energy the bracelet can absorb. That way your connection will be stronger and nothing can seperate you two. You two will have an early start, I can see that. The bracelet is already glowing." They looked at their bracelet and was surprised the lady was right.

"Thank you so much. it was very informative." Matt said.

"We will head to the other side now. Thank you" Sophia told her.

As they went for a while, Matt suddenly said, "Sophia, do you think that lady is right?" Sophia shook her head, "How about we observe it for a while and see." They agreed and they went inside the park to have a looksee.

"Wow, the park is beautiful. I love those flowers." Sophia was so happy to be here.

"Matt, this place is gorgeous. I can stay here forever. It's so peaceful." Matt smile and sat beside Sophia.

"Sophia, truthfully... I've liked you ever since the party. I didn't think I would make a confession today. But, I just had to get it out." Sophia looked at Matt and replied, "Same. I've like you too." They looked at each other and Matt kissed Sophia's forehead.

"Sophia, would you like to be my girlfriend?" Matt asked politely. Sophia agreed. As they walked together, they held each other's hand. The bracelet glowed ever so brightly.

After dinner, it was already too dark to drive back.

Matt reserved a park cabin so they went in for the night.

Sophia called Kate that she won't be back til the next day.

"It's okay, Sophia. Enjoy your time with Matt. See you tomorrow. I'm out with my brother now so I won't be back home either for tonight. Don't worry about me." Sophia nodded and hung up.

"Matt, are you showering right now?" Matt came out of the room and said, "You can shower now. I'll shower after you." Sophia went and got ready.

After they finished showering, someone knocked on our door. Matt opened up and the man asked us if we were interested in seeing fireworks which will start soon.

"Sorry, we are kind of tired and would like to rest early tonight. Thank you for your thought." Matt told the man.

"Why didn't you want to go?" Sophia asked.

"This man was strange. He's been following us ever since we were in the park. I am sorry I didn't tell you. I was trying to protect you." Sophia nodded and said, "You are so manly, I feel safe with you. I wouldn't know about him if you didn't tell me about it." Matt held unto Sophia's hand and kissed her forehead. He whispered, "I want to protect my girl." He smiled and led Sophia to the bedroom.

As they kissed, Sophia said, "Matt, thank you for bringing me here. I love it." As they embraced each other, they laid on the bed.

"Sophia, it's my first time with a girl. I am sorry if I did it too quickly. I cannot help myself. If you are not comfortable, we can sleep seperately." Sophia shook her head.

"Matt, I don't know why. Ever since I wore the bracelet, I felt something inside me. I don't know how to explain it. But, that feeling came out now, I've fallen in love with you. This is the truth." Sophia told Matt.

As they looked at each other, they kissed again and embraced each other as they fell asleep.