

When dinner was over, people went back to their hotel rooms. Sophia and the others said farewell as she and Matt headed to the hotel. Kate, Tiffany, Gail followed Sophia since they live close to each other in the hotel. Tiffany and Peter went back first as they head back to the hotel. Kate and Ed followed Tiffany since they live beside each other. Gail stayed in Sophia's room as Matt went out to the balcony to get some fresh air.

"Sophia, the thing I'm going to talk about might scare you. But this is important regarding Matt. I've talked to the previous investigator who was in charge of the foreign man who committed suicide in the forest. As I talked to him, he's been in touch with the man's wife. He told me, his wife's name was Elise. She had two children, one boy and one girl. Matt and Isabelle. When he was in charge of the case, he believed Matt's father did not commit suicide. This is his opinion. Another thing is that since then, there has been numerous deaths surrounding the forest. But the cause of death is very strange. People who died there had no mental illnesses but simply disappeared after experiencing nightmares and hallucinations. Then, they will experience shock which resulted in cardiac arrest. Simply said, the investigator told me that Matt's father had a cardiac arrest. He did not hang himself because there was no rope marks around his neck. Lastly, during the wedding dinner, I thought I was just tired but as I thought about it, it can't be... I don't know how to say this but I saw shadows surrounding Matt. When I was young I did not want to tell you guys I have this ability. But I can only see them but I cannot talk to them. The thing that concerns me is that this shadow is the same one that caused his father's death. When I saw all of the photos of the dead people, only I see the shadows, the camera cannot. I don't know how long the shadow has been following Matt but it could be very soon something will happen to him. I can already sense something is off ever since the wedding. Make sure you watch over Matt, let me know if anything happens. Here's my Tokyo phone number in case something happens." Sophia was shocked what she heard but she cooled down, "Actually, Matt and I are going to Tokyo for honeymoon. We won't visit the forest but we will check out other places over there. I heard Tokyo is gorgeous. I'll keep the phone number in case. Thank you for telling me all of this. I'll make sure nothing happens to Matt." Gail nodded and said, "It's hard to say, if he disappears suddenly, you have to let me know." Sophia agreed.

"Sophia, I know this is a lot to take in. You also need to take care of yourself and your baby. Promise me you will take care?" Sophia smiled, "Of course. Thank you so much." As Gail and Sophia hugged, Gail checks her watch, "It's getting late. You should rest now. I'll be heading back early in the morning. Let me know when to head to Tokyo. We can catch on more." Gail said happily. Sophia nodded back and smiled.

"I'll miss you, Gail. Take care. I'll let you know if something happens." Sophia waved goodbye at Gail.

Sophia was glad the conversation was over. It was a lot to take in. As she organized her stuff, Matt came behind her.

"What's wrong, Matt?" Sophia touched Matt's hair and smiled.

"Nothing. I just want to stay like this for awhile." Matt said tiredly.

"Are you still seeing the shadows?" Sophia asked curiously as Matt wrapped his arm around Sophia's waist.

"Hm. I still see him. Whenever I see him, I still feel scared. What if he wants something from me? What if he takes you away from me?" Matt's whole body shook again.

"I'm here for you, Matt." Sophia turned and kissed Matt on the lips.

"Don't be afraid. You have me and our child. Nothing will happen to us." Sophia embraced Matt and held him for another minute or so.

"Babe, I want you. Let's do it now." Sophia nodded as she took off Matt's clothes and Matt did the same for her.

As they lay in bed, Matt kissed Sophia so tenderly and held her.

"Babe, I don't want to lose you." Matt said.

"I'm here, Matt. I'm right here." As Sophia embraced Matt, it felt good.

Matt's eyes only looked at Sophia, with tender love and his kiss, breath arouses Sophia.

"Matt, do it more. I'm okay." Matt got lost in his tiny world with Sophia. As they embraced, made love, he wasn't scared anymore.

When morning came, the sunlight shown on Matt's face. As Sophia traces her finger on Matt's forehead, nose and lips, Matt woke up. Sophia got startled and faced the other way. Matt's strong hand wrapped around Sophia's pregnant belly. Sophia smiled.

"Good morning, Sophia." Matt's deep voice always get her. Sophia still blushes whenever Matt talks like that.

"Morning." Sophia still faced the other way because she felt nervous.

"Why are you facing that way? I want to see your beautiful face." Matt kissed her cheek.

"Here. Happy?" Sophia turned around and saw Matt's handsome face.

"Give me a kiss." Matt demanded jokingly.

"Here." Sophia kissed Matt on his lips.

"Ah, that's better." Matt still embraced Sophia not letting her go.

"Oh my, look at the time. We have to pack now." Sophia immediately got up and so did Matt.

As they finished packing, they met with the others at the lobby.

"Sophia! You've slept in again!" Kate said as she waits in the lobby.

"Sorry, I was pretty tired from last night." Sophia rubbed her hair as she turned the other way.

"Ooooh... did Matt do something to you? I see your face blush again." Kate giggled.

"He did." Sophia smiled stupidly.

"Matt, you did well. Whatever you did, keep doing it." Kate gently slapped Matt on his shoulders. Sophia laughed a bit.

Suddenly, Matt took Sophia's hand and held it really tightly. Sophia gently placed her other hand on top.

Whatever Matt experienced these past few weeks, Sophia just hoping nothing bad will happen especially what Gail mentioned last night. The suicide forest is no jokes. Just by looking at the images from last night gave her the chills.

"Matt, I'm here. Don't worry." Sophia reminded him. Matt nodded and relaxed a bit.