
The Black Flames of Destruction

Izuku Midoriya. A quirkless child who wants to be a hero. Even though people had their doubts about him, he never gave up. His childhood friend turned bully would torment him every time they met, with insults to physical pain. He was treated like trash, yet his passion to be a hero never wavered. The three most important person in his life has their faith in him, and that alone made the fire in his heart to be a hero even stronger. He wants to prove to everyone that a person in the lowest hierarchy in society can be great. A quirkless person can be a hero if they try hard enough and never give up. He wants to be the first quirkless hero. Or so he thought that he was quirkless and had no 'special power' whatsoever. He is in fact, the reincarnation of a being so powerful that his power can destroy the universe itself. What is this being you say? Akuma, The God of Destruction. But with that, comes great suffering. BNHA is owned by Kohei Horikoshi Every other reference I mentioned is also owned by their respective owners. -Credits to avery_aldini on Wattpad for editing and making the cover look better!-

hoov · Anime e quadrinhos
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12 Chs

Ch. 7: Sanity Bursts Asunder, Does Hope Arrive?

[The Green-Haired Angel's Fall.]

[Mountainside, 10:15 AM JST]

Izuku POV

"WHY?! WHY?! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME?!?!? WHY DID THIS HAPPEN?!?!" I shouted furiously all the while repeatedly banging my head on a trunk of a tree. I was grabbing my hair like my life depended on it, losing a few strands of hair every time I shake my head. The skin on my forehead had torn apart, with blood spewing out down towards my neck, painting my teeth and the scleras on my eyes red.

For the last eleven minutes, I've been banging my head repeatedly, because my head felt like it had a splitting headache. No normal headaches could even match the one that I felt right then and there. It felt like something was inside my head, making a mess inside my mind and making my sanity go haywire.

What the woman said to me kept on flashing inside my mind ever since I came back to the real world, thrashing around inside my mind. It was as if my mind is an office, and a worker had lost their mind over the stress and destroyed everything in it, making it all a pile of mess.


The woman's body had dissolved into a cloud of toxic green-colored smoke and disappeared into thin air, leaving me alone on top of a mountain I just destroyed, but before she truly disappeared she whispered something to my ear.

"You did this, boy~... If only you didn't exist in this world in the first place~..."

As she said the last word of her sentence, the weight of my burden became too heavy for me to carry. It was like the weight of the world was on my shoulders. I felt like dying, as my vision became distorted. In a blink of an eye, in front of me were millions of rotten corpses, including the people I care about the most: Ochako, Mom, and Dad, dragging my feet down to the fiery depths of hell.

I couldn't react clearly to what was happening, as the borderline between illusion and reality was vague. I could only watch helplessly as my vision began to spin around, making the image of the already terrifying sight into a psychedelic horror show.

I felt like I wanna hurl at their faces.

"IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT DEKU!! YOUR FAULT! IF ONLY YOU WERE NEVER BORN, WE WOULDN'T'VE DIED HORRIBLE DEATHS!!" Ochako shouted at me with flames bursting out of her hollow eyes and mouth, her tone full of resentment and anger.

The love of my life suffering in such a cruel way quickly brought guilt over to me. My heart felt like it stopped at seeing such a heart-wrenching sight. The usual expression of sunlight on her face was no more, replaced by the expression of hatred, resentment, and anger. It was as if she had the flames of hell itself on her face, and it made me want to puke my guts out. Not of disgust, but of the great guilt that was weighing down my heart.

'No...Please no, Ochako...this is not you-'

"Izuku...Honey...Why?...Why did you kill us..?" Mom weakly said to me as tears fell her maggot-filled eyes. Her kind emerald eyes were sullied by such disgusting creatures. It was heartbreaking. Utterly, truly, heartbreaking. Seeing her in such a state was like a hot serrated dagger was being stabbed right through my heart, before being shaken around, making the wound on my heart bigger.

'Mom, please...! I would never-' I got cut off as a big, bony hand wrapped around my throat. There was no force in it, and it doesn't have a killing intent. And a realization came to me of whose hand that was. I slowly looked upon in horror as my eyes met my father's. And my heart dropped. His lower jaw was missing, only leaving his tongue dangling from the roof of his mouth, and he only had the skeletal part of his nose.

His sunken deep blue eyes were only filled with disappointment and regret, and it made my stomach churn in the anxiety of what he was going to say.

"Izuku...My boy...You're no hero. You're a demon..."

The last word that my father said to me rang in my ears, echoing around the space inside my head.

"Demon..." The corpses began to chant.


"Demon..." The chant slowly got louder and louder.

'Stop...Please..' I thought as I clasped my hands on my ears, trying to cut out the voices.

"Demon...!" It was no use. It was like they were chanting inside my head. I felt like knocking myself out, trying to stop the voices from making my sanity all over the place.

'I beg you...' I pleaded, but still, it all fell to deaf ears. As I kept being dragged down underground, the voices of the corpses began to change. I no longer heard voices that came from humans, instead, all I heard were inhumane and demonic voices, making shivers of dread slither down my spine.

"Demon!" They began to shout. Their inhumane voices were revolting, and it made me feel unbelievably uneasy.

'No...I'm not...a-' I tried to deny it all, but I got cut off as they all shouted at the top of their lungs, sending a slow searing pain of hopelessness to my soul.


'Is my existence that much of a curse....? What did I do to deserve this..?' I hopelessly asked myself, waiting for an answer that would save me, SOMEONE, to save me, from the unbearable feeling of guilt and desperation that was weighing down on me. But it never came.

"If only you were never born...." All of the corpses said in altogether. And the next thing I saw was the head of Ochako increasing in size, still with the look of hatred on her face, swallowing me inside her mouth, into the pit of fire inside her body.

The next thing I knew, I was back in the real world. And I hurled out everything I had inside my stomach.

(Flashback end)

'THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!! I DID THIS!!! I CAUSED THIS!! All I wanted was to save people...! Yet I'm the one that put us all in danger! This power of mine hasn't saved anyone, instead, it brought suffering to everyone in this world!! Why do other people have to suffer because of me?!?!' I thought in unwavering fury and guilt, biting my lips with such force, blood oozes out of them.

I kept on continuing to banging my head. Banging, and banging, and banging. Wishing that I went back in time to when I had no quirk, as all I wanted was to beat my head into mush, ending the pain and agony that I was experiencing. Ending all of this suffering that everyone was being put through.

Ending it all.

It hurt like hell, but it never ended. The one thing that broke wasn't my skull, but the tree that I was banging my head onto. I stumbled backward losing my balance, before looking at my blood dripping down to the ground. And as I looked at the fluid of life dripping down my face, something inside me snapped.

It was like a delicate glass being filled with too much water until it overflows. Time and time again, the water didn't stop flowing down to the glass and kept overflowing it, until the glass finally shattered underneath all the pressure.

As I regained my balance and my back was hunched, a crazed grin formed on my face, to the point that my mouth started to hurt.

I had lost my mind.







DO YOU?!?!




ISN'T IT?!?!?!"

My breathing was uneven, and I was trembling in rage and pure insanity down to the very core. And as I was staring at the ashen sky with pure hatred in my eyes, I grit my teeth and brought both of my hands to my face, and scratched my cheeks all the way down to my chin, making it bleed profusely.

Then, with all I had, I roared at the top of my lungs as I glared at the ashen sky, cursing the gods or whatever it is that had 'blessed' me with this power.

This cursed power that brought the apocalypse.

Pain, suffering, sadness, hatred, anger, rage mixed in altogether in a single shout. Tears welled up on the corner of my eyes and fell down my cheeks, mixing with the blood that I shed.

One minute and thirty seconds, I screamed at the top of my lungs. I screamed until my voice broke. I didn't care if the monsters were to come and try to eat me. All I cared about, at that moment, was one thing.



[Musutafu Beach, 10:42 AM JST]

All Might POV

My whole body was burning in pain and my muscles were becoming stiff. It felt like I was being boiled from inside out for hours non-stop. Steam emitted out of my body without stopping, and blood gushed out of my mouth like a waterfall. I gritted my teeth and looked at my surroundings, and all I saw were mangled corpses, both heroes and monsters, littered on the ground, tainting the beach in torn carcasses and blood.

A sudden thump on the ground redirected my attention. I looked towards the source of the sound and found myself covered in a shadow of a humanoid figure with two gigantic arms and two smaller ones on its sides. Then, as the orange light from the pillar of flames shined upon it, showing its blue-tinted skin, it sent out one of its bigger arms towards me, elongating like rubber being stretched.

I easily swayed my body to the left and wrapped my arms around its gigantic arm. I then forcefully yanked it and brought the figure closer to me, before driving my right fist into its head, obliterating it as the head exploded like a balloon being popped. The figure then limply fell to the ground in a thump and never got back up again.

I stared at the now headless corpse for a moment before staring at my fist, covered in the blood of countless monsters that I've slain. I huffed, resulting in a small cloud of steam coming out of my mouth, before looking up at the ashen sky, raining down molten rock and fire.

'Izuku, young Uraraka, Inko...I'm coming to save you. Please be safe...for my sake....'

My thoughts were interrupted when a flaming corpse landed right in front of me, followed by Endeavor landing on top of it, exploding the corpse into pieces and sending out its innards everywhere.

He was in a bad condition, out of breath and panting like a dog. His hero costume was torn to shreds, revealing his body that was in a bad shape. His upper body was littered with wounds and bruises, and tens of slashes decorated his body. And the thing that stood out the most was a diagonal slash being seen on his face, cutting from the bottom right of his chin to the bridge of his nose.

He had a smug smirk on his face when his bright turquoise eyes met my shining blue ones, and I could only sweatdrop at him.

"Where's your grin All Might? You look worse than me." He smugged. 'I don't understand him at all. Why does he saw everything between me and him as a competition? Why is he so obsessed with defeating me? ...Well, no time to ask. He'll probably be mad at me if I ask that. I'll ask later when he warms up to me...if that'll ever happen..'

But it was true though, I can't deny it. I was in far worse condition than he was. Blood was freely flowing out of my mouth, bruises and cuts decorated my body from top to bottom even worse than he was, and only the top half of my green cargo pants was still intact, as I wasn't wearing my hero costume. Steam was coming out of my body so intensely, I looked like a portable sauna.

"Where's Soleil?" I ignored his smug remark and asked, as this was no time for personal competitions. The Flame Hero's smirk instantly fades as soon as I asked, as he gave me a sigh while wiping away the blood on his face, walking away from the burning corpse he just stepped on towards me.

"I don't know. We got split up when that giant snake thing split into two. I killed the other half 'bout a few minutes ago, but I dunno about her."

As soon as he said that, that same other half of the giant snake came crashing down into the sea. We readied ourselves by taking a battle stance, but the snake didn't move a muscle, just stiffly floating on the water like a wooden plank. At first glance, it looked just fine, and I was ready to smash it into oblivion as soon as it moved, but when I looked more closely, it was already dead. Burnt to a crisp from the inside as pitch-black smoke came out of its gaping mouth.

"Hey All Might, Endeavour.." A worn-out voice uttered, gaining our attention.

We both turned our heads to see Soleil floating high in the air, golden runes decorating her body far less than before with heatwaves lightly surrounding her like a protective cloak.

She was in a far better condition than us, but battle-worn nonetheless. Her beautiful runic dress now torn and painted in blood. A couple of bruises were seen on her arms and face, and a single little stream of blood flowed down from her forehead down to her left eye.

A soft, weak, smile was plastered on her face, giving me the sense that she was giving us comfort in these times of grief, as we were the only ones that survived the wave of monsters that stormed the beach from that pillar of fire in the distance.

Out of 84 pro heroes and 23 sidekicks gathered on the beach, only the three of us survived.

As I was far too deep in the heat of the battle, of my own fears, of worry for the people I deeply care about, of fear of the unknown that was the savage monsters in front of me, I became unaware of the fact that people around me were dying.

I should've saved them. I should've saved them all. I should've sacrificed myself for their sake, for their lives from being taken away by death so soon.

But then a question surfaced itself in my mind. If I sacrificed myself for their sake, then who's going to protect Izuku, young Uraraka, and Inko..?

That exact question spun around my mind, spinning, spinning, and kept on spinning. I didn't sacrifice myself back then because I wanted to protect the ones I hold dear, but I completely abandoned my ideology of what a true hero is. The Ideology that I and Hisashi believed in.

A true hero always saves and protects anyone, even if it means throwing their own lives away.

But if I do that, who's going to bear the responsibility of protecting those that I hold dear when I'm dead?

Suddenly, a pat on my shoulder snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked down on my left and saw Soleil tipping her toes and giving me a small smile that practically says 'What can we do about it? Even though it's only in the near past, we must keep on walking forward.', as if she was talking to me telepathically.

Her deep starry eyes were calm, yet they were mournful. Her hands were giving me comfort, but they were also shaking in mourning and anger. I can tell that she was silently berating herself for not being able to save everyone else, just like I was, but she was holding herself back, forcing her heart to become a stone so that she didn't break down in tears right then and there on the sandy ground of Musutafu beach.

Soleil's eyes were the same as back then. The same eyes full of stars that gazed up to me fourteen years ago.

I let out a sigh and closed my eyes, before opening them back and giving Soleil a nod, giving her a confirmation that I was okay. Soleil then patted me two more times before walking towards the direction of the downtown district.

"Are you two still up for it? Still have enough energy to fight? The city's still full of those things." Soleil asked us two while still facing the now destroyed city. Endeavor looked at me with a confused look and gave me a psst, which I caught in my peripheral. I then looked at him while raising my eyebrow.

"What is it Endeavor?" I asked Endeavor in Japanese.

"What did she say?" The Flame Hero asked while pointing at Soleil repeatedly. I facepalmed while giving him a disappointed sigh, in which he replied by squinting his eyes in annoyance. He should've taken English classes more seriously when he was still in school, but well, it doesn't matter anymore.

"She was asking us if we're still strong enough to fight." I explained it to him. Endeavor then scoffed while adorning a cocky smirk. He then began to basically stomp his feet on the ground towards Soleil, with flames slowly emitting out of his body like a campfire finally igniting after heavy rain.

"Ha! You should ask that frail old man! I can do this all day!" He shouted in arrogance as his flames burst out like flames out of a flamethrower, giving him his hero appearance minus the full hero costume. Soleil only gave him a clueless expression, as she doesn't understand Japanese at all, which was amusing in a sense.

I sweatdropped at his attitude while also feeling annoyed at his lack of empathy. But oh well, at least he can get the job done. I then rolled my shoulders, earning a satisfying crack to be heard, and stood by their side, making Soleil look like a little kid between two grown men as she was only 160 cm tall. A bit absurd for a western girl.

'Because I'm using my full power, the time limit of my quirk has been drastically decreased, so I estimate by 11:30 AM I'll go back to normal.' I thought to myself while wiping away the flowing blood from my mouth. Swirls of sand and wind began to surround me as sparkling red veins started to appear around my body. As the red veins began to disappear, golden lightning began to spark around and cloak my body.

Soleil followed suit as the golden archaic runes on her arms and below her eyes glowed brighter, giving her the appearance of an injured deity, ready to unleash her judgment to those who wronged her.

"Runes of Apollo..." She muttered under her breath, before exhaling a stream of smoke out of her mouth.

'But until then, let's bring hope!! Because I AM HERE!!' I thought to myself as I grinned in determination, ready to face whatever there are in front of me.

"Let's go monster slaying."

As soon as those words come out of my mouth, a giant monster the size of a regular Japanese house came crashing down on us at breakneck speed, but Soleil quickly acted and pointed her right hand towards the monster. In an instant, the monster turned to golden shards of ashes and disappeared into thin air. I was amazed at her demonstration of ability. She really grew a lot from what happened fourteen years ago. As expected of France's number one hero. Just thinking about it again made me feel nostalgic.

Meanwhile, with Endeavor, he slowly turned his head at her, his eyes were widened and his mouth gaped. Soleil looked at him rather confusedly.

"What?" Soleil asked. Endeavor hunched his back before a vein popped in his forehead as he growled in anger, making me and Soleil lean away a bit with sweat dripping down our faces. While Soleil was confused, I was bracing myself, especially my ears, because profanities are about to come out of that mouth of his.

"THE FUCK WAS THAT WOMAAAANNNN?!?!?! HOW THE HELL DIDYA DO THAT?!?!? MY STRONGEST FIRE BURNT THOSE UGLY FUCKING THINGS AFTER A FEW SECONDS, YET HERE YOU ARE TURNING THEM INTO ASH LIKE A FUCKING SNAP!!! DAMMIIITTT I GOT HUMILIATED BY A DAMN WOMAAANNN!!!" He bellowed out in frustration, meanwhile Soleil only tilted her head to the side, not knowing a single thing on what he was saying. It's better to keep it that way Soleil, ignorance is bliss, I said to myself.

I coughed, and immediately Endeavor's frustrated screaming came to a halt. Endeavor looked at me before looking away embarrassedly.

"Now, shall we-" I got cut off as sounds of rumbling footsteps caught my ears. I looked in the direction of where the rumbling came from and saw hundreds of monsters stampeding down our way with faces that screamed hunger very clearly. Structures flattened and ground lifted underneath their feet as they rushed down to us.


I narrowed my eyebrows in anger at the sight of their faces. It was painted in blood. I clenched my fists as sparks of lightning shrouded me more intensely, feeling the irresistible urge to make them pay for what they've done. Endeavor and Soleil also followed suit. Their faces scrunched in anger as red flames and heatwaves intensely surrounded them respectively. But suddenly, someone landed in front of us, exploding the ground and sending out powerful tremors and gusts of wind coming our way.

"What the?!" Endeavor shouted in shock.

"Is it a particularly stronger one like that snake thing before?!" Soleil shouted to us, struggling not to get blown away by strong wind currents, blocking it with a barrier of heatwaves. I didn't answer her question as I was too focused on the figure who just landed in front of us who was covered in a thick layer of smoke. 'I only saw a glimpse, but from what I saw, was that the figure that just landed in front of us looks more humanoid than the rest. Is it a hero? Or a new type of monster?' I thought to myself.

"Piercing Wind: Kiss of Death." A somewhat familiar voice uttered from inside the smoke. Suddenly, a single sharp blast of air shot out from the smoke towards a row of monsters that were coming to us, creating a hole in each of their bodies that went on like a straight line, killing them with that single blow.

As the smoke was blown away by the blast, it was like seeing a ghost from the past. That black, shineless hair blown by the wind brought me to a certain memory, a memory I wish I had forgotten, from the past that I wished to erase.

"Take care of Inko for me Toshi! Say hello from me to my kid when they grow up!"

"Hisa...shi...?" I muttered out loud. The figure with the black hair turned his head back towards me with his eyes immediately meeting mine. And as soon as I saw those four freckles, a sense of pride and relief washed over to my consciousness, but fear came along with it.

It didn't look like much, but those piercing-red eyes were so full of rage, it sent a feeling of unimaginable dread creeping down my spine. My body was stuck in place, but my limbs were screaming at me to run away. It was as if I was staring at an entity called destruction, who stared back at me with eyes that screamed out death, but it also felt like I was staring at myself fourteen years younger.


'What happened to you...my boy...?'


[???, ???, Hell]

3rd Person POV

Footsteps and ragged breathing echoed throughout the red-marbled halls. The tempo of the footstep was somewhat hurried and limp as if the one creating it was injured. A silhouetted figure was seen scurrying limply along the endless halls, with the only thing to make out of it was the trail of blood following down their steps and two destroyed wings on their back.

The figure then set foot inside of a grand hall. The glorious yet ominous room had a blood-red hue, from the reflections of light on the stained glass surrounding it. The figure's nebula-colored eyes were immediately set on the giant ragged throne made of thousands of golden swords that stood in the middle of the grand room, but they instantly looked down on the ground in fear as soon as they saw a figure clad in golden armor sitting on top of it. And as the red glow splashed onto the shadowy figure, finally giving off what the figure looked like, the figure who sat on the throne spoke out a gentle voice that sent chills down the figure's spine.

"Ah, Vhesvia. It seems that you didn't bring the boy with you."

Vhesvia instantly knelt as soon as the voice uttered its first word, sweat mixing with blood running down her forehead down to her quivering right eye, making her unable to fully open it. Her body was trembling in great fear from head to toe upon hearing the gentle voice, but anyone else wouldn't as they wouldn't feel anything off in their tone of speaking.

"M-my utmost apologies, your majesty! Just give me one more chance, and I-I will most definitely bring the boy back! I was careless and I let my guard down! I just need a second cha-"

A sudden heavy pressure stopped Vhesvia from talking. It was so powerful, the air inside of the grand hall vibrated and the ground shook terribly. Vhesvia struggled to keep her posture correct as the pressure forced her body to the ground. She slowly looked up in horror as the figure sitting on the golden throne gave her a stern glare, amethyst jewels staring back at her like a lion looking down on a mere worm.

"Who are you to order me around?" The figure said as the pressure intensified, making Vhesvia struggling for air beneath his fearsome glare.

"M-my sincere...a-apologies, your m-majesty A-azeryth...! It was n-not my i-intention to-" Vhesvia got cut off again as The figure on the throne increased the pressure they emitted. The veins on her head bulged as her eyes went red, reacting to Vhesvia who was using her strength to resist the intense pressure. Blood gushed out of her nose and mouth as Vhesvia gritted her bloody teeth in pain, with grunts and growls emanating out of her mouth to drown out the overwhelming pain.

'This pressure...! It's so i-intense!! A mere glare...can do s-something..this p-powerful!! The castle's going to cave in...if he keeps this on! Even if it's only for two minutes...! Is he...e-even more powerful t-than before?!' Vhesvia thought in misery, astonished yet terrified of the sheer power that the figure upon her emitted.

"Now tell me, Vhesvia...Who is stronger, me or that boy?" The figure now known as The Demon King Azeryth asked Vhesvia, applying pressure even more as the crimson-marbled floor began to crack and lift itself. The space around him began to distort as his amethyst eyes began to glow.

And as Azeryth's amethyst orbs shined, every being in the paradise of nightmares became frozen in their place. The eldritch beings that were adorning faces of glee instantly contorted them into faces of utter dread and terror. They began to tremble in fear as the feeling so utterly alien to them slapped them right in their faces. It was like a reminder, a reminder that someone so utterly powerful rules above them all.

The tormented humans, or sinners, began to collapse one by one, overwhelmed by the pressure and shock upon the sheer presence of something so powerful.

Back to Vhesvia. She was too in awe at the sight right before her eyes, the feeling of fear didn't even exist to her for a moment. 'There's no doubt about it! Even though the boy's power level had exponential growth, his power only surpassed King Azeryth's by a minuscule amount. But now, King Azeryth's power is galaxies beyond!! Do they have the same ability? Power Burst? No..! There's no way! Then what IS his ability? To get stronger each moment passes? It can't be something as simple as that...' Vhesvia thought to herself, gazing in astonishment and curiosity upon the sight of her king showcasing his power.

"There's no doubt, my king! The boy's power is merely able to be compared to only a fraction of yours!" Vhesvia praised. But as soon as she said that, the intense pressure stopped, and Azeryth spoke in a rather 'bone chilling' tone.

"Then you should have accomplished your mission, whether you end up dead or not. Explode to pieces."

In an instant and without being given the time to react, Vhesvia exploded into a rain of innards and blood, tainting the clean-looking, crimson-marbled floor with her guts. Her fingers were still somehow twitching as if she was still not letting go of life. Blood flowed down the pillars that were drenched in her blood and organs and flesh dropped down from above, making disgusting moist sounds when they hit the ground.

Seeing such a revolting sight made Azeryth sigh. He then rested his right arm on the rugged armrest of the throne, before snapping his fingers in a bored manner. Vhesvia's exploded body began to recombine itself, flesh after flesh began to entwine with each other, bone after bone became connected through ligaments. And finally, layers of skin began to cover her body, finally giving back her appearance pre-mortem, albeit healthier and more naked than before.

Vhesvia gasped in shock as she was suddenly exploded and brought back to life, hyperventilating as her heartbeat went into overdrive. She collapsed to her knees in distress and utter fear and pressed her hands on her chest, trying to somehow calm down the rapid beating of her heart, but of course, it was fruitless, as she literally just died a few seconds ago.

"In this universe, the one that possesses more power stands atop those who are weaker than them. Whether it is diplomatic power or raw pure unbridled force that causes destruction, those who possess it, stand above the rest. Even God cannot change that fact, because God is the one who created everything that has ever existed. Just by that fact alone makes God the ultimate omnipotent being, the highest form of existence, because God CREATES existence itself." Azeryth explained to Vhesvia after a few seconds of her trying to get it together from the intense trauma of being grasped by the hands of death ever so suddenly, in a very fleshy manner at that.

"Why am I saying you this? It's because I'm disappointed in you. You felt more fear towards me than towards that boy. You even said it yourself that I'm far more powerful than him, yet you didn't accomplish what I ordered you to do. You should've sacrificed your life for my sake, as I am your king. But you didn't. You ran away. I could've left you there as a whole mess of flesh and bones and let your sisters clean it up if I was in a bad mood, but I didn't. I brought you back to life because I still have my faith in you, it IS your first fail after all. But this was a very important task so I can't say I'm nonchalant about you not bringing the boy here to me." Azeryth continued.

"So, I'll give you one more chance to not fail this time. But before that, please inform the hornbearers that at 3 AM GMT..." Azeryth slowly brought his hands together in a rather menacing manner. A shadow then covered half of his face, his amethyst eyes glowing under it rather deviously. This brought curiosity to Vhesvia. What was the king planning to do?

"It will all end."

To be continued.