
The Biunny

Treasure tends to lurk amongst beasts. Usually, a hero will find these treasures and sell them for profit. USUALLY. The Biunny is different. Will some one seize this legendary prize? Who knows.

Norro · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs


SHHHHH. The faucet turns on and I start to wash the dishes. 10 minutes go by before I turn off the water. I remove my pink apron, and head to the bathroom. The mirror in front me reveals many things: my black fur, my blood red eyes, my enormous teeth, and the scar I got 700 years before, during my battle with him, Biunny's father. He was opposed to a human and a monster being together; she gave her life to save mine.

After a short piss, I washed my hands and leave.


I took my usual path around the forest. 457 steps northeast, 325 steps west, and 40 steps north. After wandering around for 40 minutes, I arrived at a campsite. That's when I sensed his aura. He was young, had dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, and wide shoulders; probably his reincarnation.

"Rein, over here" a man next to the fire called out. He walked over. SO THAT'S HIS NEW NAME.

I stayed near the camp till nightfall, waiting for Rein to be alone. And finally, he was. I pounced straight at him. He immediately sensed me, and drew his sword. A smile spread across my face.

"I don't know why you're here. But tonight will be your last night, foul beast." He rushed at me. Sword, swooshing towards my head. Unable to get away in time, I swing my arm up. The blade pierces straight to the bone.

A violent spray of blood, shoots towards him. By now the others have noticed the commotion and gather around me.

"Surrender now," the oldest of the group calls out. I raise my hands, but at the last moment, aim towards the man. Three of my claws shoot out and pierce through his neck. Everyone within 5 feet of him is covered in blood.

I run. To the opposite direction of home. Slaughtering anyone in my way. Few come at me, Rein being one of them. I shoot him in the leg, and disappear.


Once I eventually get home, I enter my room and head towards the closet. I pull out bandages and some liquor. I pour half the bottle on my arm, and wrap it to the point that I look like a mummy.

"I saw him. I saw that bastard. Soon, we will be together dear, very soon."

I could've done better with this, but I'm lazy; so this is what you get.

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