
The bio-hazard

This story is a concept for another novel I'm working on, I'm posting it as a means to get reviews on the concept so I can apply it to the main story. what if the world was invaded by supernatural beings from another dimension, some of these beings resembling creatures from myths and legends across the world, what if these beings brought an end to life as we know it? follow the story of Morgan, a child born in this world of myths and monsters.

heliumjax · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 9: Omega

[~October 9th, 2192~]

Lying on the floor with his arms behind his head and his feet crossed, Morgan could be seen relaxed on the soft fur carpet of the floor, a new addition to his room courtesy of Doctor Mathews after much convincing. Sitting on the bed not too far from him is the fully recovered Sandra who skimmed through her tablet, going over Morgan's previous testing data.

"Mom" Sitting up to face Sandra, Morgan shuffled over to her and cuddled his head onto her lap before looking up at her. "When is the food getting here?"

Giving him strange looks, she moved her tablet out the way and ruffled his hair, causing him to snuggle into her stomach. "Give them another five minutes, also…" uncomfortably adjusting herself on the sinking bed, she picked up her clipboard and hit Morgan across the back of the head, causing him to jolt back. "You're too heavy for that!".

"Ow" Feigning injury, he rubbed the back of his head and meekly grinned at her before sitting cross legged in front of her. "Sorry".

"When you were smaller I didn't mind, now you're almost five hundred pounds, I can't afford another injury". Stretching her back, she looked down at the saddened Morgan, noticing his unnaturally dilated pupils as he looked up at her with a frown. Receiving a shiver up her spin, she blew air into his eyes to make him stop. "What are you a cat? That might have worked when you were smaller, but now its just creepy".

In the middle of her speaking, the door to the room buzzed as an old man wearing all white and an apron walked into the room with a large cart carrying several steaks, fried rice, and a small bowl of pasta. With the absence of guards, the man walked up to the two. "Hey Morgan". Stopping the cart, the man picked up the bowl of pasta and handed it to Sandra before taking a seat on the nearest chair, seemingly out of breath.

"you ok Will?" With a voice of concern, Sandra proceeded to her meal.

Catching his breath, the old man gave her a weak smile before looking over at the stack of steaks and fried rice. "Your gonna have to start getting those yourself Morgan"

Getting up to retrieve his meal, Morgan placed them all on the table and began to eat, taking all of thirty seconds to finish his large bowl of fried rice before moving on to his steaks, drowning them in sauce before gorging on them. Watching the scene, Will waited patiently, struggling to his feet to prepare his return to the kitchen.

Finished with their meals, the two placed their plates on the cart, prompting Will to leave the room with a subtle limp.

"I think he needs to retire" Watching as Will left the room, Morgan returned to lying on the floor, his stomach comically bloated.

Massaging her stomach, she looked up at the ceiling "I agree, but his company is appreciated". Receiving a notification from her tablet, Sandra scrolled through it and released a heavy sigh.

"What's up?" Noticing her frustration, Morgan sat back up, his stomach returning to normal.

"Start getting ready, we have something to get out of the way"

Looking confused, Morgan rose to his feet and went behind a changing curtain at the corner of his room, removing his clothing to reveal a pair of blue luminescence lined black pants. Choosing to keep on the white shirt given to him by the facility, he exited the changing area and walked over to the already prepared Sandra.

[~10 Minutes later~]

On the other end of the facility, the two could be seen walking in its reinforced walls as they approached a closed off section of the facility. Reaching a few feet from the area, Sandra looked up at Morgan.

"The higher ups have decided to try introducing you to other subjects again, they think you've calmed down enough to give it another try".

"Oh? Should i make them rethink that decision"

"Please don't" Glaring at Morgan, Sandra spoke with anger in her low tone.

Responding with a sheepish grin, he raised his hands in defeat. "I'll play nice, promise"

Extending his pinky finger, Sandra reciprocated the gesture and the two locked fingers. "I'm going to hold you to that… let's go".

Arriving in front of the door, Sandra flashed her ID to the guards, allowing them to pass and enter the room. Upon passing through the door, they were immediately met by four people in their late teens wearing specialized clothing to suit their bodies. "This group can be a little rowdy, please be patient". Reconfirming with Morgan, they walked over to the group, Sandra walking ahead of Morgan and standing between him and the group.

"This is team Omega, they've been on four missions so far, all successful". Motioning over to the bulkiest of the group, a boy carrying broad shoulders and a muscular frame looked over to Morgan with a smug smirk. "This is the 16 year old Daniel, he is the team leader and is the physically strongest of the team". Motioning next to the boy, Sandra pointed out a petite girl with overdeveloped features to his left. "This is the 17 year old Talia, she is the team's planner and coordinator". Moving to the next group member, Sandra was abruptly brushed to the side by Daniel, causing her to land on her bum due to losing her balance.

Walking past the confused Sandra and sizing up Morgan, Daniel looked up at him. "You should introduce yourself first, fresh meat".

Ignoring the boy, Morgan brushed past him and rushed to help Sandra up, dusting off her lab coat. Visibly frustrated, Sandra regained her composure and looked up at Morgan. "Forget what I said earlier, this is your new team, make yourself at home." Storming out of the room, Sandra left Morgan and the group to themselves.

"Looks like the bitch left… Now, what's your de—."

Grabbed by the neck before he could react, Daniel was lifted into the air and repeatedly slapped across the face by Morgan. "Why did you have to go and do that?" Balling his fist, Morgan raised his arm back to punch Daniel, but a sudden pressure knocked him against the room wall, forcing him to release Daniel.

Getting up unharmed, Morgan looked over to see another female member of the group with her arms extended, Daniel next to them in a coughing fit. Feeling a pressure trying to force him on his knees, he ignored it and began walking over to the group, startling the girl with her hand outstretched.

"Who do you think you are!?" Standing in anger, Daniel looked over to his struggling teammate. "Kayla, hold him down"

"Im trying!" With both arms now out, the girl applied more pressure on Morgan's body, her forehead veins bulging from the effort.

On the receiving end, Morgan continued to walk unbothered, the imperceptible field around him absorbing the brunt of the attack. Reaching closer to the group, Daniel and Talia attacked, Daniel's body growing a bright red as his skin thickened and his muscles bulged, Talia following closely behind as her nails extended into sharp needles.

Sending a punch at Morgan, Talia circled around him and slashed at his back the moment Daniels fist connected with his face, pushing him back as his boots slid against the floor. Both failing to hurt him, Morgan remained unbothered as he regained his composure, placing his hand behind his back. Recoiling from his own attack, Daniel held his hand in pain, followed by Talia holding her bleeding fingers.

Focusing energy in his eyes, Morgan released a beam of plasma, sending Daniel flying as it slammed against his chest, burning him slightly. Expanding the field around him to encompass the room, Kayla's grip on Morgan was forcefully removed, nearly knocking her unconscious. With his area of influence now expanded, Morgan fired another beam of plasma, this time the beam splitting into four different streams of energy that danced through the air, tracking each of them down and leaving severe burns on Kayla and the other male member of the group.

Retracting his field, he walked over to the recovering Daniel and punched him across the face, knocking out a few teeth and embedding him into the ground.

Staying motionless for a moment before quickly getting back up, steam emanated from Daniel's body as his wounds gradually closed, his body growing bigger by the second until he soon headed over Morgan. Sending a punch to Morgan's face, it collided against the barrier and bounced off, leaving Morgan standing in place as Daniel's arm was launched back.

"It's better you give up". Levitating into the air, Morgan flickered from view, Daniel instantly being buried into the room's wall before Morgan could be seen.

Walking over to the group, Morgan looked down on them, his eyes filled with disinterest.

"Mark now!" Calling out from behind Morgan, Talia signaled to her teammate.

Appearing behind Morgan without warning, the other male of the group touched the field around him, a sudden jolt being sent through his body as he felt it being disrupted. Momentarily disorienting him, Morgan felt a blow land against his bare skin for the first time since he gained his new abilities, sending him bouncing against the room floor before colliding with its wall.

Laying still for a few moments, he jumped to his feet and rubbed his cheek, not out of pain, but out of disbelief. Cracking his neck, Morgan attempted to reform the field around him, but was unable to. 'That's intriguing'. His skin writhing uncontrollably as his muscles contorted, Morgan's curiosity and frustration battled within him for supremacy, one quickly overtaking the other.

Composing himself, Morgan looked at the group in front of him who gathered themselves. Taking a few steps forward with a calm expression, his fists and forearms slightly enlarged before hardening, hexagonal plates of a black carbon material coating his arms as a spike branched out from each of his elbows.

Quickly closing the distance, Morgan kicked Talia in the chest, knocking her back before rushing over to Mark, snatching him by the neck and throwing him into the air before grabbing his leg and slamming him into the ground, knocking him unconscious.

Appearing in front of Daniel, Morgan watches as he tried to attack him, his movements occuring at a mind numbingly slow speed. Indenting his boot in Daniels stomach with more force than his previous attacks, Morgan watched as he deflated and returned to normal, falling unconscious.

Looking over to the still conscious Talia, Morgan returned his arms to normal and called out to her.

"I'm sure you now know who's boss"