
The bio-hazard

This story is a concept for another novel I'm working on, I'm posting it as a means to get reviews on the concept so I can apply it to the main story. what if the world was invaded by supernatural beings from another dimension, some of these beings resembling creatures from myths and legends across the world, what if these beings brought an end to life as we know it? follow the story of Morgan, a child born in this world of myths and monsters.

heliumjax · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 6: Accident

It's been a while guys, decided to start this new story and see how it does, I'm a bit rusty.

This story is going to be revised completely into something else once I get some feedback, thought I might as well post something for the time being.

let me know what you think in the comments.


[~June 22nd, 2192~]

A week following the incident leading to the death of one of the facility's young doctors, Morgan had long since settled into his new physical state after returning to his human appearance. From the day of the event, Morgan's body had undergone many physical changes since he exited his amorphous blob form, further enhancing him and granting his body the extra biomass it craved, spurring a sudden increase in his height.

With his subsequent transformation came newfound adaptations throughout his body; his cellular activity now being at a level where he can adapt at a significantly faster rate, his body's tissues further condensing and taking on more complex biological configurations, greatly enhancing his durability and resistance to high temperatures. With the addition of more biomass than he had ever received before in one sitting, Morgan's body surged with energy and was pushed to the next level, though this boost in his physical prowess primarily went unchecked, allowing for a few more minor incidents to occur.

Currently lying on a bed in a new room, Morgan held a solemn expression whilst he blankly stared at the ceiling in dejection, his mind flashing back to an event that occurred five days prior.


[June 17, 2192]

"I'm sorry Morgan, I didn't know"

After finally being fully briefed on the events that transpired and seeing the censored footage of Morgan being burned alive in the experiment the prior day, Sandra's initial fear after receiving only bits and pieces of the incident was swiftly replaced with anger at how poorly Morgan was being treated in these tests, yet, there was nothing she could do about it, further adding to her irritation.

Now reaching up to smother him in a hug, Sandra was left with this as her only means of comforting Morgan, a method that has held some good results previously and was often reciprocated, though this was no longer the case as Morgan's arms remained at his sides whilst she embraced him.

"I know nothing I say can mend what they've done to you…but I just want you to know I'm here for you when you need me, ok?" not expecting a response, Sandra simply continued to do what she was familiar with as long as she could.

Basking in her warm embrace, Morgans slumped in her arms with his mind replaying the event, the pain of his lungs burning with every breath, his flesh blistering under the extreme heat, and his eyes melting in their sockets, the torturous event continuing to play in his mind until it became unbearable.

Reaching for an escape from the memories of being cooked alive, Morgan sunk further into Sandra's embrace, moving his arms to reciprocate the hug with one of his own. Wrapping his arms around her waist, being careful as to adjust his strength to a level he has used numerous times when they embraced, he pulled her in and lowered his head closer to her with a heavy sigh, his shoulders relaxing as some semblance of the stress he was feeling slowly escaped him, his dejected expression gradually waning into a subtle smile.


His heart skipped a beat, he quickly let go of Sandra who slumped to the floor, perspiration trickling down her forehead as her face contorted in pain.

Overwhelmed with fear, Morgan rushed to help her up but quickly stopped himself, not wanting to cause any further harm to the closest person he had to a mother. "Why didn't you say anything!?".

Stepping back, his mind raced out of control whilst his heartbeat accelerated considerably, heavily suppressed memories of seeing his mother in his previous life hurt bombarding his mind. Clutching his head in pain and looking at his unmoving current mother figure, he froze in shock at what replaced her expressions of agony as their eyes met.

"How could you be smiling right now"

Resting on Sandra's face was the same tender smile she had shown him time and time again, despite her situation, she continued to comfort Viktor to the best of her ability, further cementing his guilt for causing her harm.

"I'm sor-"

Cutting him off, two armed guards rushed into the room and pointed their weapons at Viktor.

"Step back now!" Pointing their rifle at Morgan, one of the two guards pressed their earpiece. "Code Black, I need a medical team at my location!". Keeping their rifles locked on the still distraught Morgan, the guards observed as he hesitantly backed away from the now unconscious Sandra, who had passed out from the pain.

Retreating to a corner of the room, Morgan watched as the medical team arrived and took Sandra out of the room to receive medical attention, his ears ringing from the surrealness of the situation. With her gone, his fear, anger, and guilt continued to overflow, causing him to meekly curl into a ball.


His ears still ringing when recalling the event, Morgan was suddenly snapped out of his daze when the thick metal doors to his room suddenly opened.

"Morgan right?, doctor Mathews requests that you-"

Entering the room unannounced, a new young female doctor carrying a clipboard called out to Morgan, though before she could finish relaying the message, Morgan grumbled and turned in his bed before covering his ears with his pillow, not wishing to be disturbed.

Awkwardly persisting after being ignored, the new doctor slowly made her way toward Morgan and tapped him on the shoulder, only to receive a grunt and be ignored a second time. Growing irritated, she attempted to turn him over, though this was a mistake. Appearing as a blur, Morgan rose to his feet and picked up the doctor from the back of her neck.

"Now who the fuck are you…can't you take a hint" Slowly increasing the pressure of his grip, Morgan brought her closer to his eye level. "I could give a rat's ass about what Doctor Mathews "requests", I'm not doing anything until he speaks to me himself" Increasing the pressure of his grip, the female doctor's neck threatened to snap "Understood?".

Seeing the pained expression of the new doctor struggling against his grip, his ears once again started to ring, flickering memories flooding his mind and reminding him of what he had done to Sandra. Wincing from the sudden ringing, Morgan loosened his grip and placed the Doctor on her feet, returning to his bed as she ran out of the room to deliver the message.


Entering Morgan's room accompanied by six armed guards, Doctor Mathews approached the center of the room and pulled up a chair to sit on.

"I was well-informed of the "courtesy" you showed doctor Ada… I was also told that you wished to see me?"

Adjusting himself on the bed, Morgan sat down facing Mathews before resting his elbows on his knees, leaning forward and glaring at the focus of his anger. Without warning, Morgan suddenly rose to his feet, prompting all the guards to surround and aim their rifles at him, though they were quickly signaled to stand down.

"We need to talk about a few requirements before I partake in any further testing" Crossing his arms with a snarl, Morgan looked down at Doctor Mathews.

Seemingly amused, Mathews met Morgan's gaze, "And what makes you think you are in a position to be making demands".

"Unless you want to start having more "accidents", or worse, I would listen" Morgan's snarl morphing into an expression of annoyance.

Momentarily silent, Mathews reached into his pocket and pulled out his notepad, "and what would those requirements be exactly"

"I'll make it quick… I need more sustenance, these little bits and pieces you feed me aren't enough, I need more. Next thing, I want to be briefed on all future tests starting now… And". Pausing for a moment, he sat back down on his bed with his head slumped, his demeanor quickly changing, "I want to know how Sandra's doing".

Putting away his notepad, Mathews stood up. "I'll have them prepare larger quantities of food for you before and after every experiment…the new female doctor given to you will brief you on tests assigned to you the day prior, and as for Doctor Sandra. " Closing the distance between him and Morgan, he placed his hand on his shoulder. "Her condition is improving, she is expected to make a full recovery in a few weeks".

Overcome with relief, Morgan's tense shoulder briefly relaxed as Doctor Mathews and his guards exited the room, the new young female doctor assigned to him entering shortly after them.


[~June 23rd, 2192~]

Walking through a thick steel door, Morgan could be seen wearing a black skintight jumpsuit laced with countless sensors, though uncomfortable at first, he quickly grew accustomed to the attire.

Soon arriving in a large, heavily reinforced room the length and width of a basketball court, he cracked his knuckles in anticipation. Across the room from him, he locked eyes with a child around his physical age, a blonde-haired blue-eyed boy of presumably Caucasian descent.

["Today we will be attempting a combat test to evaluate each of your prowess…whoever wins will have one request fulfilled at the end of the match"] Speaking from the overhead speakers, Doctor Mathews and three other doctors remained behind the protective glass.

Walking to the center of the room, Morgan looked the boy up and down as he stretched his wrists, analyzing his various openings before finally speaking. "Who are you supposed to be?".

Somewhat hesitant to answer, the boy raised his head to respond.

"My name is Connors"

Hey guys and gals, constant feedback is appreciated and helps to enhance the story.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

heliumjaxcreators' thoughts