
The Binding Fates

Season 1: The death of her parents made Elyse enter the Academy in order to revive her family back to life using the help of the old Master of Empire. But with a stroke of bad luck, The Old Master mysteriously disappeared one night. She made a deal with Maria to bring her family back to life to find the old master. In the depths of hatred from other students, Elyse finds new friends to stay and protect by her side. Not forgetting her goal, she went back to the past in a search of the old master. Season 2: They are not best friends, but they treated each other like sisters. Elyse has finally turned the clock back to the past. She now finally meets everyone again from her past, facing all the fear she had back in the day and the freedom she has never tasted as "Aniya". As she helps to amend her mistakes from Tina, will those "turning back time to the past" really amend her mistakes as Aniya? Finally, meeting Tina as Chrystiana — will she finally be able to convince her to come back?

siella_spring · Fantasia
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73 Chs


There was not much of a story between Aurelia and the God of Death, Anubis. Both Gods and Goddesses were created by one person and that is "The Almighty One". Everyone was born on the same day as others yet were born in different ways. Aurelia, The Goddess of Beginning, was born from the moment the Almighty one created the world. Anastasius, The God of Life was born when the Almighty one created "life" he is also known to be The God of Rebirth, and Cain, The God of End was born from pure darkness. He was like a void that had a conscious. These are the creations that are Her favorites.

Aurelia has the power to create a new beginning alongside Anastasius who's the God of Life and Rebirth but never works alongside Cain, The God of End. Aurelia has a beauty rivaling all the Gods and Goddess' eternal beauty, not to mention her beautiful and warm kind heart that would always thaw a frozen heart.

These three Gods and Goddess were Her favorite child and the others weren't that much favored. That's why there is always competition from each side. And Anubis, who's the God of Death was the only one who didn't participate in the eternal competition between them. For Anubis, it is but nothing of a child's game — seeking the attention of their parent when it's obvious that whatever they do, their parents won't give them the attention they wanted so ever badly.

He is quiet and has this aura of "doesn't give what happened in your life, but okay" vibes. He works all day until night — he never stops. Until he met Aurelia again at the ball of the Gods. He was only in the corner, drinking a wine given by Dionysus when Anastasius went to him and talked. Anubis is not a social type of God and would often feel awkward conversing with others which made them think Anubis is strict and scary.

He is not good at expressing his thoughts or his emotions. He is the God of Death, after all, that's why his emotions look like a dead corpse — emotionless and cold. While Anastasius is trying to have a normal talk with Anubis, Aurelia appeared out of nowhere and dragged Anastasius away from him. He doesn't really care at all if he's alone or not.

As long as there's food, he's good. Anubis is also fond of food that's why in the mortal realm, the mortals would offer cooked food for the god of death. A god who prefers food cooked rather than having it offered raw — he's a picky one.

On the other hand, Aurelia would often meet Anubis although he doesn't really know that they always meet. To Aurelia, he looks like a lonely god who wanted someone by his side but Aurelia's thought of him is wrong. One day, she wanted to try talking with him and so she did. Yet every time she tries to talk to him, Anubis would reply in a short manner. The "yes" and "no", bonus "maybe". It made Aurelia feel frustrated to not converse with Anubis properly.

However, Anubis is not really that emotionless. He knows that he made Aurelia feel frustrated because of him. He never knows what to do when someone tries to talk to him. Because in his childhood, no one tried to talk to him. He was all alone in the dark with everyone scared of him because he is "death". Everyone gives him respect — they look at him so high that it made pressure on a little kid like him.

Because he is death himself. And everyone respects Death while some hated it.

So, Anubis took a lot of courage to talk to Aurelia even if he stutters.

"Forgive m-me for not conversing Uhm… p-properly with you. You see, I am not very well used to talking with another person that is why I am uhm… you know… I don't know how to talk properly because it makes me nervous. Their stares always make me feel nervous." When he talked to Aurelia, he is indeed stuttering while explaining his situation. Knowing this, it made Aurelia laugh.

"Oh, I see! Don't worry about it. Thank you for informing me." Aurelia chuckles. She now understood why Anubis feels strict and distant from the others.

Since then, Aurelia and Anubis, alongside Cain and Anastasius start to bond with each other. Yet one day, something happened between Cain and Aurelia. Anubis heard them one night when he was strolling outside the palace. He heard Cain and Aurelia's scream — shouting as if they were in a fight. He confirmed what he was hearing when he saw a shadow inside the room — a shadow of Aurelia and Cain fighting at each other. It was the first time that Anubis heard Aurelia being mad after all, Aurelia only gives them a smile and a calm manner to them.

"REMEMBER THIS! I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!" Cain shout one last time and opened the door forcefully and went outside fuming in anger. Aurelia was left inside the room frozen while tears keep streaming down to her eyes. Finally, she went to her knees crying alone.

"Aurelia?" Anubis walked inside the room and she turned to look at him. When Aurelia saw him, she cried hard and hugged him. Anubis hugged her back. He didn't dare ask what happened since she might think he was sticking his nose into their business. But it was truly the first time that Anubis saw them fighting since they are all full of happiness whenever he saw them before from afar.

Even though Cain keeps receiving the discrimination that the gods gave to him since he is the End, Aurelia and Anastasius never mistreated him and treated Cain as their own brother.

And that was his biggest mistake.

War broke out in the Palace and it made the Gods and Goddesses killed by the one and only, Cain. Even minor gods and goddesses were killed, and few survived from his anger. Anubis's eyes were filled with horror to see Cain covered in blood and Aurelia on the floor — murdered. Cain quickly flew away when he saw Anubis looking at him.

Anubis with all his might, revived back Aurelia to life using the shard that she left behind. Aurelia was taken back to life yet Anastasius, who was supposed to be reborn with the help of Anubis's power never returned. He mysteriously never returned. I guess even in rebirth, there is also an end to its cycle.

Aurelia came back to life and brought the guilt and regret she had in her heart – she decided to End "the end" by wanting to protect the mortal life since it was Anastasius's wish for all eternity. She made the Alphas using the shard of Life from Anastasius and the first batch of Alphas was born from the mortal's body as they use the god's and goddess's powers. They were then called the Prophets first, yet later on, they were called the Alphas because of the ranking system that Duchess Vierra did. The Alphas as the highest and noble ranking ones and only the Descendants or the Chosen Ones of the Gods can have the title Alphas next to their names. The Betas and Omegas were made from the mortals using Duchess Vierra's order.

Aurelia alongside the Alphas fought Cain. He didn't die, but he was confined using the most powerful spell that Aurelia made. But it was never enough since she knows that one day, Cain will be reawakened again and so she ordered The Alphas on a mission to protect the Mortal Realm at all costs. However, when Aurelia died, a calamity broke inside the Mortal Realm and it made hundreds of lives dead. This believed to be Cain's doing although he isn't in his right body yet it inflicted huge pain in The Alpha's body, soul, and mind which made their lives be repeated multiple times as a curse that Cain bestowed on them.

Their lives were kept in repeat alongside their memories and it made Anubis look at the sight with horror in his eyes. Because the curse or the power that Cain is using were the original powers that Anastasius has.

"Did he steal them?" Anubis thought even though it is impossible for a god to steal another god's power. But in Cain's case, it could be a possibility.

"What happened that night? Why it became like this?" Regret starts to overcome Anubis as he kept hiding for years watching every mortal enter the realm of Death. Until Anubis had it enough. For the 5th life that the Alphas had, Cain went back again as a calamity as if the timelines are also being kept repeated too. But this time, Anubis is with the Alphas fighting Cain.

Yet Anubis, even though he is a powerful god whose death that mortals would tremble in fear, in power comparison, Cain won over Anubis and the curse was also inflicted on him. His life was repeated constantly with different names, different lives, and different appearances. Yet there is something that is not different to him — his memories.

Dain knows that he is Anubis himself. As his life is kept on repeat, he also watches how the true history of what happened back in the day was also kept re-written by someone else.

When Dain, or let's say Anubis reborn to the family of Zues. He found himself repeating the same mistake he did to his sister, Tina. Because he is also Hethan Hildegarde — the life he once had in the past. Tina is also Aurelia's reincarnation and at that time when he was still Hethan, he doesn't remember who he was which was new to him. After he died as Anubis, he came back as Hethan. And when Tina is in front of him with her sword stained with blood, his memories came back as Anubis and he remembered and recognized Tina as Aurelia. Those eyes look like Aurelia and Hiro too... Those warm and gentle smile that Hiro would give to Tina is similar to Anastasius.

And it all made sense.

That the Alphas that Aurelia created were the copy of the Gods and Goddesses that Aurelia was with them before they died. She is the beginning and she has capable of doing so. The Alphas were the gods and goddesses of themselves yet Aurelia didn't say anything about it.

Dain became more distant than ever yet secretly in the shadows, he tried to help "someone" and Elyse too. And they've been working in the shadows ever since.