
The Binding Fates

Season 1: The death of her parents made Elyse enter the Academy in order to revive her family back to life using the help of the old Master of Empire. But with a stroke of bad luck, The Old Master mysteriously disappeared one night. She made a deal with Maria to bring her family back to life to find the old master. In the depths of hatred from other students, Elyse finds new friends to stay and protect by her side. Not forgetting her goal, she went back to the past in a search of the old master. Season 2: They are not best friends, but they treated each other like sisters. Elyse has finally turned the clock back to the past. She now finally meets everyone again from her past, facing all the fear she had back in the day and the freedom she has never tasted as "Aniya". As she helps to amend her mistakes from Tina, will those "turning back time to the past" really amend her mistakes as Aniya? Finally, meeting Tina as Chrystiana — will she finally be able to convince her to come back?

siella_spring · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
73 Chs

26 | Mysterious and Dangerous

The curtains sway gently in the wind as the rays of sun entered the classroom where Elyse is still staying at. It's already been a month since she became a member of the Student Council and there's nothing too much interesting in her life but becoming a normal student who only does her homework, sleeps, and repeats.

The words that Maria said to her imprinted on Elyse's gentle heart. She understands very well that she mustn't forget the reason why she entered the Academy. Although she can enter the Academy because she has talent, prejudice about Elyse being Aniya's Descendant is blocking her dream away and only Maria fought those blocks in her path.

She's thankful for Maria, but sometimes she thinks if this is still right. She's having doubts about herself. She entered the Academy to finish her mission, but somehow deep inside her heart. She couldn't reject the feeling of being attached to the people who especially took care of her.

Eli, Arrow, and Arbor are the first friends she has made since she was a kid. Especially Eli who's always bright as the sun and Arrow bubbly as always. And Arbor would always take care of her as a brother.

She wanted those memories to last long in her heart. But maybe that would be impossible for her.

She missed her family after having such long thoughts so she decided to pick her paper and pen and starts writing a letter to her family.

"To my dearest Mother,

Are you all faring well? Don't worry about me, I'm living the life that I wanted. Even though I have been in such difficulties, I thank Mother and Father for still guiding me. Even if I cannot see you all, for now, I promise you we will meet again. Mother, the weather here feels the same. Since I entered the Academy, everything's been difficult for me but no worries, I'm doing good now thanks to Eli, Arrow, and Arbor who became my first friend here.

The food here looks luxurious too, even the snacks and drinks here that I would always think about your home cooking, Mother. Recently too, I joined a contest. I remember that you would always want me to join the random contests because you have full trust in my magical prowess. But I neither join any of those events you chose for me. We entered the ancient Dimension and I have woken my powers as Lucia's Descendant. Which made me ask, Mother, are we truly Aniya's Descendant?"

Elyse paused and glance outside the window in the classroom after the class ended an hour ago. Elyse stared at the beautiful setting sun which reminds her of her father.

She looked back at the paper again and starts to write.

"Father, are you faring well?

I miss your laugh, Father. The times when were still together, and the times when you would always tease me when I was still a kid. I miss those days when I am still ignorant of the world. I miss the way we all laugh together at the dining table. Though were poor and were mistreated by the people back in our hometown before we live in the countryside — we're still a loving family.

I miss you so much, I miss everyone so much, father. Don't worry about me, I will do everything I can to reunite us again. This time Father, I will protect our family."

Elyse sighed and glanced at the sun once again. The sun is slowly setting down until the sun is no longer to be seen and it is replaced by the beautiful full moon. It isn't as bright as in the past, but the moon is still gorgeous as before.

She starts to write again.

"Brother, how are you?

Are you eating well in there? My little brother, Luke, please take care of yourself and don't tease Mother and Father too much. I'm worried about you as your older sister and you must be healthy. Wait for me, Luke. We will be reunited again."

Elyse's eyes start to shed tears as she picks up her letter decorations and decorates her letters and puts a light perfume in them. She kisses the letters and created an illusion dove using her powers. She then put the letter in the dove and went to the open window and let it fly high above the night sky.

The cold wind brushed Elyse's uniform as her hair swayed alongside with papers playing with the wind inside the classroom. With a sad eye, she bitterly smiled.

"I will, not indeed forget my mission." She said as if reminding herself. She closes the window and locks the classroom and went straight into her dorm to rest.

Although her heart couldn't rest easily, while Elyse fell asleep — her tears keep streaming down her face missing the times when everything is still fine.


"Heyy!" Eli greeted her one morning when she woke up.

"Eli? What are you doing here?" Elyse asks, puzzled to see Eli inside her room. Eli smiled sweetly and went to her side, Elyse on the other side was looking at the papers that the teachers gave to her earlier this morning.

After her awakening as Lucia's Descendant, everybody seems to treat her well and respects her. Even the teachers gave an impression of Elyse. It was uncomfortable for her at first but gradually she became comfortable. These events remain the same as time went by faster inside the academy.

Elyse showered everyone on her intelligence and skills. Just after weeks of training with Arbor in the Archery Club, she became very skilled at it. The next club she entered is the swordsmanship club. Whenever she joins the class, she would always bump into Raymond who's the president of the said club. Both of them would always spar with each other and neither of them won.

After the swordsmanship class, Elyse starts going to the library to read books about magic and physics.

Maybe because she has awakened half of her power, she can now surpass Raymond who's the current President of the Student Council. Everyone in the Academy is also looking forward to it because of how Elyse progresses fast.

Unfortunately, there are still other students who don't like her. Of course, since she's now looking like Aniya even more than before she entered the Academy. Although they both of different eye and hair color, the shape of their eyes and face look identical.

"You're working hard," Eli comments at Elyse when she stares at her looking at the files as if she's like Aniya.

In Eli's memory of her Ancestor, Aniya speaks, walks, and stares like how Elyse do. Just like now.

"I needed to; Chad gave me these." Eli froze.

"That lazy dumb is giving me all the work! He should share it with me!" Elyse starts grumbling which makes Eli chuckle.

"W-what?" Embarrassed, Elyse blushed when she realizes what she had just done.

"I'm glad you're feeling better now, Elyse." She said with a pure smile carving on her lips. Elyse froze and smirked.

"I'm always feeling better." Eli noticed a hint of sadness in her tone. Her smile fades and she stared at her. Looking at it, Elyse looked exhausted. From what she can remember, she also has the habit of Aniya. Aniya in the past whenever she was feeling down or sad, would try to do something to shift her mind away from her emotional state. Aniya hates being emotional because that's what her mother told her to do.

'Being emotional makes you weak, you are not weak Aniya. And you should not be.' Her mother said that once when she was a kid. With her blank eyes looking at her mother, she smiled and answered yes towards her.

"Did you find something about the old master?" Elyse flinched. That's right. It's already been a while yet she still hasn't found the old master yet. She speculated that the old Master could be Lucia. But there are still some shreds of evidence that support Lucia is not the old master.

After Elyse became a member of the Student Council, as Raymond promised she held almost all of the secrets in the Student Council's secret library. She thought she would finally find the old master's identity and where she is but the documents that were inside the library don't support her theory.

In the classified information, the old Master was actually the first Emperor's lover. His name is Hiro and he's one of the Alphas but he was never introduced as one of them. Turns out that this world was created just like how the Goddess of Beginning created the Olympia world and then creates this world after the Olympia.

The love story between the 1st Emperor, Hiro, and the Old Master was painful. Both fell in love with each other at the wrong time and wrong place, in the end, the 1st Emperor died alone waiting for her when the old Master went away after some time. The book says that the old Master went away because she was afraid Hiro will find out she was a half-vampire. That explains how she gave blood to the Four District Leaders.

If Lucia, true name Tina is a daughter of a Saintess and Duke Zues was the Old Master. It doesn't match up.

Every day, Elyse would go to the secret library to find more clues. But unfortunately, there's nothing more she could find.

The old Master of the Empire is indeed mysterious.

And dangerous.

"I haven't found anything yet about her." She answered Eli's question.

"I see. I just want to drop off, do you need a hand?" Eli offered and Elyse quickly nodded her head.

"Yes please." Both of them stayed in the room until 9 am to go to the class after they finished half of the work.