
The Binding Fates

Season 1: The death of her parents made Elyse enter the Academy in order to revive her family back to life using the help of the old Master of Empire. But with a stroke of bad luck, The Old Master mysteriously disappeared one night. She made a deal with Maria to bring her family back to life to find the old master. In the depths of hatred from other students, Elyse finds new friends to stay and protect by her side. Not forgetting her goal, she went back to the past in a search of the old master. Season 2: They are not best friends, but they treated each other like sisters. Elyse has finally turned the clock back to the past. She now finally meets everyone again from her past, facing all the fear she had back in the day and the freedom she has never tasted as "Aniya". As she helps to amend her mistakes from Tina, will those "turning back time to the past" really amend her mistakes as Aniya? Finally, meeting Tina as Chrystiana — will she finally be able to convince her to come back?

siella_spring · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
73 Chs

25 | The Last Member of Student Council

Days have passed and everything is well. The students don't dare to bully Elyse anymore and they try to get on her good side. No one really understands her identity she's Aniya or Lucia's, Descendant. But everyone knows right now that they cannot touch Elyse anymore.

Because they saw how terrifying she is when she awoke her powers.

For days Elyse begins to impress her teachers and the other students. It's still visible in her aura that she's Aniya's Descendant. Her skills in swordsmanship increased when Maria helped her to get the lessons she wanted to take. Elyse has been more popular than the other Student Council members especially the President and Vice President but that didn't make Elyse happy. She felt uncomfortable with the sudden change in people's attitudes toward her.

For years, she and her family were abandoned and mistreated because they are Aniya's Descendants that's why they decided to live in the countryside where there are not many people out there to mistreat them.

You can see how people changed when they knew how useful you would be to them. Elyse thought that maybe they wanted to get closure for her because they didn't want to be on her bad side. Or maybe there's much more reason for that.

Elyse sighed and the bell rang indicating the class has ended for today. After the Professor went outside the classroom, Elyse quickly follows the Professor going out — leaving Eli alone in the classroom. She knows she will get flooded by their classmates again so Elyse decided to go back into her new dorm.

Everyone also knows that she became a member of the Student Council days ago.

"Annoying." She muttered while staring blankly at the ceiling of her own room, laying on the bed still with her uniform on.

She closes her eyes and suddenly a knock on the door interrupted her beautiful peace. She stood up and opens the door and Chad approached her.

"Hi!" He waved his hand and Elyse gave him a faint smile.

"Can I help you?" Chad then handed out his hand to give her the thing he's holding in his hands.

"What's this?" Elyse asks.

"It's a device, made by Lu." He answered and Elyse looked at him puzzled by his answer.

"Lu? I have never heard such a name." Elyse said having a feeling of little Deja vu when she heard the name.

"Right haha. I forgot to introduce you to her. But anyway, she's the woman down there creating kinds of stuff ya know." Elyse stares at him once more muddled.

"Well, Lu is a blacksmith. She can create anything using her powers and ability." Her eyes sparkled in awe to realize what he just meant.

Lu, she's a famous craftswoman to create a beautiful sword for the old Master of the Empire. She's also infamous for the devices and machines she uses in her daily life. Elyse never met her once but her name is known to everyone.

"Right!" Elyse exclaimed.

"But... what do you mean by down there?"

"Lu is actually our senior. She's graduating this year and for years after joining the Academy she's been given a room only just for her to perform her skills. She makes many weapons and devices that could be used every day." Elyse nodded her head.

"I see. In my town, she's famous because of her previous work for the old Master." Chad nodded his head with a smile.

"Yes! It's an ancient sword that Lu repaired. After repairing the sword became extremely beautiful and strong too. The sword the old master had is rumored to be very valuable to her. There were other rumors too that the sword the old master repaired came from the previous Emperor before she ruled the world. His name is Hiro."

Elyse froze after hearing his explanation when she heard the name Hiro coming from his mouth.

"Hiro?" Chad nodded his head. "Yeah, he's also a part of the Alphas. Anyway, I was the one who requested the device. I know you're missing your family, Elyse." He said with his gentle tone and made Elyse feel happy in her heart. She glances at the device she's now holding in her hand and smiles bitterly.

'My family is dead but I can't say it to Chad... Though, I'm thankful.'

She glances up at Chad with a bright smile carved on her lips. She controls herself to not cry putting a bright expression on her face.

"Thank you! I'll make good use of it!" She said and it made Chad's heart race fast. As if his world suddenly froze, looking at Elyse's smile made him want to see more of it.

'Are we really destined to be together, Elyse?' Chad thought clenching his fist.

"I-I see. Then I should go now. Go call your parents. They must've been very worried for you." He said and quickly walks away from her.

Chad expected this after the day they both first met. Chad only looked at her with interest and curiosity because she was Aniya's Descendant. Chad has been living with his ancestor's memories ever since he was a kid. And according to his fate, both Aniya's Descendant and he should end up together. But it never happened in the past Descendants and their fates would always end up shattered.

Will this time be different if I will never fall in love with you again?

Chad hopes for a time to mend his broken heart. To never fall in love with Elyse just like how the previous Descendants of their Ancestors did to Aniya's past Descendants.

On the other hand, Elyse closes the door and tries to open the device that Chad gave her. She gave Maria a call.

"Elyse?" Maria asked in her static voice from the other side of the call shocked to see Elyse in the magical call device.

"Greetings to 4th District Leader, Maria." She says and Maria nodded her head.

"What brings you here?" Elyse smiled.

"I-I just wanted to give you a call." Maria nodded her head. Suddenly, Raymond's voice entered her mind as she remembered what he said days ago.

"I don't know what exactly in the 4th leader's mind but she wanted you to join the Student Council too which is sudden for me."

"My Lady can I ask for one thing?" Maria nodded her head.

"Sure, what is it?" Elyse paused, hesitating to ask.

"What did Raymond say when he told me you were the reason why I entered the Student Council?" Maria froze and couldn't utter a word. She avoided her gaze from Elyse and starts to fake her smile.

"I just want to make things easier for you, Elyse." She reasoned.

"But should I still enter the top 10—"

"It's up to you, Elyse. But please don't forget the mission. Don't forget you entered the Academy to find the old Master." Maria said with a serious expression in her face which made Elyse flinch.

"There's no need to worry, My Lady. I know what my mission is." She said, reassuring Maria. After that, the call ended and it left Elyse frozen. Her mind went blank and her heart feel empty.

She couldn't understand why is such emotion driving in her heart.