
the billionaires apple

BOOK NAME: The Billionaire's Apple  GENRE:  gods, Magic, Fantasy, demon, reincarnation. TROPES: Paranormal, gods, Enemies To Lovers SETTING, AREA AND TIME: Paranormal Romance, Heaven, Baston town, past time. TARGETED WORDS: 5,000 Words.  TARGETED NUMBER OF CHAPTERS:  4 Chapters MAIN CHARACTERS NAME: Posius also called Rick Radcliff The Billionaire of Batson town. APPEARANCE: (6'7ft tall), with dark hair, broad shoulders, thin lips with pointy nose lines, broad eye brows, Dimpled jaws when he smiles and blue eyes. Also, he is not maculine, less Muscular and doted chin OCCUPATION: was the god of the forest and wind. Also the peace maker of Batson  RESIDENCE: the heavens and Batson town EMOTIONAL WOUND: lost his father in the war between his Uncle Arrisus from the underworld. PERSONALITY AND CHARACTER TRAITS:  calm, playful, confident and powerful. Has compassion for wounded people and treats them. He also have the power to make herbs to heal BACKSTORY:   Posiua was the younger twin god of the elder god Mariot and Safira. At an early stage he lost his father in the act of war against his uncle who was know as Arrisus. Posius became stranded and heartbroken because of his attached feelings with his parents. He get strange dreams took him to a journey to Earth where he wished to have a new beginning in the search of one who caught his heart. On Earth he was called Rick Radcliff of Batson town and he had the most beautiful castle even seen in the world. unknown to him, what he search for lives close to him and on discovery of this person it plunged him into an unknown battle with his own twin brother but letter destiny was revealed and Posius served his purpose....  NAME: Malden: god of war and mischief. APPEARANCE:  Celestial being always with an Axe OCCUPATION: prince of the heaven  RESIDENCE: The heavens EMOTIONAL WOUND: father died in his arma in a war between his Uncle Arrisus from the underworld. PERSONALITY AND CHARACTER TRAITS:  powerful, war like, anger, always easily infuriated, always wanted to please their father. BACKSTORY:    Malden was the God of war and mischief. He was the elder twin to posius and the heir apparent to the throne by birthright. He was a father pleaser who wanted the favour of his father at all times, despite all odds, did not get it because of his rootless attitude but seen as the ideal king by all other angels because of his might and craftiness in battle, to the favor of the heavens. He fought with his Brother posius over perceived betrayal and destiny took it's cause in the process. NAME: The Arch Angel  APPEARANCE:  Celestial being always with an a spear OCCUPATION: chief commander of the heavenly army RESIDENCE: The heavens EMOTIONAL WOUND: None PERSONALITY AND CHARACTER TRAITS:  powerful, tricky, antagonist,, always wanted to be the number one  BACKSTORY:    The Arch angel was the hidden Antagonist of the story. He conterminated the minds of the elder gods to fight and kill and after fulfilling half of this purpose, saw it as an opportunity to make the twins kill themselves as well. Posius never had an eye on the throne by any means necessary but by the nterpretations of the Arch angel, this made Malden to join forces with his uncle Arisus to fight Posius and also destroy Earth for protecting their home. While he succeeded in using Malden to murder Posius known as Rick Radcliff on earth, he never knew that a connection has already been made with the aple itself. Sadie's true form emerged, sentenced the Arch angel, revealing the story from the first war of the elder gods to the recent happenings. By virtue of Arisus Killing Marriot, he remained miserable in the underworld whilst the Arch angle locked in the abyss to remain in an everlasting tournament.

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4 Chs

chapter two: climax

Upon the setting of  the sun, posius looks at the view from the  garden with his sad eyes. Millennium passed after the death of their father the king. Malden his twin brother came to him telling him of his dream, seeing a fading star that cannot be rekindled. Coincidentally, Posius has been having same and both brothers vowed to look out for each other. Posius did not tell his brother that in his  own dream, he saw the star fading at first but turned into a beautiful damsel who's appearance glows like the sun, her hair was white like the snow so was the complexion of her skin, she had blue eyes and her curves was more than any other maiden Posius has ever seen.  Just as Malden left him in the garden, Posius saw a shooting star fall directly into the woods, he pursued the star and met with the crash site of the star. Reaching there, he saw an hologram reflection of the same damsel in his dreams, astonished by what he saw he embraced the hologram and it immediately plunged him to an unknown world. He fell through many stars and many and worlds. He landed on a open feild but the ground he stood was unknown to him. He walked round this world and it was the exact replica of the heavens but bit different.  Posius campflaged himself like those who lived in this new world, he quickly summoned two faries sending them to look for the damsel from his dreams, these faries where shall shifters, they disguised as humans with wings and flew away. Posius commanded a castle to emerge and everything he needed was set for him while he waited on the faries to come back with good news. 

200 years past and  Batson town came to existence.  Posius was the Billionaire of the town, he was called Sir Rick Radcliff of Batson town and his castle was called The Golden ark of batson as all interior was made of Gold. He was the bachelor of the decade as all the women wants him on their beds, he was the most handsome man alive and his tale spread across the Earth. Despite all these glory Rick knew in  his heart that there was no  love. It was a joyful morning in Batson town as the town prepare for it's Golden jubilee, Rick was saddled with the responsibility of having this great feast held in his castle. The people prepared all manner of presentations and the most intriguing time was the fireworks. The party started with presentation of gifts from different Kings and Queens from neighboring towns and countries. The King from Spain brought his traditional dancers to show their rich heritage  he also gave a chariot of gold to the town as a measure of inter trade relationship as the town of Batson had all he needed for foreign trade. The Princes and princesses from Sweden came to acknowledge the wisdom of Sir Rick Radcliff but the Britons came with their Princess to sleep with Rick. the princess fell in love with Rick at first sight and did all she could to win his heart, while having a conversation with him, an issue was brought to the nobles. Two men of the same family are in love with the same maiden, the elder wishes to marry her but the maiden had already slept with his younger brother and with child for him. By tradition of the town, the oldest son picks a bride to marry before his younger brother and whoever he picks becomes his wife. knowing that his preferred maiden has slept with his younger brother he brought the matter to the court of the nobels. As usual, the elders were  confused. Sir Rick in his wisdom gave a proper judgement to the issue. Saying that the bond of love cannot be broken, and the connection between a mother and her baby is the strongest. He said that traditions are good but the conflict of brothers must be dealt with carefully so they don't kill themselves, let the bride choose and who ever she picks becomes her husband. The judgement was suiting to the ears of the crowd, This made the Princess love Rick even more, she made her way to his room and laid on his bed, Rick did not party with the people, he went to his Chambers to sobber his loneliness. Walking into the room,  the Princess of Briton removed her clothes and made love with Rick Radcliff till the dawn that day. 

At the earliest hours of the morning, he stood up and went out to the window and sat there looking up to the heavens. In his heart he misses home but yet he seeks not to leave that thing that made him stay on earth as a human for several years.. The Princess walked to him and held him from behind, "After the comfort of my breast, you don't look happy". Rick turned to her and tells her "my heart is empty, the happiness of my heart lies at home and with another woman that brought me here". "What home, which woman do your heart long for so much??". Rick was silent but in his eyes she knew he does not have any love for her. she picks up her clothes and left on her chariot back to her country. Rick wondered  into the woods to hunt and whine away the anger in his heart. While hunting in the woods, he spotted a white deer lingering, attempting  to catch it he saw an unfamiliar sight, he stumbled on a damsel bathing on the stream close by she shines like the sun, her hair was white like snow, her skin like white silk. as he drew closer  his celestial form was compromised. He knew something was special about this one but when he finally stood with her he saw that it was the damsel from his dream that he has been looking for, not minding how compromised he was, Rick told her he has been waiting to meet her for a long time and she said the same. He had sexual relationship  with her on the stream because all he had for her was love at first sight. Her name was Sadie Pierce, the daughter of a local hunter in Baston town. Sadie has been a lonely damsel that lived in the woods just by the famous billionaire castle, her life span made her to wonder if truly she was of this world. Her father Bill Borat and Magret Borat died of old age but it seems she wasn't ageing at all. All she could remember was that her father never stopped telling her how special she was and that one day she will meet with destiny. To her meeting, the billionaire was an act of destiny she and at last she will finally stay with someone. 

The billionaire relationship with Sadie grew stronger, the town was happy that their favorite man had finally found love. With Sadie in his life, Rick comes out more, plays with the people of the town commune more with the locals. Rick gave treasure to the needy and tended to the old people, the more he mix with Sadie there was an unusual light shined through out the town and they prosper even more than before.

This bond between Posius his  and Sadie was felt by Malden in heaven, this feeling made him panic. He visited the Arch angel immediately and explained the feeling he has. The Arch angel  told the prince  that his brother had found the apple. Disappointed by this news, he feel that his brother has  stolen his birth right and has also broken the vow of seeing the apple and not sending message to him. He vowed to find his brother and kill him. immediately, Posius was branded a traitor to the throne. Did Poisus discover an apple or found Sadie whom he loved at first sight?.