
the billionaire perfect mistake

Alexander Bella grey fled from her parents' home at just 18 ,as soon as the opportunity presented itself to her. She had been a victim of abuse for too long .4 years ago, she was fearful ,4 years ,she was lonely but alas ,no more .now ,Alexander was fearless companied by her two best friends , she was ready to conquer the world. but one night , a couple of drinks changes it all .

Ketia_Nzeloka · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 1

Huan Bai Chu

I wasn't planned, which was not a surprise since my mother had many affairs, and so could never say with certainty who my father was. She likes to sell herself for money

She was married at 18, a virgin, although I cannot imagine it. I don't know quite much when it comes to that. But what I know she's a married woman who likes to have an affair on her husband.

My family is poor so we can't afford much, but my mum wears valuable things when we are lacking food and all that from selling her body, and her daughter just for money till now I remembered how my mother had nearly ruined my life. That's why I have a part-time job to buy myself things or them and other stuff in my house that need to be replaced.

I was always lonely and treated badly since childhood living with my two violent parents has been hell they treat me like animals not looking after me, they sometimes don't let me eat at all because I am not allowed I didn't quite understand the reason. It sad to hear your parent treating you as if your nothing but I learn to cope with it and let it go, I try my best to help them but I am "useless "as they say, That's why I have a part-time job to buy myself things or them and other stuff in my house that need to be replaced. But my mum wears valuable things when we are lacking food and all that from selling her body, and her daughter just for money till now I remembered how my mother had nearly ruined my life.

This is the fifth time this week I have witnessed this man in our house, he comes in and they go to her room throughout all day only for him to lives at 4 pm since my dad comes home at 5 pm or later. This gives them plenty of time to enjoy themselves, I heard my mum moaning aloud and banging sound in the wall after that I decided to go to work a bit early to avoid hearing more if they do. I work in a small café, the owner of it is a small lady in her 40s Clarisse and her husband john there are such a cute couple and lovemaking sweet and this is what I want to do. Is to make sweet for the people to smile therefore it make me happy than staying at home with my parent.

After I finish in around 8 pm I decide to head home after taking the bus, as I arrive I notice my mum by the window smoking, I knew she will tell me about what has happened earlier and I did not what to get involve with her business. "You know to keep your mouth shut or else you know the consequent" she threatens we a venom voice this show me how these women hate my guts which is not understandable since I was her biological daughter after the little warning I when straight in my room. After locking it I took a release a long deep breath I did not know I was holding.

Today was Wednesday and I had a day off, in which I will be home by myself before my parent comes which was amazing so I decided to watch a movie while eating popcorn everything was fine until the doorbell rang. I pause everything and put everything away just in case my parent come I was quite upset that they came earlier but as I opened the door I wish it was them, but not the person standing in from of me "Mr Li " I said with my shaky voice since I did not enjoy any man company especially with what had happened at school.

Li Wei one of my mum fuck buddies let say he was an old man around his 40s who was single but sick, sometimes when he visit my mum I can see the look on his eye when he sees me and that look is not what you want from a man twice your age and can also be your dad. "If you are looking for my mother she is not here at the moment," I said nervously while fidgeting with my fingers only to be push while he enters our house "I know she not here but she did leave a very special present for me," he said smirking "I not quite sure of what you talking about," I said getting quite scared of what he is implicating on. He started approaching till my back hit the wall, and he went close to my ear and said " you are my most precious gift" when he finishes the sentence my heart just drops.

As I look in his eyes that look told me that nothing that was about to happen will be good at all "sorry I need…" I started to say only to be stopped by disgusting kisses in my neck to cringe and started to push him, but it still was useless while I was struggling I did not notice he was taking off my clothes I started to panic and kicking my leg but it was still no use "you better behave bitch I paid your mum double for you virgin pussy" he said in angry voice this man was going to rape me in my parent house just because he paid my mum money. And I started crying I was so hopeless at this time "please don't do this" I cried out loud yet he didn't care he was about to enter me when I kick him only for him to run and I took a chance to run but not for long since he caught up with me "so you little bitch want to play hide and seek, let see if you can hide for long" he said while laughing I look around for anything to knock him over, then I got an idea and took a vase then smash it on his head when he fainted I call the police straight away. After they came they he was taken away I was asked if I was okay and was taken in the hospital in case of injuries, I was told that my mum was on her way here which gave me the impression that she was here to cuss at me I heard a knock in my hospital room and the person came in without being called. "You bitch better explain to me what the fuck you call the police on him" the moment she said that I felt like crying. She did not care for my safety but care more for her money "is this what you care about, I was nearly raped and you tell me why did I call the police on him" I said with anger "get out of here you don't deserve to be called mother at all" I said but regretted it after because I was only safe in the hospital after that I was going to die in the hand of my parent after saying all that she left the hospital I took a deep breath because I knew this was just the beginning

After few days I was discharged from the hospital and I did not want to go home so I decided to go to work before going home, "sweetie you haven't come for a while I have been quite worrying" said Clarisse with a worried face she knew about my parent and always offer to bring me in but I did not want to cause any trouble for them. "I have been in the hospital, but nothing serious" so she would not worry about me " good that you're okay, you should let me know if there is anything wrong to help you," she said then smile after our little conversation I went to start my work so I can go home before my parent maybe this was the last time I will saw Clarisse, I was afraid on what going to happen to me because my mum can make things up and I knew that my dad will believe her over me anyways, therefore, I needed to find a way to get out from this hell or I will die first as I saw the entrance of my house I began to panic on what could happen to me when I put a step in this house.
