
Episode five

Now that I thought about how genuine she seemed and her kind gestures, maybe I shouldn't be so hard on her. I mean, she was obviously trying to be my friend and I had told myself already that I was actually going to put effort into making one—apart from Zachary anyway. So why not give it a try?

Speaking of Zachary, where the hell was he?

"Sorry I'm late " My train of thoughts was put on abrupt halt on hearing Zachary's voice.

"What took you so long?" I asked as I stood, taking the food out of his hands and digging into them hungrily even before he could sit.

"I'm sorry." He apologized. "The queue was so long and it took forever before it reached my turn."

It was then that I realized he was breathing heavily and it looked like he had actually run here, just to get the food to me faster.

"Are you okay?" I asked, shoving another slice of pizza into my mouth. I had eaten the first one pretty fast. Like I said before, I was really hungry.

"I'm fine." He shrugged off my concern. "I knew that you were hungry and I had to be as fast as I could."

"Is it always crowded in here?"

I say and he saw my eyes wandering everywhere. "Not really. They are giving out extra food for free, so it is always this crowded. I mean, who doesn't want free food?" He asked with a small laugh and I couldn't help but laugh along with him.

As Zachary and I both had our lunch, we talked about today's lectures. I told him about how I almost got in trouble with a teacher and how I accidentally called Victoria Ugly Betty in front of the entire class. At that point, he said that I shouldn't have, but he was also holding back his laughter and he didn't sound convincing.

I didn't tell him about my encounter with Sebastian though. For some reason, I didn't want to talk about it with him. I told myself that it wasn't important.

"It's time to head back to class" Zachary said as he checked his watch.

"Why? Isn't lunch supposed to be like an hour or something?" I groaned.

He smiled. "Yes, it's an hour and we have spent an extra one minute here. A minute more, and we would be late for class. You wouldn't want to be late for the lectures, would you?"

He was right. Just because the first teacher had pardoned me, didn't mean that the next teacher I met, would too.

I didn't even want to risk it.

"You're right. Let's go." I agreed and we left, but not befor washing our hands at the sinks.

When I got back to class, thankfully I wasn't lost this time, I saw that Sebastian was still sitting in the same position I had left him in. I was almost forced to ask him if he was okay and whether he had gotten up to eat, but I decided against it. I needed to mind my business.

"How was your lunch?" He asked immediately I took my seat, lifting his head from the desk.

"It wasn't that bad for a school lunch." I shrugged, and I thought I caught a smirk on his face. "Why didn't you go out for lunch?" I asked him.

Well, I knew that with my curious nature, it was impossible not to ask him. Even if I fought it back now, I was still going to ask him sooner or later.

"You didn't invite me." He said in a more serious tone.

I blinked, thoroughly floored. "Um, excuse me, but why would I do that?" I was genuinely perplexed. "One, I don't even know you. Two, we're not even friends."

The look of hurt on his face was enough to tell me that I had struck a blow. But why did he look so hurt? It didn't make sense.

But then his face transformed and he smiled. "It was a joke, okay?" He shook his head, the smile still on his lips, "I wasn't hungry. Besides, do you think I would have the kind of body that I have if I ate so much?"

"What body are you talking about?" I looked at him from head to toe slowly.

"Hey, are you a pervert or something? Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked in mock-horror. He even went as far as covering his body with his hands protectively and before I knew it, I was laughing.

"How was your lunch?" A familiar voice coming from the back said. I knew the voice too well. It was Victoria.

"It wasn't that bad for a school lunch." I repeated the same thing that I had told Sebastian a minute ago.

"I hope we do get to have lunch together someday." She said with a smile, before going over to her seat.

Well, that was weird.

"Okay, settle down all of you." A very commanding voice said from the front of the class, gaining the attention of all the students.

To be honest, I got scared a little bit.

He had a head full of grey hair and a mean expression on his face. Already, I didn't like him.

Sebastian leaned over and whispered in my ear, "His name is Mr Benson. He's a cranky old man, so don't take anything he says to heart. Just a tip, okay?" Then he winked and faced the man.

I.... Did he just wink at me?

I gave him a mean look in return.

"What was the last lesson about?" Mr Benson asked, staring at the class expectantly.

Victoria stood up and went into a long speech of something that I didn't even understand a single bit of. It felt like an item language to me and of course, it was the need that answered. She seemed like the type that would be his favourite.

"Thank you, miss Victoria. At least I know someone was listening." He said to us, before turning to the board.

He started of his lesson on algebra or whatever Alien language he was speaking. Lord knew that I didn't understand it.

Okay, look Algebra. I'm not going to keep finding x for you, so stop asking y.

I definitely didn't get that off somewhere or anything. Now imagine I had said that out loud. My classmates would conclude that I was crazy and I would finally get kicked out of class and on my first day of school.

So, I shut my ass up and took notes as I listened to Mr Benson.