

Arianna has no idea who she really is anymore after losing two years of her life in coma. When she finally recovered, transferred to a new school and her life finally started to go back to normal, tidbits of her past starts to trickle into her head. The terrible incidents from her past were hunting her, like pieces of a puzzle that needed to be solved. As if struggling with the strange memories isn't enough, she gets caught up between two guys—her ex boyfriend, Zachary and Sebastian, her current boyfriend. But Ariana thinks Zachary is the perfect boyfriend—and her current boyfriend and she has no memories of Sebastian at all. Rivalry ensues between Zachary and Sebastian. A fight for Arianna. The best man has to win. Will Arianna ever regain her memory or will she remain in the dark? And what happens when Arianna's world comes crumbling down after finding out the truth about her biological parents?

PenWitch · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs


I woke up light headed. I still feel a little bit dizzy, which is weird because I just woke up from sleep. I had a nightmare and Tracy was th cause of my nightmare, I see her every and she is always trying to get me killed. I know why she is appearing in my dreams, she wants be to be scared of her and I will make sure it never happens.

I need to speak someone about this, I might go insane if I keep it bottled up. If I tell my parents I know they will immediately take action and she might get away with it because her parents are influential, not has influential as my parents obviously but I don't want her to have a strong evidence on her. I will speak to Sebastian and Victoria about this, they will definitely believe whatever I tell them.