
The Billionaire C.E.O in love

Love is a beautiful thing, but when one among the both can't really define their want and reason for love. That alone will end in tears and cause heartbreak. Olivia and Charles are raised in Alabama in the United States, where they were brought up by their rich parents. Oliva, Charles Fiancee loved him not until she betrayed the love she had shared with him for her political career to fulfill the promise she made to her father, who was murdered a month after resuming the office of Alabama Governor under the Republican Party. Her career as a young politician could only be successful by going into agreement with Governor Hudson, the incumbent Governor of the state, if she could get married to Jonathan, his son, since he refuses to follow his footstep in order to have Alabama governed by the family. Getting married to Jonathan seems possible because Jonathan has long loved her and needed an opportunity where he will make her his wife. Breaking up with her billionaire lover, Charles the CEO, leaving him with pain and the reflection the juicy time they have spent together while still together. Charles then vow not to give his heart to anyone, or getting married, he became rude to every ladies that tried getting his attention. Moreover, keep ready to get the aftermath of the both character. But at the end, Charles got to fall in love with his secretary, Deborah, whom he slept with while drunk in a club, sometimes in California on his personal assignment trying to expand his oil and gas company beyond Alabama. He knew neither who Deborah was nor that he had a son with her, Kingston, whom she had after the one night stand she had with him, as she was attracted by his handsomeness and fell in love with him on the first date.

Charles_Nwafor · Urbano
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Olivia wants sex

With the long distance she had with Jonathan , Olivia got the feeling of making love with her husband Jonathan, and she thought about how to let him know about it since he had been depriving her himself for months. She took courage and met him when he was sitting with Harper somewhere around the entrance to the sitting room. "Can I have some words with you?" She asked Jonathan . He ignores her and focuses his attention on Harper. She repeated the question three times, and Jonathan kept given her a deaf hesr. At last, he was forced to give her a listening ear. Then Harperwas calm; she tried to avoid problem at that moment.

"Alright, I'm all ears. What do you want to say? That you can't hold until I'm done having fun with my darling? He spoke to Olivia, and it sound like an exploded bomb. She ignores it and demands that Harper give them space to talk. "She must not be here listening to our conversation." She command.

"You were once the commander, but that has been taken from you. This is my house, and I decide what to do and who to keep as witnesses to our conversation. As it stands, she is going nowhere. I don't trust you, so I demand she stay." He spoke in a hard voice. Olivia stood; she felt shame relating what she was feeling for Jonathan before Harper. "She needs to give me space; what I am saying is a secret and must not be heard by her.At least, haven't the both of you done more than enough? Isn't it time she went where she came?" She asked. Jonathan almost got angry and asked her to get inside since she didn't have anything else to say. Including Harper, who assisted in asking her to leave. Olivia, who is known to be hard, couldn't exercise her power towards Harper any more, nor was she towards Jonathan . "I don't have your time now; just be yourself and let me speak to my husband." she said to Harper.

"Now know you refered him as your husband, you are not serious. To remind you, in case you have forgotten, he is now mine and not yours anymore. You have passed him on to me through your attitude. So blame yourself and walk out of this place." She spoke to her without pity. Olivia asked Jonathan if he wouldn't say anything about Harper disrespecting her.

"She is the woman of the house; what you are seeing is a view of what will befall you after our marriage; just be yourself and respect yourself the more." Jonathan told her, and she went in with the shame and waited until he had entered the room. She followed him with force, not minding that Harper was close to him. "I have to speak up; I am in need of you to night; I wonder if you didn't see my appearance, am I not attractive enough to you anymore?" She asked him. Jonathan and Harper looked at each other and laughed. "So you have a feeling. I thought your political persue would have satisfied you sexually. Anyway, I saw the appearance and I noticed it, but at this point I am not in the mood." He answered her. She refuses to let him go in with Harper. Harper and Olivia began to drag Jonathan, with Harper acting like she was in a relationship with him while she at the same time tried to protect him. "She might be up to something; who knows if you want to stab him while making love with you?This is my night with him; you can't have him." Harper told her. Jonathan remained standing with Harper hands on his waist and that of Olivia, dragging on whom to force him in with for the night. "I don't think you both are doing the right thing; isn't it better that you share me, that is you take a part, Harper also take a part?" He said. Non among them refuses to take off hand from him, the hold him tide, while kept looking at the desperate woman. "You now love him because I have surface; Olivia, Jonathan can't be yours. Leave him for me." Harper spoke and continues to hold Jonathan. A little while after Jonathan gave Harperthe sign to open her room, he was about to take action. Norah immediately did the same; he saw how Olivia was holding him, and taking her hands off his body became difficult, so he changed his mood toward Harper without Harper knowing about it. "Eh, Harper , Olivia is my wife, and I must go in with her; she needs me to sleep with, so allow me to satisfy my wife." He said doing so to create freedom from the both. Harper got surprised; she wasn't expecting such from him, so she removed her hands from him, as did Olivia. As Jonathan looked at the door being open, he ran into Harper room, dragged Harper in, and lucked the door.

"You both have played me, but don't think to catch any sleep to night. You have pranked me Jonathan ; I will get back to you soon." She went into her room, got her pillow and bedsheets, spread them around the door, and kept shouting at both Harper and Jonathan until she was tired and fell asleep. After the process the feeling of having Samuel around her went away, it was quench from her body, this mean she remain calm.

In the morning, Olivia opened her eyes and saw herself lying on the floor with her pillow and bed sheet spread on the floor. She also realized that Harper and Jonathan weren't awake; and wanted to knock on the door, but needed to gave them peace for the moment.

Before that, during the night, Olivia and Jonathan have slept in separate directions on the bed; Olivia took the right side of the bed; like wise Norah since they are related as family; as cousins, they maintain their limit.

Renee seeks Liam's intervention.

Her request of getting Jonathan attention wasn't granted; she had done all she could, yet it was not granted. Seeing that her mother wasn't in support of assisting her. she then sought the intervention of Hudson.

"He is your husband; why not get his attention yourself?" He said to her. Olivia just confuse and know not what to answered him, she sat with a mute situation, and later spoke up. "How will you expect me to speak to him, convince him that I still love him, where he has his mother's support? I don't just know what to do.Who knows if you are not backing your son?" She replied to him. Hudson, with his phone, he focus on what he was reading. She, on her side, seems to think it's a waste of time talking with him without providing her with a solution. She took offense, and the next thing she could do was stop him from going through his phone. "I am here asking you for an intervention toward your son's attitude on me; you kept mute and focus on your phone; does it mean I am mad by saying such?" She asked him.

He wonders how she collected the phone from his hands in order to get his attention. "You have been disrespecting me; you started this from the very time I was paving the way for you in the presidential election, which didn't go as planned.I condone that attitude, but I can't hold it any longer if you try doing so again. Imagine the manner in which you forcefully collected my phone from me." He pointed at her. "Look, I am not behind your frustrations; you have caused everything yourself. Jonathan has loved you with all his heart; he has cherished you right from the day he set his eye on you. What then do you do to pay him back? hate, threatening to divorce him, and the waste is to cause your miscarriage, thinking I don't know what's gone wrong." He added.

Olivia was shocked when she realized that Hudson wasn't really who she thought he was. "Am surprised you speak like this, wasn't you the one who never supported me being pregnant at first, you made me see every reason to take away the pregnancy, why now putting all blame on me?Mr. Hudson , I should not believe that you are a hypocrite, because you have started acting as one." She added.

Hudson nodded his head; he expected her to say so. "I expect you to say so, but as it is, Renee, your attitude and manner of handling my son, along with the disrespectful acts you have often committed in this house, have made me conclude about you that you are not genuine and that you can do more than expected."

"Watch what an elderly man like you says; is this really who you are? After you brought me to my shame, you left me there to suffer it alone without your help. Jonathan , your son, whom you had supported our marriage. is at home, busy enjoying himself with another lady; he has even threatened to divorce me and replace me with her. And you are here speaking like a child." She spoke angrily.

He turned with a face full of annoyance. "Young lady, don't insult me. The fact that we once had something on a political aspect in the past and had failed shouldn't give you reasons for saying such a word to me. Wasn't you the one who have plans divorcing him at first. Why complaining. Look here, he is a man, my only son, and whatever he does with his life is good for him. Go and clear your mess. Excuses me." He hissed at her and left; she had distracted his reading, so he shifted to a better place where she couldn't disturb him.

Olivia again followed him. Now he is approaching the sitting room, he stepped inside, and Olivia followed him. Unfortunately for Olivia, Isabella has been waiting for her in the sitting room. She got in, saw Isabella watching her move, and immediately Olivia got shocked.

"No, keep coming. I thought you were senseless. You would have followed him more and seen the other side of me." Isabella spoke, and she stood. "What do you want from us? You have rejected our son in the past; you made him feel like one who is already married to a monster. Why are you coming to shield your tears of regret to his parents, forgetting that as you have rejected him in the past, you have equally rejected us?He is our son, and we as his parents feel his pain." She shouted at Olivia.

"That's why I'm here to right my wrong, please intervene, the situation has started eating up my flesh, the worse of it all is that, I have lost my husband's attention, what he knows now is Harper, and I am confused." She report.

Isabella laughed aloud with her hands on the wall. "You are not serious; you regret your action because you didn't win the election; if you had, you wouldn't have come here seeking for help. Olivia, you need to amend the more, go home, and settle yourself. Because Jonathan is no longer yours and can't be yours, go and clear your mess." She repeated what Hudson had told Olivia at first. Olivia felt ashamed. She placed her hands on her head and said, "Does it mean I have lost everything? I have lost your help, including that of my mother.Truly the world has turned against me." She cried, seeing that no one gave ear to her request. She stepped out of the house in pain. Immediately, Oliva left. Isabella picked up her phone and put a call across to her son Jonathan. She narrated all that Olivia had displayed at her house and requested he continue to act that way with Harper until they could see Olivia's sincerity in being a changed person before revealing Harper true identity to her. Meanwhile, Hudson and his wife notice that Olivia has started regretting her past actions towards Jonathan and is ready to right her wrong, yet they still need to verify the degree of her regret.