

  After a long day of attending meetings, signing documents and making sure everything in the conglomerate was going on well, it was finally closing time and Jamal couldn't wait to get out of his office. He was feeling tired, so he didn't drive himself. He let his driver and a guard take him home.

  As they hit the road, he thought of going to see Adele, but on a second thought, he decided to dismiss the idea. They had separated that morning on a very bad foot and he didn't want to get her anymore upset that day. When she told him she was going to spend time with friends, he was happy. He had no idea she had any friends. But he was also worried that she would let the issue of their marriage slip and that would cause a lot of damage.

  Nevertheless, he trusted Adele. He knew she was never going to do anything that would implicate him, no matter how much she was mad at him. That was how kind she was.