

  Adele barged into their bedroom, fuming in anger and banged the door hard behind her.

  "Adele." Called Jamal, frightened, but she did not answer him. She just stood on her the spot, breathing hard and violently threading her hands through her hair as hot tears spilled down her cheeks.

  She was angry. She was furious and she was hurt by all the things Shannelle had said to her.

  "Don't you dare deny it!" Shannelle’s warning echoed in her mind. "What normal woman in her right senses will accept a man who hurt her so much back into her life without an ulterior motive? You're back to get your revenge against him aren't you?" The words sounded in her mind and she began pacing helter-skelter around the bedroom. By that time, Jamal had stepped down from the bed and he was watching her pace around in awe.