
The billionaire's son

I can't believe I accidentally married a billionaire son

DaoisteZ9omX · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs


immediately I got to the apartment,I packed some clothes that I might need for our stay in Greece.i rushed out like a cat being chased by a dog. in less than 3 minutes i was standing in front of the restaurant."I'm ready"I said smiling inwardly "ok shall we"he said extending his hands towards me"yes of course"I took his hands and we boarded a taxi to the airport.

when they go to Greece, they boarded a taxi to the address Prince's boss gave to them. after an hour drive they got to the place. it was a bungalow plated with white and pink and has little decorations on it. "here we are ". prince who is still gazing at the house told Lucy "wow this place is Elysium. "Lucy replied. "don't just stand there be a gentleman and pack those bags into the house "Lucy was irritated cuz prince left the bags at the front door. "yes ma'am but won't you help me? "prince said starting his lips and making a puppy eyes stop "no! I'll just stand here and admire this beautiful house and besides I'm zonked from our trip "Lucy smiled at herself "this house is very desirable" she exclaimed "Lucy come over here "prince called on Lucy

"one more word from you and I'll break your nose"Lucy yanked at him and held her fist up to his face. she growled at him before letting him go. "you can't do that "prince smiled "I'm your husband if you break my nose I want to look handsome enough to be called your husband "prince guffed "hahaha "Lucy left "and who said you are handsome? "she looked at him skeptically."please hurry up I'm starving and the only remedy I need now is a sumptuous meal "loose is mad at herself while imagining delicious food Greece have to offer. "there is a shower behind that door "prince interrupted "shut up dummy!"Lucy reprimanded him"I'll just pretend I didn't hear that from you "prince said, trying to resist the devil tempting him at the moment. "don't just stare at me get to work "Lucy commanded. "and trying to open this door but he won't budge" prince complaint."puff, you are not only a dummy but a lazy bone at that "Lucy cursed under her breath"move! "she ordered "she pushed the door open. "bingo! "she gave her self an applause for a job well done. "lazybones, I'm trying to open this door but he won't budge "Lucy mimicked him. "you!!! "prince screamed and chased her around the house screaming. "hahaha "Lucy laughed while running for her life. "crack! went the wooden chair "ouch!! "Lucy winced in pain karma "ru-ok prince asked "do I look okay to you "Lucy screamed "you are hot and you are still sounding arrogant "prince cost under his breath. "ok ok let me take a look, "prince took her swollen leg"it's just a minor injury, and you're screaming like a baby "prince told her. "shut up! "Lucy screamed "are you helping me or not please if you are just help me and don't insult me. "ok fine just give me a sec he brought them first aid and give it to her "here you go "he handed the bandage over to her "can't you be a gentleman for once "Lucy ask "help me out please "she rolled her ice "so you could actually lead "prince asked with a confusing look "please if you're helping me just help me and don't talk to me anyhow I thought it's none of your business "Lucy was very irritated ok fine let me have the bandage"."I'm done "now lie down and relax while I clean the second room will pass the nice day. prince explained "well I'm so hungry that can eat anything so please go out and get me something to eat ASAp"she commended."yes your majesty "prince bowed