

Ava, a hardworking and independent woman, is struggling to make ends meet while pursuing her dreams of becoming a successful writer. When she meets Jack, a wealthy and successful businessman, she is immediately drawn to him despite their different backgrounds: Ava's first encounter with Jack sets the stage for their romantic journey. Jack asks Ava out on a date, and she accepts despite her reservations about dating someone with such a different lifestyle. Ava's insecurities about their differences are brought to the forefront during their date, leading to a moment of vulnerability between the two of them. As Ava and Jack's relationship deepens, Ava struggles to balance her own ambitions with the demands of Jack's lavish lifestyle. Jack invites Ava to a fundraiser for a cause close to his heart, introducing her to his family and friends. Ava finds herself navigating the world of the wealthy elite for the first time.Jack's ex-girlfriend resurfaces, causing tension and doubts in Ava's mind about their relationship.Ava's past resurfaces when her estranged father reappears, causing a strain on her relationship with Jack. Jack's business dealings come under scrutiny, putting pressure on their relationship and testing their trust in each other.Ava and Jack's differences come to a head, leading to a crossroads in their relationship.Forgiveness and understanding are key as Ava and Jack work through their issues and come out stronger than ever.Jack proposes to Ava, cementing their love for each other and their commitment to their future together.The novel concludes with Ava and Jack's wedding, and a glimpse into their happy future together. Throughout the novel, Ava and Jack's love is tested by their differences in background and lifestyle, as well as external pressures and obstacles. However, they ultimately learn to overcome these challenges and grow closer as a couple, proving that love knows no bounds.

Samuelmercy · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs



The news of Jack's critical condition was devastating, but the news of his death was almost too much for Ava to bear. She cried for hours, unable to process the fact that her beloved husband was gone. But as the tears dried, deep anger took hold of her. She vowed to get revenge on the person who had taken Jack from her.

It wasn't long before the phone rang, and Ava hesitated before answering, unsure if she was ready to face any more bad news. But it was the detective from the police station, the same one who had interviewed her and Jack about Tony's death. He had some information that he wanted to share with her.

"Ms. Martin, I'm sorry for your loss. We are doing everything we can to find the person responsible for Jack's murder. But I wanted to give you a heads-up. We have reason to believe that this same person is targeting you."

Ava's heart raced as she listened to the detective's words. "What do you mean, targeting me?" she asked.

"We've received a few anonymous tips that suggest the person who killed Jack is after you now. We believe that he or she is responsible for Tony's death as well. It's possible that this person has a personal vendetta against you or Jack, or it could be related to something else entirely. We're still investigating, but I wanted you to be aware of the situation."

Ava's anger boiled over. "I'll kill him myself if I have to," she said, her voice shaking with emotion.

"I understand how you feel, Ms. Martin, but please don't take matters into your own hands. We need to work together to catch this person and bring them to justice. I'll keep you updated on any new developments. In the meantime, please take precautions and don't put yourself in harm's way."

Ava hung up the phone, her mind racing with thoughts of revenge. She knew that she couldn't sit back and wait for the police to catch the killer. She had to take action herself.

She made a promise to herself and Jack's memory that she would find the person responsible for his death and make them pay. But first, she needed to escape from the hospital without anyone noticing. She couldn't risk being seen by the killer or any of his associates.

Ava waited until the middle of the night when the hospital was quiet and most of the staff had gone home. She slipped out of her room, careful not to make any noise, and made her way to the emergency exit. She had memorized the route beforehand, and she knew that there wouldn't be any security cameras or guards in her way.

The cold night air hit her face as she stepped outside, and she pulled her coat tightly around her. She had no plan, no idea where to go or what to do next, but she knew that she had to keep moving.

As she walked down the empty street, her phone buzzed in her pocket. She hesitated before answering, not sure if it was safe to do so. But it was the detective again, and he had more information to share.

"Ms. Martin, we've identified a suspect in the case. We believe that this person is responsible for the deaths of Tony and Jack and that he's after you now. His name is Marcus Jones, and he's a known criminal with a long history of violence and drug trafficking. He's been on the run for the past few months, but we're closing in on him. We've issued an APB and we're working with the FBI to track him down."

Ava's mind raced as she heard the name, Marcus Jones. She had never heard of him before, but she knew that he was the person responsible for her husband's death. The thought of him still out there, on the run, made her blood boil.

"Detective, what can I do to help?" Ava asked, her voice determined.

"We're tracking his movements and we have officers searching for him as we speak," the detective replied. "But we could use your help. We believe that you might be able to provide us with some information about him that could lead us to his whereabouts."

"Of course, anything to bring him to justice," Ava said, feeling a sense of purpose.

"Good. We'll need you to come down to the station tomorrow and give us a statement. In the meantime, please stay somewhere safe. We'll have officers guarding your home and your family's homes as well."

Ava thanked the detective and hung up the phone. She knew that she couldn't stay in one place for too long, not while Marcus Jones was still out there. She needed to keep moving, keep searching for any clue that could lead her to him.

As she walked down the street, she noticed a familiar face walking towards her. It was her brother-in-law, Mark.

"Mark, what are you doing here?" Ava asked, surprised to see him.

"I heard what happened. I came to see if you're okay," Mark said, his voice filled with concern.

Ava couldn't help but feel grateful for his presence. She had always been close to Mark, even after he divorced Jack's sister. He had been there for her during some of her darkest moments, and she knew that she could trust him.

"Thank you, Mark. I'm okay, but I need your help. The police have identified a suspect in Jack's murder, and I need to find him before he finds me."

"Anything, Ava. Just tell me what you need," Mark said, determination in his eyes.

Ava explained everything to Mark, telling him about Marcus Jones and the need to keep moving. Mark listened carefully, nodding in agreement.

"I'll do whatever it takes to help you, Ava. Let's find this guy and bring him to justice."

Together, Ava and Mark searched the city, looking for any clue that could lead them to Marcus Jones. They talked to people on the street, visited known drug dens and criminal hangouts, and even staked out abandoned buildings where they thought he might be hiding.

Days turned into weeks, and Ava grew more and more frustrated. She was no closer to finding Marcus Jones than she had been before. But just when she was about to give up hope, a glimmer of a clue appeared.

It was a phone call from an unknown number, and Ava hesitated before answering. But something in her gut told her to pick up the phone.

"Hello?" she said, her voice cautious.

"Ava, it's me. Marcus Jones," a voice said on the other end.

Ava's heart raced as she listened to the voice. She couldn't believe that she was finally talking to the man who had taken her husband's life.

"What do you want?" Ava asked, her voice shaking with emotion.

"I want to meet with you, Ava. I have some information that I think you'll be interested in," Marcus said.

Ava hesitated. She knew that meeting with him could be dangerous, but she also knew that it could be the key to finding him.

"Okay, I'll meet with you. But I'm bringing someone with me," Ava said, determined to protect herself.

"Fine. But come alone, Ava. Or else there will be consequences."

The line went dead, and Ava was left wondering that would it be safe to meet him alone.