

Myrah's life changed when she lost her father in a car accident. She was forced to marry Valentino Alexander, a cold, distant and ruthless billionaire. The future prosperity of her family's business depends on the arranged marriage. Life with Valentino was miserable as he made it clear to Myrah that she can never be his wife. Myrah found out that Valentino has a girl-friend called Caylee whom he loves. However, Myrah found her husband having sex with Caylee in their matrimonial home on their wedding night. Her wedding night became Caylee's. Myrah was heart broken, she couldn't do a thing about it. Caylee is pregnant for Valentino. She is not ready to have baby out of wedlock. Valentino promised to stand by Caylee. He demanded that Caylee must go for a pregnancy test. Would Myrah cope with the sexual involvement of Valentino and Caylee in her matrimonial home and the news of Caylee's pregnancy? Or would she divorce Valentino before the end of the one year contract marriage?

DaoistTt18no · Urbano
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268 Chs

Chapter 15

Myrah's POV 

Every experience a man has while living on this planet leaves a spiritual imprint.

Our honeymoon forever changed my life and gave me a glimmer of hope that maybe this marriage wouldn't be as bad as it first appeared.

After all, they say, bad starts lead to good outcomes.

I was quite unhappy to be returning to New York after an exciting vacation in the Seychelles, but we had to return home eventually.

I came to the logical conclusion that in the Seychelles, Valentino Alexander and I had essentially laid the groundwork for our relationship.

Our relationship was improving, and perhaps spending time by ourselves together had facilitated our transition to sharing a boat.

I wasn't sure if his attitude toward me and everything else was going to stay the same, but I had hoped that he at least now saw me as a fellow human being.

After arriving in New York in the afternoon the day before, I had to get up early the next morning to take a shower and get dressed.

I was eager to hear Valentino's instructions on charitable giving. By orienting me, he gave me the chance to speak with him more, so I had to seize the moment.

Despite having to be constantly watchful with my remarks, I enjoyed chatting with him. I worked really hard to make sure I wasn't being too intrusive or obtrusive.

I was preparing him breakfast in the kitchen at the time. I discovered while we were on our honeymoon that he did all the cooking, and I had never made a meal for him to eat.

I loved to cook, and I truly wanted him to like my creations. He needed to know that I wasn't ineffective.

Even though it was eight in the morning, the house was silent, and I wasn't even able to make out a single person.

However, I had definitely heard some noises coming from some of the upstairs bedrooms as well as Valentino's bedroom. I was aware that I was not by myself.

I cooked sandwiches with bacon, eggs, and cheese wholeheartedly. I made sure to put a lot of love into everything as a small thank-you for the fun I had on our honeymoon.

Although we did have our disagreements, we also had wonderful experiences that will live on in my heart forever.

Just in case he wasn't in the mood for coffee, I made a cup of both hot chocolate and coffee.

I had originally intended to arrange the table, but I changed my mind and decided to bring the breakfast to his room instead. I thought having breakfast in bed would be so sweet.

But I didn't want him to get the wrong idea. It was merely a kind gesture to show that I'm not a candidate for wife.

After putting the breakfast on a tray, I went to his bedroom. Although I had never seen his bedroom, I knew it had to be insanely cool because everything I had seen so far of his taste was impeccable.

He lived in a huge mansion. It would be easy to get lost. Even though we had been married for a month, I was still unfamiliar with many of the rooms in this large estate.

I softly knocked on his door while holding the tray in one hand to prevent it from falling. However, seeing his face when I woke up was the sweetest sensation ever, so I kind of wished we still shared a bedroom.

After a few knocks, the door was opened, but I was perplexed to see a young woman who I had never seen before.

She appeared to be my age or just a little younger. When I first saw her, my head was filled with all kinds of crazy ideas, but once I looked at her outfit, I realized perhaps I shouldn't have been so concerned.

The young woman was dressed in a stylish uniform, but it was unmistakably for maids. A maid was someone I had never encountered before in the house.

"Oh! She welcomed me enthusiastically and said, hello, Miss Dante," as if she had been looking forward to meeting me.

Miss Dante? Did she just say that?

I could only manage to mumble, "Uh," hi. What was she doing in my husband's bedroom, even if she was a maid?

Oh, please, Myrah, calm down. Even if your false husband has a maid, why would you care?

Right. Who am I to care? Or perhaps I would. The fact that he never saw me but did see a maid in his home was quite insulting.

Regina here. I've been a maid here for about two years now, working intermittently. I'm here to help, "Miss Dante," she said. She seemed like a pleasant woman, but I needed clarification.

The question "Miss Dante? I inquired while arching my brow. Not that I particularly desired to be addressed as Mrs. Alexander. All I needed to know was if she was aware that everything was a sham.

I'm really sorry if that offended you. The reason I thought Miss Dante would be more respectful than just calling you by your name is because Mr. Alexander asked us not to call you Mrs. Alexander since you are not really his wife, she said with her head hung low. She came off as embarrassed by what she was saying.

That hurt, to be honest. Yes, I knew I wasn't actually his wife, but it still hurt that he directed the housekeepers not to refer to me as his spouse.

"Oh!" Not to worry. I didn't take offense. I responded, pretending to smile to cover how pale I had turned. "You can call me Myrah," I said.

"Pardon me. She was still obstructing my view and my path, so I respectfully said, "I want to see Valentino."

She told me, "Mr. Alexander left last night."


"He did?" I inquired out of utter shock.

"Yes she continued. "He left for Paris and said he'd be back in a few days," and my amazement kept me from moving.

Regina saved the tray just in time when my hold on it slipped and the contents nearly fell.

"Take care, ma'am. Are you alright? She asked, her sweet expression laced with dread.

  "Are you kidding me? I questioned her while staring right into her eyes.

I'm being sincere. He traveled to Paris for business.

That was a blow to the stomach. I became instantly lightheaded, and my head began to spin. I briefly stumbled, but then I sensed support from the other side.

While hearing voices in the distance speak things I couldn't understand, heated tears began to well up in my eyes.

That lump, which had previously vanished from my neck, reappeared suddenly, this time larger. I was weak and irrelevant.

I felt duped. He simply left without telling me anything, and he had tricked me. I had complete faith in everything he said and thought he at least cared about me.

We appeared to have constructed our connection on sand, and it had already been blown away, contrary to what I had initially believed.

Okay, so perhaps I was overestimating the scenario and misinterpreting everything. Maybe he had been too preoccupied to tell me because it was a sudden and important trip. If that's the case, he must have left me a message.

Was the vacation a necessity? I questioned myself, turning my attention back to Regina. Another woman had joined us, although she was at least twenty years older than Regina and I. 

I was seated in the hallway on a white couch with Regina and the other woman on either side of me, though I had no idea when I had moved.

You don't appear well, ma'am. Perhaps you should go lay down. We'll make a doctor's appointment.

I grabbed her by the shoulders and said, "Regina, I asked you a question," my hands shaking as I searched her eyes for the response.

My heart hung on her response. It would either break or rest and be relieved. A week prior, the tickets had already been reserved.

I forced a hard swallow and shut my eyes as I experienced my poor heart breaking into countless fragments.

"Did he go by himself?"

"No, along with your siblings, Kyle and Caylee, he departed. Yes, there is a business meeting. However, Miss Caylee's birthday is coming up, and she has always wanted to celebrate in Paris. I'm not sure if this information is pertinent. Regina told me with a regretful expression on her face, It must have been a surprise.