
Rapidly Growing Affection

Diam strolled out in the front yard with his father as they discussed business and things to expand their empire. After discussing work, Dane Johnson then entered personal affairs matters.


"Yes father"

"Your mother and your sister came to me with grimy faces and said you insulted them because of a girl.

I don't want to side with anyone.

All I want to ask is everything about that girl.

Who is she, Diam?"

I know you too well. I've never, in fact, we've never seen you bring any of your women to the main mansion.

So, why is that girl different?"


Diam sighed deeply and then he responded to his father's questions.

"The only thing I can say is that she is working for me! She is my personal maid and other things combined!"

Dane Johnson"....."

Diam's father could not understand him. He was more confused than before. He looked at his son and then he said to him…

"I don't get you, Diam!

What do you mean by "personal maid and other things combined?"

"I just told you now, father. Exactly what that means!"

"And tell me, Diam.

Do you sleep with your maids now?

I mean, do you have s*x with your help now?

Should I be worried about the maids in this mansion?!"

Dane Johnson became serious all of a sudden. He was indeed lost and he could not understand what was really happening to his son. However, Diam became angry by his father's choice of words.

"What do you mean, father?!

What's my business with your maids?

Do I even know their names?!"

"What do you expect me to say, Diam?

I knew you weren't like that but you put those thoughts in my head, you know!

You said those confusing things to me just now and I just matched the words to form that in my head!"

"Don't worry about your precious maids, father. They are not worth it!"

"Ok son. If you say so! I will leave you to do your thing, ok?

Just bear it in mind that you should always be careful!

After sleeping with her...or them as the case may be..."


Diam stopped his father right there. He could not believe where their discussion was heading to.


I'm just trying to tell you to be careful, that's all!"


"Yes I will, father. I will be extremely careful and not create any trouble for the family.

Is that ok, father?"

"Mhm! I'm more relaxed now!"

"Thank you, father!"

"It's alright, son"

"You should go eat and get ready for work. You are already late"

"I won't be going to the office today, father. I have given instructions to my manager already. He will take care of today's appointments"


And why aren't you going if I may ask?"

"I'm taking Baby out!"

"...You are taking Baby out?

What Baby, Diam?

Have you made this young man a grandfather already?!"

Dane Johnson was stunned. He thought Diam was talking about an actual little baby.

"Oh! Sorry father. I didn't realize you didn't know her. That girl that is working for me, her name is Baby and she is not feeling too well today!

And why would you say you are a young man?

Are you that scared of becoming a grandfather?

Is that it, father?"

"Wait! Wait, son!

Is Baby her real name?!"

Dane Johnson just stared at his son and wondered if that day was April fool's day. He did not bother to answer Diam's question.

"Yes father. That's her real name!"

"Is that so?"


"It's really a unique name!

"That was exactly what I said to her. It's indeed a unique one!"

"And you said something about her not feeling too well.

What happened to her?"

"Oh! It's nothing that serious. It's just a woman's problem, that's all!"

"I see! Alright, I understand!

You may go in now and attend to her before your mother will use this opportunity to skin her alive!"

"Yes father!"


Diam entered his room and found Baby rolling on the bed with her hands on her lower body. She was having terrible menstrual cramps. She usually has the cramps every single month but with her medications, it lessened the pains.

*Wuuu…father... sniffs...mnnn*

She was rolling and crying right there on the bed and she could not think straight anymore. Diam rushed out to her and helped her sit up. He was really concerned about her.

"Hey! Hey, baby…?

Look at me, hm?

What is it?

Is the pain that serious?

Just look at you sweating"

"Yes... yes sir. Please I want to go and get...mnnn...mnnn...I want to get my drugs!"


"I don't have any of those drugs here and my sister will never give me even if she had any!"


"Sorry, Baby…

What about regular pain killers?

Would it help?"

Diam asked Baby while resting her head on his chest. Baby glanced at the man and nodded her head instead. She was too weak to speak up.

"Ok! I will get you my pain killers right now!


Diam laid Baby back on the bed and went into his bathroom and opened a drawer and then he brought out his pain killers for Baby to take. And then he went for a spring bottled water for her as well. He rushed into the room and helped Baby with the pain killer. He was really a gentleman. It was so sweet in there and baby could not thank him enough for his kindness.

"Can you eat now?

Should I get the maids for you?"

Diam asked Baby in an angelic voice. His voice was so soft and soothing in the ears. Baby looked at Diam and then she replied to him…

"Yes...sir, Diam.

Thank you for your care sir"

"It's alright. It's only natural! Lie down now let me inform the maids to bring the food up here instead."

"Ok, sir"

Diam used the land line to instruct the maids on what to do and in a few minutes time, their food was brought in, using a food cart. Diam started feeding Baby right there. She didn't want him to but the man did not take no for an answer.

Baby could not tell if she was there to serve him or the other way around. In all her twenty three years on earth, she had only received that kind of care from one person, which was her father.

They finished with their food and decided to sleep some more. But before they lay on the bed, Diam had already locked the door. He really wanted his peace. It's better to be safe than sorry!

"How are you feeling now, Baby?

Is it better?"

Diam asked Baby right there on the bed. They were staring at each other's eyes.

"I'm much better now sir. The drug is effective.

Thank you for your help sir"

"You are welcome!

Can't you really call me by my name and skip the title?"

Diam asked Baby while tucking a strand of her hair to the back of her ear.

"I'm sorry, sir Diam. I can't do that"

"You can! It's not difficult!"

"Your name...is too heavy for me sir!"