

Ever since James Barrington the third was a small child, he hated being told what to do. Yes, he was a rebel, a wild child. His mother died when he was in his teens, barely fourteen and his father… Well, suffice to say, he tried his best to tame James, make him into his image. He failed. Miserably. The more he pushed, the more James pulled. Then there was his grandfather. James’ father was his clone. To top it all off, he was the only child. The heir to the Barrington billions. Now his grandfather and father were setting an ultimatum. Give up his philandering and wild ways, get married and take over Barrington Enterprises. Or face being disinherit-ed. Even arranged for him to meet Marcy Davenport, eldest daughter of Richard Davenport, one of the richest and most influential families in Westwood. He loved his freedom he was twenty-six for heaven sakes. So, James being the rebel he was, promised himself to marry the first woman he runs into who didn’t know him from a bar of soap, just to shut the old men up. Destiny Johnson is a girl from the other side of the track. Growing up in a poor neighborhood, Destiny was used to having very little. Now she lives in a trailer park and works at a convenience store. James sets out to turn her into the perfect girl to impress his grandfather and father, the James’s as he calls them. But as he tries to change Destiny to fit his mold, she is slowly changing his universe around. With her different outlook on the world, she slowly reels James in, making him into the man he was meant to be. Call it fate or call it Karma… An accidental meeting changed both their lives in an instant.

Charmeleon · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
128 Chs

Like a Virgin


She really had no idea what she was doing to me. Damn, what have I gotten myself into? I can’t remember when last I had a girl as innocent as Destiny. I think when I was thirteen. No, scrap that. That girl took my innocence, and she was three years older than me. She was no innocent little virgin that’s for sure, I remembered and grinned. What was her name again?

“James?” Destiny broke me out of my thoughts.

“Yeah? Sorry, I spaced out for a moment.” Watching me with those big olive-green eyes of hers while sucking on her milkshake… Oh, my God, James! Stop it! This girl drove me nuts! I wanted her, that thought sobered me enough to choke on my beer.

I spluttered and coughed, tears stinging my eyes.

“Gosh! Are you alright, James?” She got up to pat my back, her cleavage almost in my face. God, she smelled amazing. I wanted to press my face against those pretty mounds.

“I’m fine…just fine.”

She handed me a napkin to wipe my face, trying to hide her smile. She had no idea how gorgeous she looked. Destiny was dangerous. I thought about our age difference, she was still so very young. I had eight years on her. But most girls of her age were experienced, although I was sure she wasn’t.

“Are you a virgin?” I blurted out my innermost thought.

“What?” she looked around in shock. Was it a secret? “James? Why would you ask me that?” she lowered her voice.

I shrugged. “I was just curious. It’s no big deal.” But apparently it was for her. Her cheeks reminded me of red apples the way she blushed.

“If you have to know, yes, I am.” She said, looking down at the table.

I reached for her hand. “Well, you should be proud of that, Destiny. Few people can say that at your age.”

She nodded. “I guess I’m just choosy.”

I squeezed her hand. “Nothing wrong with that.”

“But that doesn’t mean I will sleep with you, James,” she said, lifting those beautiful eyes to look at me. “I’ve said so in the contract. I agreed to be your wife in name only.”

“Sugar, I never said you had to. Relax.” I said, but to be honest, my ego felt bruised. Hell, I had no problem getting laid. I could snap my fingers and I would have a hot babe in my bed in seconds. Well, I wasn’t going to give up my lifestyle for a cute little virgin wife. No sir.

“Can we go home now? I’m bushed. Thanks for dinner and the date, James.” She smiled, “It was fun.”

Yeah, fun. Right. At least we gave the papers something positive to write about other than my usual fuckups. I’m sure the James’s will be pleased. Of all the women in the world Tiffany had to show up and almost ruin everything. She got what she deserved though, I thought, smiling back at Destiny.

“Sure. Tomorrow, we need to be on top of our game.” I paid the bill and left a generous tip. “My grandfather can be intimidating, and he’ll be the one to convince.” I just prayed the old bugger won’t scare Destiny off. He was such a mean old bastard.

“I’m a bit scared, James. What if they don’t like me?” she asked, biting her thumbnail.

I watched her out of the corner of my eye while driving back.

“Stop worrying about it. You just follow my lead, like we did in front of the reporters.” I said, winking at her.

“Oh, my God! Are you going to kiss me like that in front of your father?!” she squealed.

“No, of course not.” I said, hearing her breathe out a sigh of relief. “I’m going to kiss you much more intimately and hotter than that.” I said, teasing her.

“Aah! James, you’re such a tease.” She said, then clapped her hands over her mouth, realizing how bad that sounded.

“Am I now?” I laughed.


“Just remember to breathe. You look like you want to throw up. Do you? Must I stop the car?” We were on our way to the Barrington Estate. Destiny looked fabulous, the perfect picture of sweet innocence. No matter how I tried to make her look elegant, she managed to look like a virgin.

She had her hair done up, revealing her long, slender neck. I gave her a damn expensive set of earrings and necklace which she refused to wear because it was too expensive. Too expensive. She opted for a cheap chain with a butterfly pendant, her own, of course. Heaven, help me!

“No, I’ll be okay.” She said, smiling faintly.

Ever since our date last night, I couldn’t get her out of my head. I even dreamt about her, making love to her and woke up with a hardon I took care of in the shower. Shit! I don’t need this. I wasn’t about to let myself be tied down, and she was too young and innocent anyway. Not my type. But I must confess, thinking about being her first, guiding and teaching her to my hand, was damn exciting.

“You don’t like your grandfather by the sound of things. Is he really that bad?” she asked, looking at me with those doe eyes.

I grimaced. “He’s eccentric and old-fashioned, I guess. And I am a disappointment to him, and to my father as well. Although Father’s not as bad, but I just wished he would stop being Grandfather’s puppet.”

Destiny never spoke about her parents, and I wondered why she was so reluctant. “And your parents? You only told me they were dead. What were they like when you were growing up?”

“My mother left my dad for another man, a rich man. I guess because we were struggling, and she got tired of it.” She looked out of the window at the passing scenery. “My dad drank. A lot.”

“So, are you saying they’re not actually dead?” I frowned at her.

She shrugged. “They might as well be. I haven’t heard from them in a very long time.”

“Did they abandon you?” The thought of her living in that filthy trailer being abandoned by her parents made me angry. I clenched my hands on the steering wheel until it hurt.

“Forget about it, James. I’ve moved on.” She smiled, but her eyes were cloudy.

“Yeah, we grow up in spite of our parents, don’t we?” I said. The Bentley sped down the country road as I put my foot down hard on the accelerator. I was eager to get this day done. The less time I spent with the James’s the better it would be for all of us.

“Are you ready, Sugar? We’re almost there.” I smirked at her as we entered the first gate of the Barrington Estate.

“Not really, but I’ll try my best.” She said, staring at the impressive expanse of land. “Wow!”

“Our estate dates back to the 17th century. And my grandfather as well.” I couldn’t help but joke, seeing the worried expression on her face.

She clicked her tongue at me. “You’re so bad, James.”

“I know.” I gave her my most evil grin and waggled my eyebrows at her, earning a giggle. God, she was so adorable.


I stopped the car in front of the four garages. If Destiny thought my house was huge, the Barrington House blew her mind from the wide-eyed look she gave me.

“Don’t look so frightened, Sugar. It’s just an old house. Mind you, I think this place is perfect for a horror movie scene.” I said as I opened the passenger door for her and gave her my hand.

“James, it looks like a castle.” She clung to my hand, “Are you sure about this?”

“Stop stressing, Destiny. You will charm them, and you look beautiful. I assure you; they don’t eat people. Well, I’m sure my father doesn’t.”

That earned me a slap on my bicep. I pulled her hand through my arm, and together we walked up the stone steps to the front door.

The old butler opened before I knocked.

“Master James, Miss… They’re expecting you in the solarium.” The old man bowed his head slightly. He tottered in front, leading the way. I shook my head. Grandfather should really let the poor man go on pension, he must be at least ninety years old and has been with our family since forever, like Grandfather’s driver.

Destiny’s eyes roved over the place as we followed Murray. I can understand that she felt intimidated by the rich interior of the mansion. It was a lot to take in, especially given her background. I found it overstuffed and gaudy at times. Too many antiquated furniture and horrible paintings of deceased ancestors. It was like living in a museum for goodness sakes.

“Well, will wonders never cease.” My grandfather looked up from his paper where he sat sunning himself. “James is actually on time.”