
The Billionaire's Cursed Heiress

Zara Hansley had always believed herself forsaken by the gods due to the terminal illness she was diagnosed with. Every doctor she visited had declared she would not live past her 23rd birthday. Yet, when left with only a few months to live, Zara found out that the root of her illness was a curse, one which she could break. Just like that, she was given a new chance at life—she had to scour the earth for the cure in just a few short months or succumb to her fate. Fate, however, was a funny thing—it brought her to a stranger that would alter the course of her life forever, and his life by her. Born to an ancient family, Amir Frostcrown was cursed to bring misfortune to any female around him. Not only that, he was able to hear the thoughts of others, thus further drawing a line between him and other ordinary folk. As such, while these abilities amassed him an enormous wealth over the years, he was destined to live a loveless life of solitude. That all changed when his and Zara’s paths crossed. As someone that was completely unaffected by his curses and abilities, Amir Frostcrown was immediately intrigued by this dying girl. One dream, one vow, and two curses. That was all it took for Zara to tumble from the world of reality into fantasy. Would she be able to find her cure in time? When secrets are revealed, would Zara and Amir Frostcrown stand the test of time? *** “We were fated to be from the beginning!” he amusedly declared as he looked at her dotingly, eyes sparkling and only her image visible in his blue eyes. “I don’t believe in fate!” Zara mumbled softly as she looked to the ground, afraid of facing him and the undeniable truth he spoke of. “But don’t you see?” Amir asked. “Isn’t fate what led us to this very moment?”

GEEGEE · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
153 Chs


Zara was excited as she scrolled through the familiar names, she had visited during the years she was roaming the online world secretly.

There were a few streamers she was looking for, and luckily, after a few scrolling, she found one of the accounts.

The streamer was not a popular one when compared to the famous streamers on Teltivity. Teltivity was more of an educational online streaming platform that banned any suspicious activities, especially those that were suggestive in terms of sex, violence and other disturbing activities.

The streamer was under the category of streamers who do handcrafts. And not a lot of people watched content like that despite it being educational.

People nowadays buy everything and rarely make it themselves. So, unless they are loyal followers and fans, it was difficult for streamers like the streamer PRETTYKNIT to be successful.

Fortunately for PRETTYKNIT, Zara's interest in her account made her famous, as thousands of people were currently watching everything that was happening on Zara's tablet.

"A lot of you might be wondering what is going on. I will try my best to explain to you as much as I can," finally remembering her viewers, Zara said as her gaze remained fixated on the tablet.

She couldn't see her bullet screen at all, so all she could do was talk to herself.

"A lot of you might have already guessed what I wanted to do when you saw those pretty sisters cutting the fabric."

"Your princess wants to sew something. Unfortunately, my hand power is weak and I have little knowledge of sewing. So today, I will be consolidating what I have so that tomorrow I will start making something."

"I might be slow, but I am going to make personally the handkerchiefs with my own hand."

"You might also be wondering why I am torturing myself like this when I can just buy them or instruct others to make them. This is actually something very important to me and I want to do it at least most of the process by myself."

"As you all know by now, I have been sick for a very long time. I have never done anything worthwhile for my family. Every single day they had to sleep worriedly, afraid that I might not make it the following day. They had to spend a lot of money just to keep me alive." Her eyes became teary as she said that.

Even the hand that was busy with the screen paused as the sad memories of all the years the unknown disease had tormented her surfaced in her mind.

"I was only a burden. In fact, I can still say that I am a burden. Even when I am alive like this, my parents are worried about me. To think that I might be the first child out of seven to die, how can I not call myself burdensome?"

"Even my grandparents are alive and very healthy. Why should I the youngest in the family, have to be like this?"

"So, for once, I want to do something for my family. I can't give them money; they don't lack it. So at least, allow me for once to be willful. Let me make something with my own hands. No matter what the future will be like, I want them to at least have something from me."

"Whether alive or dead, I don't want to be a useless and burdensome person. I want to applaud myself that at least I tried. I want to live daily knowing that I did it and that my family is proud of me," she said tearfully as she softly wiped the tears that were now streaming down her cheeks.

"I know that other people will say that I am being pretentious and all of this is an act. But let me tell you guys, I literally don't care about your pessimistic thoughts. As long as my conscience is clear, then whatever you think of me doesn't matter."

"All these words are for my family. I know that you are watching," Zara said as she forced a smile on her face, her mind getting filled with her mother's image. The woman she had caused tremendous pain to in these many years she had been bedridden.

"Wait for me at home. Your baby will return home and when that time comes, I will personally give you the hankies I made for you. I hope that you will like them!"

"I ….."

Once she started talking, Zara just couldn't find it in her heart to stop. After keeping so many thoughts in her heart all these years, she finally felt that she had found an outlet to just let it all out.

Watching all that was once again Lena, whose eyes were swollen from all the crying and lying in her husband's arms as her beautiful baby's voice sounded throughout the house.

Cade's expression was solemn as he looked blankly in the air, as his hand continued to caress Lena's back in an attempt to calm her down.

He was at work earlier, but when he received the butler's call about Lena crying her heart out earlier, his old heart nearly dropped.

He stopped everything that he was doing and rushed home. When he arrived, Lena was lying on the sofa, still crying as she watched their daughter's broadcast.

He didn't say a word but simply sat on the sofa and let Lena sleep comfortably before they continued to watch.

And now, hearing what his precious princess was saying, he felt a pang in his heart.

Her words hit where it hurt and knowing now that she knew what people thought about her, his heart ached even worse.

To him, his princess wasn't a burden. As long as the money was there, he didn't mind finding every trick in the book to keep her alive.

But he also understood that not everyone thought the same as him and Lena. They all felt that it was a waste. After all, in the fifteen years Zara had been sick, he had used over a billion dollars just to keep her alive.

His children, ex-wives and former mistresses didn't like what he was doing at all. Fortunately, he had the support of his parents, otherwise; he didn't want to imagine what the present would have been like if Zara wasn't here with them.

Seeing his precious daughter who had never raised a finger in her life to do anything planning to prick her soft and small hands just to sew hankies for him, Cade broke down.

Unfortunately, he couldn't show it openly. Lena was already swollen and heartbroken from everything she had seen today.

If he were to follow her steps and break down too, wouldn't the house be in chaos?

The agony our parents go through. Wish you well to all of you guys. You guys rock!

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