Yvonne Riley, a 25-year-old woman, finds herself living the dream when she marries her longtime crush-a man who has all the qualities any woman could wish for: loyalty, protective and undeniable handsome. However, her world shatters when she uncovers the shocking truth behind their marriage: it was a marriage born out of her dying sister's wish. Now faced with the complexities of love, betrayal, and unexpected motherhood, Yvonne must think about whether she can move forward.
Leo approached Dennis's messy body, witnessing the aftermath of Claire's revenge.
"Claire, you..." he began, but she interrupted.
"Where is my daughter?"
"She is outside," Leo replied, his gaze shifting between her blood-stained body and Dennis body. "The bathroom is over there; go and clean yourself up," he directed, pointing to his right.
In the bathroom, Claire slowly removed her gloves, muttering to herself, "I hope you enjoy yourself in the underworld." Her laughter echoes in the small bathroom.
She continued, "Julien, I have finally got revenge for you and revenge for myself," she declared. "Do you see how he looks? He was in deep pain as I was slashing him."
Claire proceeded to wash her face and hands, the water turning red.
Meanwhile, Leo, wearing gloves, observed Dennis's lifeless form.