
Chapter 6: A Dog’s Treasure…

A/N: My god... more than 2,000 hits! And only 6 chapters...

Chapter 6: A Dog's Treasure…

Nami and Sakura stared at the three in shock, they figured that Naruto was Luffy's brother… mostly because of the similar goofy smile, he gave Luffy… but Zoro and Sasuke… they knew they had to be that Sasuke and Zoro. Sakura seemed to stare at Sasuke blushing…

"What a hottie!" yelled Inner Sakura.

"Hey… are you two all right…" said Sasuke turning to them.

"Yeah…" said Nami.

"Um… what she said…" said Sakura blushing.

Sasuke sweatdroped... he hadn't seen a fangirl since he and Zoro left the Dojo… looks like another popped up.

"Hey Sasuke can you help us with this cage…" said Zoro.

"Okay…" said Sasuke with a scoff.

All three members of the crew began to examine Luffy's cage…

"I don't think I can destroy this…" said Zoro.

"Me neither…" said Sasuke.

"I can but…" said Naruto who went quiet… Luffy knew what he Naruto meant…

"Well… well Roronoa Zoro and Uchiha Sasuke… come to claim my bounty I see…" said Buggy.

"We quit pirate hunting…" said Sasuke.

"Well that's shame killing you two will put quite a feather in my cap… I think I'll go with Zoro first…" said Buggy.

"Should I?" asked Zoro.

"Be my guest…" said Sasuke.

Zoro and Buggy began their duel… Naruto continued to stare at his brother in the cage.

"There might be another way…" thought Naruto.

"I know there has to be kit… it will come… if not you'll have to do it…" said Kyubi.

"I don't like doing it…" said Naruto.

"Oh come off it, it's not like I take over your body… thanks to your Devil Fruit I can't…" said Kyubi.

"I know that but…" said Naruto.

"It's that "Aura of fear" thing isn't it…" said Kyubi.

"Yeah…" thought Naruto.

"Dear god!" said Kyubi.

"What?" thought Naruto.

"The fight… look at Buggy…" said Kyubi.

Naruto turned around and saw that Buggy was but into pieces. Buggy's crew began to laugh fro some reason.

"Oh… man…" said Naruto.

"Kit… there's something wrong…" said Kyubi.

"Your right… no blood…" thought Naruto.

Buggy's crew began to laugh for some reason.

"Why are they laughing… their captain was just killed…"

"Kit warn him I think I know the clown's Devil Fruit power… the Chop Chop Fruit… tell Sword Boy to run now!" said Kyubi.

"Zoro run!" yelled Naruto.

But it was too late, Buggy's arm, was floating in mid air… it stabbed Zoro in the side... Luffy's crew and the two thieves gasped at this site, the rest of Buggy's body began to reattached it self… Buggy was about to tell Zoro what was his power Naruto interrupted him by saying.

"He ate the Chop Chop Fruit, it allows him to be cut into pieces and not get killed… he can also control the piece as they can float…"

"Hey that's that was I was going to say…" said Buggy.

"Nice one bro…" said Luffy.

"Thank Kyubi's vast knowledge of the Devil Fruits…" said Naruto.

"Well as I was saying, his wound serious but isn't life threatening … this fight is over… unless the younger of the two wants to fight too…" said Buggy turning his attention to Sasuke.

"Hey big nose! Attacking from behind is cowardly!" yelled Luffy.

"Big nose!" yelled Buggy.

He shot his hand with a knife towards the caged rubber man… Luffy caught the knife in his mouth… then bit the blade in half.

"Buggy… I'm gonna clobber you1" said Luffy.

"He bit… the blade in half…" said Sakura shocked.

"That was freakn' awesome!" yelled Inner Sakura.

When Buggy's hand returned Luffy yelled "Everyone! Run!"

"Wait they came to save you!" said Sakura.

"Your telling them to run…" said Nami.

Sasuke, Zoro and Naruto stared at him… then understood the message.

"Roger…" said Zoro.

"Right…" said Sasuke.

"Awesome plan…" said Naruto.

All three went in different directions and fought the circus like pirates, Naruto used many of his clones while Sasuke used his swords, Zoro made his way ot the cannon… however Buggy's flying arms kept in getting in the way.

"Hey Clowny… why don't you us on!" said a Naruto whacking Buggy in the head.

"Why you pest…" said Buggy.

The flying arms headed towards the Naruto that hit him… however… the moment he was stabbed… he went poof and disappeared.

"Sorry but you have to be than that…" said Naruto.

Buggy stabbed another Naruto and the same thing happen… while Buggy was distracted Zoro flipped over the cannon… it was now pointing at Buggy's crew

"No way…" said Sakura.

"Naruto! Sasuke!" said Zoro.

The clones disappeared and the real Naruto headed the words the cage while Sasuke went ot check on the two girl.

"He you have a light…" said Sasuke.

"Here…" said Nami handing him matches.

"The cannon is still loaded…" said Buggy.

Sasuke lit the fuse and dragged Sakura and Nami near Luffy's cage. All of them waited for the cannon to fire… which it did and aimed towards Buggy's crew, now their main focus was getting Luffy.

"Who are these two any ways…" asked Sasuke.

"One of them is our new navigator…" said Luffy.

"I never agreed to that!" yelled Nami.

"Really that's great…" said Naruto, "Now we should work on getting you out…"

Naruto sighed, "should I…" he thought.

"Kit… their still alive…" said Kyubi.

Naruto's eyes were wide, "Buggy's still alive…" said Naruto.

"That's right brat!" yelled Buggy who appeared to be unharmed.

"Looks like we have to go…" said Zoro.

He lifted the cage up, however his wound began to bleed profoundly.

"Zoro…" said Sasuke.

"If you continue your guts will squirt out…" said Luffy.

"I'll just push them back in…" said Zoro.

Sakura rolled her eyes, "I'm doing because I owe all you one…" she said.

She quite literally grabbed the cage and began to carry it without a problem… scaring everyone but Nami.

"How…" said Zoro.

"Scary…" said Naruto.

Sakura hit in the head… hard… while still lifting the cage with her other hand.

Naruto began to rub the sore bump.

"Kit… never say that about a woman…" said Kyubi.

"Good point…" thought Naruto.

And so they fallowed Sakura where she was going… mainly because they didn't they'd loose Luffy again. After a while Zoro told them he needed to rest.

"You lost too much blood… didn't you?" asked Sakura as they all stopped in the middle of a street.

Zoro nodded as he sat down.

"I wonder where Nami went…" said Luffy.

"I don't know… but I'm sure it involves money…" said Sakura.

"Hey look a dog…" said Luffy and his sort attention span… the dog was sitting right in front of the cage… just standing there.

"I wonder if it's real…" said Naruto.

"It is…" said Kyubi.

"Who even cares…" said Sasuke.

Luffy poked the dog in the eyes… then the dog began to attack him… after it stopped Nami showed up.

"Hey…" said Nami walking up to the crew and her partner. "Are you sure this is a good hiding place…"

"Well isn't it our navigator…" said the boys.

"I haven't agreed to that…" said Nami with a sigh.

She tossed a key, "I stole it Buggy… think of it as my thanks… it's the key to the cage" she said.

"Thanks Nami!" said Luffy.

Just as Naruto was about to grab it the dog ate it. Everyone was surprised by this… then both Naruto and Luffy tried to the key back but no luck… the dog began to maul both of them, the high point was when Naruto was running around in circles as the dog was biting his butt and wouldn't let go.

"What you whippersnappers are you doing to Chouchou!" yelled angry voice, it was an old man who the mayor of the town named Boodle… who oddly enough looked like a poodle.

"What he going to say next… get off my lawn you blasted kids?" asked Kyubi as a response to the fact that Boodle used "Whippersnappers"

He took Zoro to his house to take a rest…

"Where did you take him?" asked Naruto.

"He's just sleeping… I told him that there's a doctor in a refugee shelter but all he said he needed to sleep…" said Boodle.

"It figures… when he's injured like that the best way to get better is for him to sleep…" said Sasuke.

"So all he has to do is take a nap and he's all better?" asked Naruto.

"Pretty much…" said Sasuke.

"Sop what' with the dog?" asked Luffy as Boodle was feeding him.

Boodle began telling the story of Chouchou, he belonged to the owner of the pet store at they were in front… but his owner died a long time ago, many people think that he's wait for his owner to return…

"But I don't think that… Chouchou's a smart dog… he's protecting the store for his owner… it's all he has left…" said Boodle, "This store is his treasure."

"That's so sad…" said Sakura.

"Poor little guy… even if he did bite my butt…" said Naruto.

"Your bum was on the dog, your bum was on the dog, be careful with the dog, because it might bite your bum…" sang Kyubi.

"Ha-ha… very funny…" thought Naruto sarcastically.

"No matter what I try to do he won't go to the shelter…" said Boodle.

Suddenly there was a roar…

"What's that?" asked Sakura.

"Moji… the beat tamer and his pet lion… run!" yelled Boodle.

Boodle ran away along with Sakura, Nami and Sasuke… Naruto stayed with Luffy… however…

"Hey Teme! Come help defend Luffy… he's in a freakn' cage…" yelled Naruto.

"Hey Chouchou… can you give me back that key…" said Luffy to the dog.

A weird man showed up riding a lion… both Luffy and Naruto stared at him.

"I am Mohji the beast tamer! I've come to finish off Zoro…" said the man named Moji.

"Is that a costume…" said Naruto.

"I think so…" said Luffy.

"Hey don't make fun of how I'm dressed!" yelled Mohji.

"Are those your ears…" said Naruto pointing to his hair style that looked like animal ears.

"No that's my hairstyle… and I'd like to ask if you don't make fun of it…" said Mohji.

"But I can right…" said Kyubi.

"He can't hear you I guess so…" thought Naruto.

"Good… he looks like a bunny…" said Kyubi.

"He does…" thought Naruto.

"I am the beast Tamer… I can control any animal…" he said and turned his attention to Chouchou, "Now boy shake!"

Chouchou stared at him… and then bit his arm.

The D brothers began to laugh at this.

"Now you to where is Zoro?" asked Mohji.

"No way!" yelled Luffy.

"Like we'd tell you…" said Naruto.

"Then die!" said Mohji.

Ritchie, the lion attack Luffy's cage, fortunately breaking letting Luffy free.

"That's great… I didn't have to transform into my full Kyubi form after all…" said Naruto.

"Yeah…" said Luffy.

However when they were distracted, Ritchie swatted them both… in a building… Luffy provided cushioning to Naruto.

Sasuke, the two girls and Boodle showed up a few minutes later.

"Are you two okay?" asked Sacra.

"They can't be… there' no way… look at what you did…" said Nami.

The building they crashed into was nearly destroyed.

"Um… well Luffy softened the crash for me so any injuries I had were minor…" said Naruto.

"And I can put together why these two aren't injured now…" said Sasuke.

Both Sakura and Nami sweatdroped.

"Well that bunny guy is looking for Zoro so we better go find him…" said Naruto.

"Right behind you bro…" said Luffy.

Once again Sasuke didn't lift a finger to help them.

"Their going to eaten by a lion…" said Sakura.

"They can handle…" said Sasuke.

As they were looking for Boodle's house they saw something burning… Chouchou's store… Chouchou was crying in front of it… covered in wounds, it looked like he tried to fight off the lion.

Both Luffy and Naruto stared at it anger…

"I can't believe that bunny man… he didn't… I can smell lion all over this fire…" said Kyubi.

"Luffy… let's go…" said Naruto.

Luffy nodded, "Your going to fight that lion…," said Luffy knowing his brother.

"You should handle the guy…" said Naruto.

Both went to look for Mohji... they found him… riding his lion. Both went into front of him.

"Oh it's you two…" said Mohji as if they were no threat.

"You made me do something I didn't want to do…" said Naruto.

"Really what?" asked Mohji in a mocking tone

A strange aura surrounded the island…

With the others…

"What's this feeling…" said Sasuke.

"I don't know… but I'm suddenly scared…" said Nami.

"Me too…" said Sacra.

"It's a Biju…" said Boodle.

"A Biju…" said Sakura and Nami at the same.

"A one of the tailed demons… there are nine…" said Boodle.

"I bet the power's coming from the Kyubi…" said Sasuke, "I wonder if this is why Naruto doesn't like fully transforming…" he thought.

With Buggy…

"What this I'm feeling… it feels like I should be scared… but what… this is strange…" thought Buggy.

Back with the D Brother's even Mohji and Ritchie were feeling this aura… they were both trembling… Luffy was immune to the aura's effects…

Naruto began to transform… he became a fox… an evil looking fox that was almost the size of Ritchie… a smaller version of the Kyubi… his clothes seem to vanish because of the transformation.

"You just made me transform to my full demon form…" said Naruto with his voice in a tone that sounded evil…

Mohji couldn't help to tremble fear… not knowing what will happen…

Next Time: After the fight with Mohji... Luffy, Naruto, Sasuke and Zoro begin their final battle with Buggy... with Nami, Sakura and Boodle's help but how much help will they be? Also Naruto explains to Sasuke why he doesn't like transforming into his full demon form...