
The Beta's Queen

Cheyenne grew up in a small pack. They kept to themselves and never had any real problems. She graduated high school a year early at the age of 17. She was starting her freshman year of college when her quiet little, small-town life got turned upside down. Her mother had a deep secret that she had kept this whole time and now it could cost her her daughter. After a visit from the Moon Goddess herself, Cheyenne is faced with a choice. One that is life or death not just for her but her kind as a whole. What will she choose?

Kayla_Wintczak · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
67 Chs

Chapter 61

Cheyenne POV

Waking up the next morning, I wiped the sleep from my eyes and stretched my whole body out. I looked over to see that Gunner was still asleep when an idea popped in my head. I grabbed a pen and paper and wrote him a note like he did to me. Only instead of a yellow rose I placed a heresy's kiss candy on top of it.

I quietly made my way out of the bedroom and closed the door softly behind me. Once I knew I was in the clear, I made my way down to the kitchen for some breakfast. It was still early and barely anyone was up. Mostly just the warriors going out for their own personal training or patrols switching shifts.

I was in the middle of eating my butterscotch chip pancakes when my phone rang. I took it out of my pocket and looked at the caller ID. It was an unknown number. Normally I would just hit ignore but something was telling me to answer it. So I slid my thumb over the green circle on the screen.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Is this Alida Romanov?" A male's voice on the other end of the line asked.

"Well that would depend on who the fuck you are? Not very many people know that name." I snapped.

"Boss, wir haben hier lebende." I heard another guy in the back. For some reason I knew it was German. I have never taken a foreign language in my life so how I knew that much surprised me.

The guy on the phone chuckled, "Look dearie, I'm not out to start any trouble. I just had a simple question for you."

"I'm not answering shit until I know who the fuck I'm talking too. Last chance before I hang up." I snapped back.

"My apologies miss. My name is Collin. I am the…king, for lack of better term, of the vampires." He said rather politely.

"How did you get my number?" I asked.

"All top leaders of each species must be able to contact each other. It's like an unwritten rule. It's just for emergencies purposes only, like when you were plotting against your father and he thought it was us. Nice work by the way." Collin laughed.

"Look I ain't got time for bullshit. What the hell do you want? You are interrupting my breakfast." I said with an agitated sigh.

"Forgive me your majesty. I might be cold and dead but I do know not to disturb a female while eating. So I will make this quick. The territory your father owned…" Collin started.

"You can have it, on one condition." I said.

"I'm listening." Was all he replied with.

"The humans within his territory remain untouched!" I demanded.

"Deal! No worries there, we are not as ruthless as we once were. Like what you read in stories or in movies. I promise if I hear anything about it happening, it will be dealt with accordingly. You have my word." Collin said.

"I guess since your word is all I have to go on, I will have to accept it. Now can I finish my breakfast please!?" I groaned.

"Oh, one last thing. The prisoners in the cellars?" Collin asked.

"They were left for you. Traitors to our kind as a whole. Do with them as you wish." I said coldly.

"Very well. You enjoy the rest of your meal and your day." Collin said politely again.

"You too. Goodbye." I hung up the phone, placed it down on the table, and went back to my pancakes.

After I finished, I was washing my plate when I heard a familiar voice coming in. I turned around to see Jax and Tora walking in hand in hand. It was so cute. I was so happy that Jax was able to get a second chance mate, even if she is of another species.

"Jax, I just got a call from someone interesting. I'm leaving it up to you whether you would like to talk about this privately or in front of Tora." I said.

They exchanged looks and then Jax said, "She's going to find out sooner or later anyways right?" I just shrugged and nodded my head. "Then we can speak here."

"Ok. Tora please let me know if you get uncomfortable or anything. I received a call from Collin. You know who that is right?" I asked looking at Jax.

Tora and I both saw Jax instantly tense up and his eye flash colors, but he just nodded his head once.

"Tora, I don't know how dragon mates are but with lycans or wolves, our mates do help calm us down when stressed or angered. Just rub small circles on his back, give him a hug, or just let him breathe in your scent." I suggested. Tora acted immediately and wrapped her arms around his waist. Jax lowered his head and inhaled her scent before exhaling and calming down. "Better?" I asked Jax.

"Yes, thank you. I haven't really explained how our mate thing with wolves works yet." Jax said rubbing Tora's back.

"You good to continue?" I asked.

"Yes go ahead. You got a call from Collin. What did that bastard want?" Jax asked.

"He wanted to know about the territory across the pond. The one we ditched." I paused to gauge his reaction. When he didn't say anything I continued, "I told him that he could have it. He also asked about the prisoners, told him he could do what he wanted to them. But I did make him promise that no humans were to harmed within that territory." I finished.

"Good job. I really would like to see Koda in a maid's outfit now that you mention it." You could see the gears turning in Jax's head and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I got one you can see later." Tora teased.

"WHOA! Ok on that note!!!! I gotta go see my mom." Jax and Tora laughed a bit and then we said our goodbyes and I headed off.

I had already confirmed with Alpha Nik and Alpha Brock that my mom would be released today since Chelsea would have a few rounds of the truth potion done. Chelsea had given me one dose last night at dinner and wouldn't stop thanking us for the attic space. She went on and on about how it was just perfect. I was glad that it worked out for her.

The guard at the entrance to the cells just gave me a slight nod as I passed by. I had already packed a sack with some clean clothes for my mom to change into, and I knew she had showered already too.

"I'm not here to talk to you. Just wanted to bring you some clean clothes. You will be released today into Alpha Brock's custody. You will also have to take a potion every day for the rest of your life. Alpha Brock will explain more in detail and will set up the time and place for you to go and receive it within the Wolf Claw territory." I said as I tossed her the sack between the bars.

"I'm so sorry Chey. You never deserved any of this." My mom wiped her tears away.

"Day late and a dollar short momma." I said and then turned and walked out. I informed the guard that Alpha Nik and Alpha Brock would be arriving soon and that she was being released to him. He said he would make sure the transition went smoothly, to which I thanked him for.

When I went back inside, some kids were now up and eating breakfast. 'Hmm I wonder when that guard ever eats. He's been there every time I have.' I thought to myself.

"Send the kids out with some fruit and donuts or something." Koa said.

"You're a genius Koa." I smiled.

Koa ruffled her coat before responding. "Oh I know."

So I called a few kids over and told them to take a tray of food out to the guard. Each one of them smiled, nodded, and took off. I watched them as they loaded up a tray for the guard with the help of some of the parents, who would occasionally send me random smiles.

I was going to check out some property today with Gunner for Jax and Tora. Gunner claimed he knew the perfect place for them. He told me it would need to be fixed up a little but it was a good starter place for them, at least until Tora feels more comfortable being around everybody all the time.

I still had my sisters trail on my mind, and the meeting the alphas tomorrow was coming up fast. I just hoped that I was prepared to face them. If you would've told me just 2 years ago that I would be living this life right now, I would have laughed in your face and sent you to the nut house.

I went back up to the room to see if Gunner was still sleeping. I figured he would have mind linked me by now if he was awake. Once I got there, I quietly opened the door and poked my head in. The bed was already made and he was gone. Where could he be?

I checked the bathroom and even the closet but he was nowhere in here. Maybe he's in Alpha's office, so I headed in that direction. When I knocked on the door, nobody answered.

"Oh for the love of all things holy." I groaned.

"Babe? Where are you?" I finally asked threw the mind link.

"Making sure you're mother gets transferred safely. I knew you didn't want to be around so I didn't say anything. I was going to come find you after this." He said with sincerity.

"Thank you for doing that. I'll be down in the living room waiting for you. I wanna go check out that property for Jax." I said.

"Ok. See you soon." He said and then cut the link off.

I made my way down to the living room and sat on one of the couches. I was flipping through some channels trying to find something to watch on a Sunday morning. How is it we have over a hundred channels and there's nothing on!? I wondered to myself. I had just turned the tv off when I heard a high-pitched squeal from the playroom.

I saw a couple of parents rushing over so I just figured they had it covered. It was their kids not mine right. Within a matter of minutes of the parents entering, I started hearing them yelling at each other. I jumped up and went over to see what was going on.

"What the hell is going on in here!" I shouted over the two sets of parents yelling at each other. Both mothers were holding their children by their sides. One was a little girl with a tear-stained face with green eyes that reminded me of my own. The other was a boy who looks a couple years older who's face was red with anger.

"Sorry miss. We were just…" One of the fathers started but I held my hand up to quiet him.

I knelt down, took both their hands in each of mine and said, "Kids, I want you both to go sit at that table over there. I will be with you two in a minute."

After the kids walked off, I stood back up between the parents and looked at them both.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys? Fighting in front of babies like that? What kind of example are you setting for them!?" I said threw gritted teeth trying not to be too loud.

"His asshole of a son punched my daughter!" One father spoke up.

"His bitch of daughter kicked my son causing him to trip and fall!" The other father said.

"First off, they are children. Shit like this is going to happen! Do either of you have siblings or even remember your own childhoods? Good or not, you should not be fighting in front of them. You two wanna bash each other's brains in, then by all means go for it. OUTSIDE! IN PRIVATE!" I glared at both of them.

The mothers were still glaring at each other thinking they were going to get off easy. HA wrong! I took a step forward to stand between them, and both looked at me.

"And as for you two. I am extremely disappointed in both of you! I understand your motherly instincts are to protect your pups. But use your fuckin heads! You both should know better than to let two grown ass men fight in front of them!" I took a couple more steps forwards and then turned around to face all of them.

"Did any of you ask them why she kicked him in the first place? I understand that he hit her in retaliation for her kicking him and causing him to trip. But why did she kick him? What prompted that action?" I asked and all their heads hung and looked straight at the ground. "Thought so. Everybody so quick to fuckin judge that you don't get the full fuckin story. Now all of you get the fuck outta here and go sit your puppy asses down while the big dogs take care of business!" I ordered.

Both sets of parents walked back out into the living room while I made my way over to the kids. I sat between them and started asking questions. Come to find out, the boy had been picking on her and she got tired of it so she kicked him. I explained what bullying was and that it will not be tolerated. I let him off with a warning but told him that if it happens again, he wouldn't be allowed back in the playroom for a while.

I made the kids hug it out and both apologized to each other. I walked them out to their parents and informed the parents of what the kids had told me. The boy's parents were completely dumbfounded. The boy wrapped his arms around his parents legs and apologized profusely making me wonder why he seemed so scared to be in trouble. I told Koa to remind me later to talk to Alpha Nik about this and have him check into it.

After they all left, I heard someone clapping by one of the doorways. I looked over and saw Gunner standing there with a big smile on his face.

"What's your deal?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"I heard the whole thing. When I heard you going off on the parents, and knowing how good you are with kids, I figured you had this handled by yourself. And that," He paused to kiss my forehead, "that was amazing. I got the best mate ever!" He smiled again.

"I would beg to differ. I think I got the best mate ever! One who doesn't smother me, isn't treating me like I'm some helpless pup. It's amazing." I smiled back.

"I just don't wanna piss ya off. I've seen what you can do, and I'd like to remain in one piece." He teased.

"Haha very funny. Can we go look at that house now?" I asked.

"Sure thing." He nodded and then we walked out to the car.

We had been driving for a minute and I was taking in all the sights. We were in part of the territory that I haven't been to yet. It was beautiful. Forest for miles, wildflowers along the road and randomly in the forest where the spots of sun peaked through. Birds were chipping everywhere. I was waiting on Snow White to appear but she never did.

"Are you ok?" Gunner asked resting his hand on my leg.

"Huh? Oh, yeah I'm fine. Just thinking." I said turning my attention back out the window.

"Babe, you are never this quiet. What's wrong?" He asked.

I sighed in defeat, "It's that little boy. The way he acted when I told the parents what had happened. It was like he was scared."

"I already took care of it. Don't worry. I told you, I saw and heard the whole thing. Don't trouble your little mind with it." Gunner smiled and grabbed my hand.

He was really the best mate ever. I smiled back and then looked back out the window and that's when I saw a cottage sitting a ways back.

"Is that it!?" I asked excitedly.

"Yes it is." Gunner chuckled.

He pulled the car up to the front of the house and I was unbuckled and out of the car before he even had it shut off. I ran up to the front porch and was looking all around. He was right. This is perfect.

"Now like I said, it does need some work. But I figured Jax wouldn't mind something to do to keep him busy when she returns back home." Gunner said.

"It's perfect babe. They're going to love it." I said hugging him.

Gunner took me on a tour of the house and we talked about all the renovations that would need done. Luckily the foundation and the bones of the house were still good. A few windows needed to be replaced and the front door. The porch would need to be completely redone but that would be easy enough. Other than that it was just a lot of clean up from years of dust and neglect.

Both of our phones went off at the same time and we both looked. We got the same text from Alpha Nik telling us to get back to the pack house. I groaned and Gunner laughed at me before picking me up and carrying me back to the car.

Once we were back, we headed straight to the alpha's office where him, Beta Derek, and Ben were already waiting on us. Gunner asked what was going on and that's when Alpha Nik and Alpha Brock just stared at each other.

"Seems like we have an issue." Alpha Nik said.

"Like what?" I asked sitting down.

"Gunner had mind linked me earlier when you were dealing with the children and their parents. Nice work by the way. So I started my own investigation into the boy's parents." Alpha Nik started. "Looks like the boy's father is a drunk. A mean drunk at that."

"Enough said. Can you do anything?" I asked.

"We can try but if the mother doesn't press charges then not much we can do until we get solid evidence of him actually beating the boy or the mother." Alpha Nik said.

"I understand. Inform the boy's teachers and friends of the family. See if they can get pictures of bruises or something." I said.

"Good idea. Don't you worry about this case sweetie. Derek, Ben, and I will handle it. It is a pack issue, not a widespread issue. No need to add more to your plate than there already is." Alpha Nik reassured me.

"Thanks Alpha." I smiled and nodded.

Although the first half of the day was rough, the rest of the day went really smooth. Gunner and I met up with Jax at lunch and then headed out to what was going to be Jax's new home. I was right, he loved it. He even face timed Tora to show her and, well let's just say Jax is going to have his hands full. This girl has one hell of an imagination. He definitely had his work cut out for him.